Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Swift Skiffs—Janthir

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Swift Skiffs—Janthir

Interactive map

Interactive map

Complete the course as quickly as possible!

— Adventure objective

Swift Skiffs—Janthir is an adventure in Janthir Syntri, in which players need to move through all the rings as fast as possible while operating a skiff or riding a skimmer.


Youtube.png Search YouTube for videos related to Swift Skiffs—Janthir.
  • The objective is to move through the rings in sequence using a skiff. The next ring is shown on the map (Event checkpoint (map icon).png) using an orange flag on a black circle. The adventure ends at the final ring, which takes you across a finish line.
  • It is not necessary to use a skiff, as using a skimmer also registers for the checkpoints.


First-time reward[edit]

Reward tier Time Experience Reward
Gold < 1:40 48,006 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngJanthir Syntri Adventure: Gold
Silver < 2:00 32,004 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngJanthir Syntri Adventure: Silver
Bronze < 3:00 21,336 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngJanthir Syntri Adventure: Bronze

Daily reward[edit]

Reward tier Time Experience Reward
Gold < 1:40 48,006 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngJanthir Syntri Adventure: Gold
Silver < 2:00 32,004 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngJanthir Syntri Adventure: Silver
Bronze < 3:00 21,336 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngJanthir Syntri Adventure: Bronze


Starting the adventure with Tranquil Beck
Been looking for someone to travel down the river to help map out this region! Have any time to spare?
Talk ready option.png I do! Let me get my skiff ready.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, not at the moment.
Upon successful completion
One of the following:
Clear Horizon: You made it!
Clear Horizon: You've mastered the current.
Clear Horizon: We know the isle better now. And because of that, the safer we are.

Related achievements[edit]


  • Approaching the adventure for the first time grants the achievement, which in turn unlocks the option to get teleported to the starting point by speaking to the Adventure Scout Roving Stump.
  • Starting the adventure will automatically seat a player in their skiff at the starting line.
  • The related achievement and the Adventure Scout's dialogue call the adventure "River Mapping" instead of "Swift Skiffs".