District Promenade

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District Promenade

5Waypoint (map icon).png 1Vista (map icon).png

District Promenade map.jpg
Map of District Promenade

District Promenade locator.svg
Location within Divinity's Reach


District Promenade.jpg

Click to enlarge.

The District Promenade is an area in Divinity's Reach that forms a perimeter around The Upper City. It is where the crafters are in the city, and has many Book Carts.


Waypoint (map icon).png Commons Waypoint —
Waypoint (map icon).png Crown Pavilion Waypoint —
Waypoint (map icon).png Ossan Waypoint —
Waypoint (map icon).png Rurikton Waypoint —
Waypoint (map icon).png Salma Waypoint —
Vista (map icon).png Ossan Quarter Vista —





Merchant (vendor icon).png Andre the Butcher
Merchant (vendor icon).png Apprentice (armorsmithing)
Merchant (vendor icon).png Apprentice (artificing)
Merchant (vendor icon).png Apprentice (cooking)
Merchant (vendor icon).png Apprentice (huntsman)
Merchant (vendor icon).png Apprentice (jeweler)
Merchant (vendor icon).png Apprentice (leatherworking)
Merchant (vendor icon).png Apprentice (tailoring)
Merchant (vendor icon).png Apprentice (weaponsmithing)
Merchant (vendor icon).png Britta
Armorsmith (map icon).png Felthaugh
Reinforce Armor (map icon).png Gianna
Merchant (vendor icon).png Grikka
Weaponsmith (map icon).png Helf Stonebrow (Divinity's Reach)
Merchant (vendor icon).png Jeremi the Carny
Gathering Merchant (map icon).png Jess
Hot Air Balloon.png Lionguard Aircrew (only during Festival of the Four Winds)
Karma Merchant (map icon).png Merchant
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png
Tailor tango icon 20px.png
Jeweler tango icon 20px.png
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png
Chef tango icon 20px.png
Artificer tango icon 20px.png

Ambient dialogue[edit]

