Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Lowland Shore: Hide-and-Seek Challenge

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Lowland Shore: Hide-and-Seek Challenge

Harvest Den
(Lowland Shore)
Time limit
Interactive map

Interactive map

Find as many kodan cubs as you can as quickly as possible without cheating!

— Adventure objective

Lowland Shore: Hide-and-Seek Challenge is an adventure in Lowland Shore. The player must search for Kodan Cubs hiding around the town.


When running this adventure, the Kodan Cubs will have an Magnifying glass indicator only after the player is within range of them. Over the course of the adventure, the player will receive four hints of where the cubs are hiding in the form of pings on the mini-map. The first, second and third hints are provided after a 1 minute and 30 seconds interval. The fourth and final hint is provided after a 30 second interval. Using the Warclaw Sniff skill will also ping any nearby cubs.


First-time reward[edit]

Reward tier Cubs found Experience Reward
Gold 12 48,006 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngLowland Shore Adventure: Gold
Silver 8 32,004 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngLowland Shore Adventure: Silver
Bronze 4 21,336 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngLowland Shore Adventure: Bronze

Daily reward[edit]

Reward tier Cubs found Experience Reward
Gold 12 48,006 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngLowland Shore Adventure: Gold
Silver 8 32,004 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngLowland Shore Adventure: Silver
Bronze 4 21,336 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngLowland Shore Adventure: Bronze

Kodan Cub Locations[edit]

Kodan Cub Location Image Map Location Description
Kodan Cub 1 Kodan cub hns 1.png Kodan cub hns 1 map.png
Kodan Cub 2 Kodan cub hns 2.png Kodan cub hns 2 map.png
Kodan Cub 3 Kodan cub hns 3.png Kodan cub hns 3 map.png
Kodan Cub 4 Kodan cub hns 4.png Kodan cub hns 4 map.png
Kodan Cub 5 Kodan cub hns 5.png Kodan cub hns 5 map.png
Kodan Cub 6 Kodan cub hns 6.png Kodan cub hns 6 map.png
Kodan Cub 7 Kodan cub hns 7.png Kodan cub hns 7 map.png
Kodan Cub 8 Kodan cub hns 8.png Kodan cub hns 8 map.png
Kodan Cub 9 Kodan cub hns 9.png Kodan cub hns 9 map.png
Kodan Cub 10 Kodan cub hns 10.png Kodan cub hns 10 map.png
Kodan Cub 11 Kodan cub hns 11.png Kodan cub hns 11 map.png
Kodan Cub 12 Kodan cub hns 12.png Kodan cub hns 12 map.png


Hey there, outsider. You up for a game of hide-and-seek with some of us?
Talk ready option.pngI'm in!
Talk more option tango.pngTell me more...
Well, you know... A bunch of us will hide, and it's your job to find everyone as quickly as possible. We'll even help you out by giving you an easy way to know it's us when you get close.
Talk end option tango.pngSorry, I can't play right now.


  • On Janthir Wilds release, the two cubs near the training grounds could be killed by players whose teams had been switched when participating in the training to fight the local kodan, preventing completion of the Adventure. This was later hotfixed server-side without the need of an update.