Test Your Metal

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Biography Iron Legion.png

Test Your Metal

1325 AE
Personal story
Getting the Band Back Together
Charr's Triumph
(Plains of Ashford)
Charr tango icon 20px.png Charr
Iron Legion
Preceded by
Biography Iron Legion.png Ghostbore Musket
Followed by
Biography Iron Legion.png Ghostbore Artillery
Biography Iron Legion.png Deadly Force

The Battle of Fort Trinity.jpg

Loading screen.

Test Your Metal is part of the personal story for charr characters who are members of the Iron Legion and have completed Ghostbore Musket.


Conduct a secondary test of the Ghostbore musket.

  • Speak with Snarl and Galina at the Exterminatus HQ.
  • Operate the prototype siege cannon
  • Fire the prototype siege cannon to kill the ghosts.
  • Speak with Snarl, the Ash Legion representative.
  • Set up the three prototype turrets.
  • Tell Snarl to release the ghosts for the weapons test.
  • Eliminate the ghosts and test the turrets.
  • Tell Snarl to release more ghosts.
  • Eliminate the ghosts and test the turrets.
  • Tell Snarl to release more ghosts.
  • Eliminate the ghosts and test the turrets.
  • Report to Tribune Goreblade.


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As you approach Galina Edgecrusher and Snarl Backdraft, they bicker at each other over whose idea is better. You are to test the two prototype weapons. First, you test out Blood Legion's cannon. It fires volleys of flaming projectiles, damaging any ghosts in a large AoE zone. Lead your targets slightly, and you should be able to take out all the ghosts before they reach the base. The stationed soldiers should be able to defeat ghosts which happen to survive.

Next to test is the Ash Legion's portable turrets. These behave much like the engineer's Rifle Turret and can be moved as a bundle. Place your three turrets around the ramp leading from the glowing ball nearby. Once placed, tell Snarl to release a wave of ghosts. Feel free to jump in to help fight the ghosts or let the Ash Legion do the work. After each wave of ghosts, you may reposition your turrets if you wish, then talk to Snarl to release the next wave. Testing is complete after three waves have been dealt with. Be warned that the ghosts will attack the turrets if nothing else is around, and once destroyed you cannot deploy additional turrets.

Talk to Tribune Goreblade and choose which weapon you would like to take into the next event. Choosing to go with the Ash Legion and their turrets will make your next quest Ghostbore Artillery, while choosing Blood Legion and their cannon will make the next quest Deadly Force.









Approaching Warband:

Clawspur: Right. Let's go make Ash and Blood jealous.
Dinky: Blood and Ash should share, like we do. Smoosh 'em together and call it the Blash Legion!
Euryale: I'm on board, but only if helping Ash and Blood helps us.
Maverick: Ash and Blood always come crying to us for new weapons. Where's their pride?
Reeva: I don't care who gets our Ghostbore weapon. I just want to see it kill more ghosts.

Talking to sparring partner:

Clawspur: Let's see what they can offer.
Talk end option tango.png I'm looking forward to this.
Dinky: Whoa. Look at all these weapons!
Talk end option tango.png This is going to be great.
Euryale: Ready for the weapons test on your command.
Talk end option tango.png At ease. I'm looking forward to it.
Maverick: I can't believe it! Neither of them tried to bribe me. Can you believe that?
Talk end option tango.png A real insult, I'm sure. Now stiffen your spine, and let's get in there.
Reeva: So, these are experimental weapons, right? Are they dangerous?
Talk end option tango.png No more than mine was. Let's go.

Talking to Luccia Wildeye:

Luccia Wildeye: I've seen my fair share of weapons tests. This'll be cub's play.
Talk end option tango.png Keep an eye out for anything unusual.

Entering Exterminus HQ:

Galina Edgecrusher: Portable turrets? That's pure Ash—skulk in and take piddly little potshots at the enemy.
Snarl Backdraft: Better than your cannon. One big offensive strike that's as likely to miss as it is to hit.

Talking to tribunes:

Bhuer Goreblade: The other two tribunes here are just to keep an eye on things. Don't pay 'em no mind. The only charr you need to impress is me.
Talk end option tango.png Yes, sir!
Rytlock Brimstone: Tribune Desertgrave and I are only here to observe. Carry on.
Talk end option tango.png Will do, sir.
Tribune Torga Desertgrave: Tribune Brimstone and I are only here to observe. Carry on.
Talk end option tango.png Will do, boss.