Andre the Butcher: Hello.
Citizen: How's business?
Andre the Butcher: Same as always. Out for a stroll?
Citizen: Yep.
Andre the Butcher: See ya.
Child (1): Tag! You're it!
Child (1): I'm gonna get you! Raaawr!
Child (2): Get away!
Child (1): (laughter)
Citizen (1): How are you?
Citizen (2): Meh.
Citizen (1): Feel better.
Citizen (1): The merchants are worried. Centaurs keep disrupting supply lines to the city.
Citizen (2): You'd better stock up. Things could get bad.
Citizen (1): I like it here... but I miss home.
Citizen (2): This is home. You've never even been to Cantha.
Citizen (1): Don't you want to see the land of your ancestors? Aren't you even curious about Kaineng City?
Citizen (2): If times were different, of course I would. But I'm not making a pilgrimage to some place that's probably half underwater by now.
Citizen (2): Besides, all the history books say Kaineng City was a dump.
Citizen (1): I'm so tired of hearing about all these bandit attacks. I should move someplace nicer, like Elona.
Citizen (2): Elona? We haven't heard from them in decades. It might be nicer, if anyone's still there, but with Orr so close...
Citizen (1): Oh. Right. Well, what about Cantha, then? Surely they can't have it that bad.
Citizen (2): The tengu were the last ones to make that trip. But that was over a century ago, and they were leaving. And they went right past—
Citizen (1): Orr, right. Well, I guess the bandits aren't that bad.
Citizen (1): It's so hard to find good Canthan cuisine anymore...
Citizen (2): What do you expect? After a hundred years without trade, it's hard to keep things authentic.
Citizen (1): My grandma made great Red Bean Cakes. I'd kill for one right now. Really. I bet you think I'm joking.
Citizen (2): I, uh, hear the commons has some. I'd show you, but I have to be... somewhere else. Now. Good day!
Citizen (1): Necromancers dresses like freaks. They smell like freaks!
Citizen (2): I wouldn't want to be caught dead in one of those outfits.
Citizen (1): Was that supposed to be a joke?
Citizen (2): Maybe.
Citizen (1): Oh! It's you! Hi!
Citizen (2): Oh, hello! How are you?
Citizen (1): I'm great! And you look fantastic.
Citizen (2): Thanks! 'Bye!
Citizen (1): So I says to her, I says, "Hey. If you were built like Lyssa, I wouldn't have to ask!"
Citizen (2): Charming. And blasphemous. All rolled into one.
Citizen (1): Who do you think would win in a fight—Grenth or Melandru?
Citizen (2): Well, Grenth is the god of death, and Melandru is part tree...
Citizen (2): Death... tree... death... tree... Tough call.
Citizen (1): You're not gonna believe this. My no-good brother-in-law wants to move to Lion's Arch.
Citizen (2): How's he supposed to get there across a battlefield full of centaurs? And why would he risk his life like that?
Citizen (1): His wife deserves better. Lion's Arch used to be a respectable place. Now they've gone rogue. Independent. They must think they're too good for the queen, I guess!
Citizen (2): Heh. Maybe your brother-in-law's planning on becoming a pirate.
Citizen (1): Yeah, right. When I'm done with him, he's gonna wash up on shore.
Citizen (1): I'm sick of these high prices. I thought the queen would've won the war by now.
Citizen (2): She's a good woman. Not like the minister.
Citizen (1): Minister Caudecus is a woman?
Citizen (1): Seriously, Queen Jennah's too young for the throne. Minister Caudecus should be in charge.
Citizen (2): We love our queen. You don't? Then get out on the damn battlefield.
Citizen (1): (sigh)
Citizen (2): You all right?
Citizen (1): I've been better.
Citizen (1): My kids are driving me crazy. Every day they pretend they're arena fighting.
Citizen (2): I've never even seen an arena.
Citizen (1): It gets better. They're forming a "guild" against the Ascalonian kids.
Citizen (2): Those kids are trouble. Too wild. Someone's gotta teach'em a lesson.
Citizen (1): Through imaginary combat?
Citizen (1): Logan Thackeray came through here!
Citizen (2): How did you know it was him?
Citizen (1): He looked angry, like he was on his way to a fight.
Citizen (2): Yep, that's Logan.
Citizen: Excuse me. How much is that?
Helf Stonebrow: That one's mine. It's not for sale.
Citizen: Are you sure? I can pay handsomely. It's magnificent.
Helf Stonebrow: Why not gaze at my inventory? I sell marvelous, murderous, massive weapons at low, low, prices!
Helf Stonebrow: Would you like a demonstration? Watch me cut! Watch me slice! Watch me butcher an animal in one swift stroke!
Citizen: Oh, my. No! No! Please, please, put the weapon down.
Helf Stonebrow: You'll be back!
Citizen: What do you have for sale?
Tierny: Baskets! I pick only the finest reeds. In fact, I knew some of them personally!
Citizen: If I need any "ethically woven" baskets, I'll keep you in mind.
Halan Frohmanj: Good day to you, madam! Should I be so bold as to introduce myself? Or would you find it overly forward of me?
Citizen: What?
Halan Frohmanj: A lovely name! My name is Halan Frohmanj. With an "h". Forgive me for being overly familiar.
Citizen: How do you do, Mr. Fromard?
Halan Frohmanj: It's pronounced Frohmanj. The "h" is silent. It is one of the myriad nuances of the Elonian language.
Citizen: If you say so, Harlan.
Halan Frohmanj: It's Halan. I am overwhelmed by such linguistic prowess! If you will forgive me, young woman, I must rapidly depart. My studies await!
Citizen: Step out for some sunlight once in a while.
Grikka: Trinkets and treasures! Low, low prices! No one can beat my bargains!
Helf Stonebrow: Like a crazed berserker, I am slashing prices!
Helf Stonebrow: No one is crazier than I am! With prices this low, I am practically giving things away!
Helf Stonebrow: No one has deals like I do! No beast! No man! No god! I am literally killing the competition!
Helf Stonebrow: My slaughter will flood this marketplace in an ocean of bloody bargains! Buy or die!
Mercenary: Out of my way.
Citizen: What's your problem?
Mercenary: Your thin skin.
Citizen: Can't you just say "excuse me" like everyone else?
Mercenary: Fine. "Excuse me". Now get out of my way!
Citizen: If the charr think they can come here, me and my meat cleaver will tell them otherwise.
Citizen: Hello, Officer.
Seraph Soldier: Any problems here?
Citizen: That charr is back. He makes me nervous.
Seraph Soldier: I'll keep my eyes open. Carry on.
Refugee Farmer (1): This place is nothing like home. It's just too big.
Refugee Farmer (2): Where should we go next? Carnival in the Commons? The No-Man Band? You wanna look at the queen's palace?
Refugee Farmer (1): I want food, and I want a place to sleep. Clean clothes would be great.
Refugee Farmer (2): It's all huge buildings and rude people. I don't think they have much in the way of charity.
Refugee Farmer: Hey, you from around here?
Citizen: We're all from somewhere else, but Divinity's Reach is home.
Refugee Farmer: I never thought of it that way.
Seraph Soldier (1): What's the good word?
Seraph Soldier (2): They found another body in the sewers.
Seraph Soldier (1): Was it...
Seraph Soldier (2): Uh-huh.
Shining Blade Guard: We have some questions.
Citizen: Is there something wrong?
Shining Blade Guard: We're looking for a woman. Early thirties. Long blonde hair, fair skin. Very tall. Scar on her jaw. You see anything?
Citizen: She works for me. Haven't seen her for a few days. Does this have something to do with the queen?
Shining Blade Guard: You see her again, you tell us right away.
Citizen: I'll keep an eye out. I'm just glad someone's looking for her.
Tierny: How can I help you?
Uwe Roaldson: I need ale, and I need it now!
Tierny: This isn't a bar.
Uwe Roaldson: I'm almost sober. It's horrible!
At the start of dusk
Town Crier: Dusk has fallen over Divinity's Reach.
Town Crier: If you can hear my voice...
Town Crier: ...you've made it through another day.
Town Crier: Good for you.


Crafting resources[edit]

Bulk ingredients
Merchant (vendor icon).png Apprentice
Basil Leaves in Bulk.pngBasil Leaves in Bulk
Bell Peppers in Bulk.pngBell Peppers in Bulk
Buttermilk in Bulk.pngButtermilk in Bulk
Cheese Wedges in Bulk.pngCheese Wedges in Bulk
Ginger Root in Bulk.pngGinger Root in Bulk
Rice in Bulk.pngRice in Bulk
Sour Cream in Bulk.pngSour Cream in Bulk
Tomatoes in Bulk.pngTomatoes in Bulk
Yeast in Bulk.pngYeast in Bulk
Chef tango icon 20px.png Sage
Basil Leaves in Bulk.pngBasil Leaves in Bulk
Bell Peppers in Bulk.pngBell Peppers in Bulk
Buttermilk in Bulk.pngButtermilk in Bulk
Cheese Wedges in Bulk.pngCheese Wedges in Bulk
Ginger Root in Bulk.pngGinger Root in Bulk
Rice in Bulk.pngRice in Bulk
Sour Cream in Bulk.pngSour Cream in Bulk
Tomatoes in Bulk.pngTomatoes in Bulk
Yeast in Bulk.pngYeast in Bulk