Time Trial: Flying Dolyak

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Time Trial: Flying Dolyak

Event maps
Flying Dolyak map.jpg

Complete the course as quickly as possible!

— Adventure objective

Time Trial: Flying Dolyak is an adventure in the Labyrinthine Cliffs in which players need to run through all the rings as fast as possible using aspects. This is the adventure version of the Flying Dolyak Race, with identical mechanics and course. However, the adventure is able to be activated at any time when the race event is not currently active.

Getting there[edit]

Once at the Labyrinthine Cliffs, the adventure can be started by talking to the Time Trial NPC near the boat ramp on the dock side near the Bazaar Docks waypoint. However, the adventure is disabled during the Flying Dolyak race.


Youtube.png Search YouTube for videos related to Time Trial: Flying Dolyak.

The objective is to run through the rings in sequence using the aspect skills. The adventure ends at the final ring. No mounts are allowed on this race. A full walkthrough can be found on the race page.


First-time reward[edit]

Reward tier Time Experience Reward
Gold 2:00 0 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngFour Winds Race: Gold
Silver 2:30 0 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngFour Winds Race: Silver
Bronze 4:00 0 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngFour Winds Race: Bronze

Daily reward[edit]

Reward tier Time Experience Reward
Gold 2:00 0 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngFour Winds Race: Gold
Silver 2:30 0 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngFour Winds Race: Silver
Bronze 4:00 0 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngFour Winds Race: Bronze


You can practice the course while the race is being set up. Ready to set a new lap record?
Talk ready option.png I'm going for speed.
Talk ready option.png The illusion wore off. Can I get another to finish the race?
Talk end option tango.png I'm not really the racing type.

Related achievements[edit]