Cinematic with Galina and Snarl:

<Character name>: Ears up, soldiers. I'm here to conduct the weapons tests.
Snarl Backdraft: I'm Snarl Backdraft, Ash Legion. Good thing you're on time. If this Bloody hardhead said one more word, I was going to kill her myself.
Galina Edgecrusher: You? With your bad aim? Keep pretending, Ash-trash. I'm Galina Edgecrusher, Blood Legion. Once you see our cannon in operation, Legionnaire, you won't need to test anything else.
Snarl Backdraft: Go ahead—test Blood's cannon first. It's always good to start on the bottom of the pile.
<Character name>: Fine. Blood goes first. Galina, how are you using my Ghostbore weaponry with your cannon?
Galina Edgecrusher: We launch flares and broadcast taunts to draw out packs of ghosts. Then you blast them to smithereens.
<Character name>: Sounds fun. Get ready to taunt your tails off. I'll keep my finger on the trigger.

Talking to sparring partner:

Clawspur: Leave the talk to Galina. You shoot things.
Talk end option tango.png Right, right.
Dinky: Shoot things! Shoot things!
Talk end option tango.png On it!
Euryale: What the-ghosts! Shoot them!
Talk end option tango.png Right!
Maverick: Are you hoping that I'd do all your work for you?
Talk end option tango.png No, I'm on it!
Reeva: Pay attention!
Talk end option tango.png On it!
Luccia Wildeye: Are you deaf? Can't you hear the ghosts coming?
Talk end option tango.png I'm on it!

Talking to other allies:

Snarl Backdraft: Blood can crow all they want about that stupid cannon. Being stuck in one place is a liability. Wait'll you see what we've brought to the table.
Talk end option tango.png I look forward to it.
Galina Edgecrusher: Blood's got the firepower, the manpower, and the raw power. You'll see.
Talk end option tango.png Let's see what you've got.
Rytlock Brimstone: Ghosts incoming!
Talk end option tango.png On it!
Tribune Bhuer Goreblade: Ghosts incoming! You testing or taking in fresh air?
Talk end option tango.png Yes, sir!

While operating the Blood Legion cannon:

Galina Edgecrusher: Wake up, ghost-mice of Ascalon! Blood Legion is here to take everything you have—again!
Galina Edgecrusher: Your land and your lives: ours! We will erase you! Tyria will forget your pathetic kingdom ever existed!
Galina Edgecrusher: We defile the bones of your ancestors for sport! Adelbern's grave is our latrine!
Galina Edgecrusher: I hear you sniveling, you glittery clouds of failure! Ha ha ha!
Galina Edgecrusher: That's not thunder, you whimpering little worms! It's cannonfire! Blood Legion cannonfire!
Galina Edgecrusher: Go back to the Mists and stay there! End this humiliation!
Galina Edgecrusher: You're hopeless! Helpless! Worthless! Adelbern's army is a joke...a pathetic, dead joke.
Galina Edgecrusher: No wonder your city fell so easily! No wonder we slaughtered you all and laughed ourselves sick!
Galina Edgecrusher: We're laughing now, Dead-scalonians! You don't like it? Come shut us up!

After defeating the waves of ghosts:

Galina Edgecrusher: Ha! How's that, Snarl? Let's see your pop-gun turrets beat that!
(Dialogue dependent on sparring partner)
Clawspur: The cannon's good. Bit loud for my taste, but it's okay.
Dinky: Did you hear that? "Dead-scalonians." Heh.
Euryale: One shot, mass kills. I approve.
Maverick: I'll say this for Blood: they know how to stage slaughter.
Reeva: That was great! I should take taunt lessons from Galina! Oh, and the cannon worked well, too.

Talking to sparring partner:

Clawspur: Not bad. Let's see what Ash can offer.
Talk end option tango.png Indeed.
Talk end option tango.png Indeed.
Euryale: Think Ash can do any better than that?
Talk end option tango.png We'll see.
Maverick: Not bad, but Galina's not really my type. Let's check out Snarl. I mean, Snarl's weapon. I mean...right.
Talk end option tango.png Let's talk to Snarl.
Reeva: Oh, that was a marvelous cannon. What firepower!
Talk end option tango.png Let's see what Ash Legion proposes.

