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Flying Circus

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Flying Circus

Event maps
Flying Circus getting there.jpg

Getting there

Glide through the glowing rings and reach the finish line as fast as possible!

— Adventure objective

Flying Circus is an adventure that starts at Uprooted Paradise (between The Doomteeth and Blighted Depths) in Verdant Brink. Upon beginning the adventure, checkpoint rings will light up and display the adventure icon until the player passes through them.

Getting there[edit]

Youtube.png Search YouTube for videos related to Flying Circus.

From Waypoint (map icon).png Mellaggan's Valor Waypoint, head north-west and take the Bouncing Mushroom up to Uprooted Paradise (or climb the vine that goes through the crashed airship). The adventure is located within a hollow tree trunk on the northern edge of the platform.

The NPC at the start says: "This adventure requires daytime and Quaggan Outpost Complete." but a completed Outpost is no longer required.

The adventure spans a large part of Verdant Brink around the Ordnance Corps outpost, and requires you to navigate through rings with the glider. Along the path are yellow cubes which, when touched, give a short boost. Swarms of bugs (purple objects) give a one-use long range teleport called Bug Warp as well as apply a temporary effect, Victory Glow.png Energy Charge, which serves as an indicator to show for how long the ability is available. There are a few Mordrem Guard Sharpshooters along the way to be wary of, but otherwise no real threats. There are three possible routes to the adventure, with the path splitting after the Mordrem Guard Sharpshooters, and merging on the other side of the landmass.

The adventure will end if either the timer is up, the player is killed or upon reaching the end.

Unlike the others, simply flying through the finish line may not be enough. You need to land for it to count.


Glider Basics.pngGlider Basics (Gliding Level 1)
Updraft Use.pngUpdraft Use (Gliding Level 2)
Lean Techniques.pngLean Techniques (Gliding Level 3) — Provides extra speed and maneuverability.
Stealth Gliding.pngStealth Gliding (Gliding Level 4) — Mordrem snipers can be avoided by using stealth.
Advanced Gliding.pngAdvanced Gliding (Gliding Level 5) — Reduces the time spent waiting for glider endurance to regenerate.


First-time reward[edit]

Reward tier Time Experience Reward
Gold 2:00 80,010 Experience.png Verdant Brink.png Flying Circus: Gold
Silver 2:30 40,005 Experience.png Verdant Brink.png Flying Circus: Silver
Bronze 3:00 26,670 Experience.png Bag of Gear.pngBag of Gear

Daily reward[edit]

Reward tier Time Experience Reward
Gold 2:00 24,003 Experience.png Adventure reward gold.pngFlying Circus: Gold
Silver 2:30 16,002 Experience.png Adventure reward silver.pngFlying Circus: Silver
Bronze 3:00 13,335 Experience.png Adventure reward bronze.pngFlying Circus: Bronze


Related achievements[edit]
