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Free Kryptis Essence

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Free Kryptis Essence

The Commons
(Inner Nayos)
Time limit
Interactive map

Interactive map

Free as much Kryptis essence as you can. Each bit of essence freed restores your mount's energy, allowing you to fly longer without landing.

— Adventure objective

Free Kryptis Essence is an adventure in Inner Nayos where you have to fly around with your Skyscale and collect Trapped Kryptis Essences in the air. Collecting an essence will refresh your energy, so you can ascend further. Around the essences there are multiple Kryptis Sweepers that will create a strong gust of wind to push you away.


  • Free as much trapped Kryptis essence as you can!
  • Bronze: 0/10
  • Remaining: 0:59

Upon starting the adventure, you have 20 seconds to collect the first essence for the actual 60 seconds start.

  • Free as much trapped Kryptis essence as you can!
  • Bronze: 0/10
  • Get into position! Adventure begins when an essence is freed or timer expires:
  • 0:20

Getting there[edit]

From the Forward Bivouac Waypoint use the updraft to launch you into the air, and fly over to the adventure in the east.

Unlike the other adventures in Inner Nayos, to unlock this adventure you must have played all of Chapter 14 up to "The War Council".


First-time reward[edit]

Reward tier Essence Experience Reward
Gold 19 60,008 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngFree Kryptis Essence: Gold Inner Nayos- Citadel of Zakiros (achievements).png Free Kryptis Essence: Gold
Silver 15 42,672 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngFree Kryptis Essence: Silver Inner Nayos- Citadel of Zakiros (achievements).png Free Kryptis Essence: Silver
Bronze 10 26,670 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngFree Kryptis Essence: Bronze

Daily reward[edit]

Reward tier Essence Experience Reward
Gold 19 48,006 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngFree Kryptis Essence: Gold
Silver 15 32,004 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngFree Kryptis Essence: Silver
Bronze 10 21,336 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngFree Kryptis Essence: Bronze


Approaching the adventure
Phaethon: Please, bring peace to my brothers and sisters. Will you?
Talking to Phaethon
The essences of those who fled tyranny are trapped. I cannot reach them, but perhaps you can? There is scant time before they are lost forever, I fear.
Talk ready option.png I can help you.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry. I'm not able to help right now.
Talking to Phaethon during the adventure
Please, free the essence before the chance escapes us!
Talk ready option.png On it!
Starting the adventure
Phaethon: Many feld imprisoned by our king's wall. Their attempts at escape resulted only in death.
Phaethon: Please, their souls cannot survive long like this—free them as quickly as you can, before their essence succumbs.
Sometimes, upon collecting the fifth essence
  • Phaethon: Finally, free from your prison.
  • Phaethon: I'll sing your memory at Eventide's.
When the adventure ends
Phaethon: Thank you, liberator. You are ferocious, yet you foster tranquility. Your actions echo throughout Nayos.


After completing The War Council, on entering Inner Nayos for the first time after the May 21, 2024 game update, the following mail is sent to players:



Victims of the Fog

Friend of Lady Peitha,

Before your arrival, I stood on the edge of the fog, watching helplessly while my own succumbed to its toxicity as they attempted to flee. Now that the fog has lifted, their essence is trapped, and I am unable to help.

I seek someone who can end their suffering. Come find me; your aid is crucial.

Message transcribed by Ward Member Benan.

I wait to the east, high on the cliffs.

Interactive map


  • Collecting an essence applies Torment.png Torment, so if you get any other damage, it is possible to get dismounted from your skyscale during the adventure.
  • Avoid the gust from the Kryptis Sweeper since you cannot dash through it.

Related achievements[edit]