Talking to Luccia Wildeye:

Luccia Wildeye: Not bad. Not bad at all. What's Ash got in their squirrelly pockets?
Talk end option tango.png Let's go see.

Talking to tribunes and Galina:

Rytlock Brimstone: Heh. Ash'll have to work hard to beat that.
Talk end option tango.png We'll see.
Tribune Bhuer Goreblade: Not a bad showing. Let's see what Ash can do.
Talk end option tango.png Yes, sir!
Galina Edgecrusher: Hah! Pretty solid, eh? Let's see those Ash-trash beat that!
Talk end option tango.png We'll see.

Cinematic with Snarl:

Snarl Backdraft: Not bad...for loud, pointless noise. Come on, let me show you a more elegant use of the Ghostbore weaponry.
Snarl Backdraft: Our turrets are powerful and portable...a single soldier can deploy up to three on a battlefield and coordinate fire.
<Character name>: So you kill the ghosts where you find them, instead of luring them close?
Snarl Backdraft: Exactly. For this test, we're holding ghosts in a containment unit. You place the turrets, we'll release the prey.
<Character name>: Sounds like a plan. Let's get started.

Talking to your sparring partner:

Clawspur: Less talking, more killing.
Talk end option tango.png Right.
Dinky: Shoot things! Shoot things!
Talk end option tango.png On it!
Euryale: What the—ghosts! Shoot them!
Talk end option tango.png Right.
Maverick: Are you hoping I'll do all your work for you?
Talk end option tango.png No, I'm on it!
Reeva: Pay attention!
Talk end option tango.png On it!

Talking to Luccia Wildeye:

Luccia Wildeye: Are you deaf? Can't you hear the ghosts coming?
Talk end option tango.png I'm on it!

Talking to Snarl and Tribunes:

Snarl Backdraft: Check out our mobile infantry turrets. We're proud of these little beauties. If we outfit them with your Ghostbore weaponry, one charr soldier will be able to hold off a unit of ghosts-no problem!
Talk quest option tango.png How do I deploy them on the battlefield?
Take the turrets from the wagon and place them wherever you believe makes the most tactical sense—just make sure they're facing the enemy.
Talk quest option tango.png Sounds simple. Is that all I need to know?
Ghosts only go after living things. They don't attack the munitions. So you can drop 'em, move 'em around, carry 'em—anything you want! It's a flexible combat strategy.
Talk end option tango.png I'll get started immediately.
Talk end option tango.png I'll start setting them up now.
Rytlock Brimstone: Don't you see the ghosts?
Talk end option tango.png Yikes! On it!
Bhuer Goreblade: Ghosts incoming! You fighting or flapping your wings?
Talk end option tango.png Right. I'll get back in there.

Talking to Snarl after placing the turrets:

Snarl Backdraft: Got the turrets where you want 'em? Good. Now we can start rockin'.
Talk quest option tango.png I'm ready. Let's burn some ghosts.
Stand by while I open the containment unit. Remember—they'll go right for my troops and ignore the turrets. Stand by!
Talk quest option tango.png You set 'em up, I'll knock 'em down.
Talk end option tango.png No, I want to reposition the turrets before we begin.
Snarl Backdraft: Ready. Release the ghosts!
Snarl Backdraft: Come on, let's see if Iron can do more than draw up blueprints.

Between waves of ghosts:

Snarl Backdraft: The turrets are all yours. Adjust them any way you like. They're portable!
Snarl Backdraft: Whenever you're ready, we'll be standing by.

After defeating all of the waves:

Snarl Backdraft: Ha! Unlike some soldiers—I'm looking at you, Galina—I won't gloat.
(Dialogue dependent on sparring partner)
Clawspur: It's up to you, but the Ash turrets are more my speed.
Dinky: Still wish we could pick both. How about a Blood cannon that shoots Ash turrets?
Euryale: The way I see it, we can't lose. Either weapon is worth having.
Maverick: Turrets rule! Cannons kick tail! How are you ever going to pick a winner?
Reeva: Just testing these weapons is fun! Imagine how great they'll be in open warfare!
Snarl Backdraft: But the simple fact is that Ash turrets outperformed the Blood cannon. If you don't see that, you're simple, too.

Talking to sparring partner:

Clawspur: Not an easy choice. Both of them kill well. Glad I'm not you.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Ash?
More my flavor, but less firepower than Blood. Still, I don't mind relying on stealth.
Talk more option tango.png What about Blood? (Same as "What do you think about Blood?")
Talk end option tango.png We'll talk later.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Blood?
Eh. Blood's weapon has more firepower, but is less flexible.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Ash? (Same as above)
Talk end option tango.png We'll talk later.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks, Clawspur.
Dinky: How are you going to choose? Flip a skritt? Heads or tails, who wins?
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Ash?
Those turrets are small, but they pack a punch. That's good, isn't it?
Talk more option tango.png What about Blood? (Same as "What do you think about Blood?")
Talk end option tango.png Thanks, Dinky.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Blood?
Their cannon seems...I dunno. Louder? Is that good? This is hard!
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Ash? (Same as above)
Talk end option tango.png It's hard. I'll have to think about it.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks, Dinky.
Euryale: That's one tough choice you have there. If I were you, I'd have Snarl and Galina fight, and whoever wins gets the upgrade.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Ash?
Eh, as far as turrets go, I guess they're okay.
Talk more option tango.png What about Blood? (Same as "What do you think about Blood?")
Talk end option tango.png We'll talk later.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Blood?
Bigger, louder, meaner. Depends on if that's what you're looking for.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Ash? (Same as above)
Talk end option tango.png Gotcha. Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Gotcha. Thanks, Euryale.
Maverick: This is what it means to be legionnaire? You're going to have to crush one of their dream. Yay, you.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Ash?
Snarl? The turrets are nice. Portable, juggle-able. You could bolt 'em to an asura in a pinch.
Talk more option tango.png What about Blood? (Same as "What do you think about Blood?")
Talk end option tango.png We'll talk later.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Blood?
I have to say, Galina's made one manly cannon there. Kind of unnerving, really.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Ash? (Same as above)
Talk end option tango.png Thanks, Maverick.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks, Mav. Good to know you're on my side.
Reeva: Oh, tough choice. I don't envy you. What are you going to do?
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Ash?
What cunning little turrets they made! They'd do very well.
Talk more option tango.png What about Blood? (same as below)
Talk end option tango.png I'll have to think about this.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Blood?
Oh, their cannon was glorious! How will you ever decide?
Talk end option tango.png I'll have to think about this.
Talk end option tango.png I'll have to think about this.

Talking to Luccia Wildeye:

Luccia Wildeye: Lots of pros and cons. Really, it depends on your fighting style, <Character name>.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Ash?
Flexible, but mobile turrets mean you gotta be proactive about placing 'em.
Talk more option tango.png What about Blood? (Same as below)
Talk end option tango.png Hmm. Something to ponder. Thanks.
Talk more option tango.png What do you think about Blood?
It's a stationary weapon. They'll bombard an area, and then send in troops to clean up the leftovers. That sound like your flavor?
Talk end option tango.png Hmm. That's something to ponder. Thanks.
Talk end option tango.png Hmm. That's something to ponder. Thanks.

Talking to Rytlock and Snarl:

Rytlock Brimstone: Tribune Desertgrave and I are only here to observe. Carry on.
Talk end option tango.png Understood.
Snarl Backdraft: So here's the deal: Ash wants to maneuver the ghosts down a kill-route. They'll be the marmox, and we'll be the carrot. We'll set turrets along the way, and move 'em when the ghosts change course. Genius, right?
Talk more option tango.png These turrets don't seem to have the raw firepower of the Blood cannon. Isn't that an inherent weakness?
I wouldn't call it a weakness. It'd call it a "design choice." Blood thinks war's a boulder rolling downhill. Ash looks at it as a series of opportunities.
Talk end option tango.png Hmm. I'll think about it.

Cinematic with Goreblade:

<Character name>: Officer on deck! Tribune Goreblade, the tests are complete. I've got all the information I need to decide.
Rytlock: Not too difficult, I trust? Between Galina and Snarl, you were lucky not to be ripped in half.
Tribune Bhuer Goreblade: Well done, Legionnaire. So, which application of your weapon earns the upgrade?
Blood Legion Soldier: Excuse me, Tribune! A large ghost force is massing near Ashford Forum! They're calling a muster to fight them off!
Tribune Bhuer Goreblade: Ah, an opportunity. If you have no objections, Brimstone, let's send both Blood and Ash to confront the ghosts.
Rytlock: Definitely. The more force, the better. But which side gets the Ghostbore weaponry?
Tribune Bhuer Goreblade: Let me confer with my Legionnaire, and I'll let you know.

Talking with Tribune Goreblade:

Tribune Bhuer Goreblade: Ash or Blood? Your choice.
Talk quest option tango.png Both legions put my Ghostbore weaponry to good use.
True, but we have to focus our resources. You must choose between the two. So tell me: who's the lucky legion?
Talk quest choice tango.png Ash. Their turrets make the best use of my weaponry.
A fine choice. Report to Snarl and prepare the Ghostbore turrets for combat.
Talk quest option tango.png Right away.
Talk quest choice tango.png Blood. Their cannon makes the best use of my weaponry.
A fine choice. Report to Galina and prepare the Ghostbore Cannon for combat.
Talk quest option tango.png Right away.
Talk end option tango.png I don't want to regret my decision, sir. I need more time to decide.
Talk end option tango.png I'll get back to you on that.

Talking to allies after choosing:

Bhuer Goreblade: All right, then, Legionnaire <Character name>. Head out to the combat test.
Talk end option tango.png On my way, sir!
Luccia Wildeye: All right, then. If you're done here, I'm going to go get some shut-eye before the fight.
Ferocity We'll be in heavy combat soon. Make sure you're ready.
'Course I'll be ready. Why else would I need a nap?
Talk end option tango.png Move out, soldier.
Dignity This'll be a real test of our new warband. Be ready.
We'll manage—and we'll show the lot of 'em, I promise you.
Talk end option tango.png Great. Move out!
Charisma Thanks for the backup. I value your opinion.
I always got one, believe you me. Thanks for the support, boss.
Talk end option tango.png Always. Let's move out!
Talk end option tango.png Sounds good. See you there.

Talking to sparring partner:

Clawspur: I'll coordinate with the operative in charge and meet you at the battlefield.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds good.
Dinky: Works for me. I'll see if they need me to carry anything heavy, and meet you out there.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds good.
Euryale: I'll make sure those bozos don't fubar anything on the install. See you out there.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks, Euryale. See you there.
Maverick: I'll pester these guys till they get the work done, and then meet you on the battlefield.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds like you'll be in your element. See you there.
Reeva: You made the best choice. I think I'll go home and bake the loser a nice, big kidney pie to make them feel better. I'll meet you out on the battlefield!
Talk end option tango.png You always know how to help out. Thanks, Reeva.

Talking to your allies if you pick Blood:

Snarl Backdraft: Rotfur and plague, why'd you have to choose Galina? Fine, you like her weapon better, but now she'll be insufferable.
Talk end option tango.png Better luck next time, Snarl.
Tribune Torga Desertgrave: I wish you luck with that cannon, Legionnaire. I hoped you'd choose Ash, but either way, this will be interesting.
Talk end option tango.png Thank you, ma'am.
Rytlock Brimstone: I'll make sure Galina and her crew have their cannon ready to go when you meet them at the deployment zone. See you out there.
Talk end option tango.png On my way, Tribune.

Talking to allies if you pick Ash:

Snarl Backdraft: Exceptional! I'll get a team with your designs to upgrade our turrets at once. Neener, Galina!
Talk end option tango.png I look forward to it.
Tribune Torga Desertgrave: Excellent selection, Legionnaire. I am certain your weapons will strike fear into even the dead hearts of the Ascalonians.
Talk end option tango.png I hope so, Tribune. Thank you.
Rytlock Brimstone: Both weapons did well, Legionnaire. No matter what you choose-this is a proud day for all the legions. I'll make sure to show up and see how well these weapons do on the field.
Talk end option tango.png You'll be impressed, sir. I guarantee it. See you there.

My story[edit]

The Battle of Fort Trinity.jpg

Ash and Blood Legions both wanted to make use of my Ghostbore weaponry, so I conducted field tests to determine which legion received the schematics. I made my choice—and with Warmaster Labofski stirring up the ghosts near Ashford Forum, I'm about to see what my weapon can do in open combat.

My story


  • The name of this mission is a play on words of the phrase "test your mettle" which means to demonstrate one's true character.
  • The Blood Legion Prototype Cannon that you operate is considered a Staff and will progress the Staff Master achievement when kills are gained with it.