Book Cart

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the objects in Kryta and Ascalon. For the object in the Rata Sum, see Book Cart (Rata Sum).

Book Cart

Book Cart.jpg

Divinity's Reach
Fields of Ruin

Book Carts are scattered around Divinity's Reach and show a variety of books. Many can be found in the District Promenade or Kormir High Road, though they can also be found in the various districts.




District Promenade[edit]

The books on this stand are neatly categorized by subject and style. One book seems out of place, however. Someone has stacked a copy of "The Quotations of Behn Millen" among the poetry books.
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In the stack of books here is a copy of "The Natural War," which describes how the history of the weaponry in Tyria has been shaped by the availability of natural resources.
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On display here are copies of "Primeval Kings: Unearthing Ancient Elona," "Riding the Wind: The Tengu Exodus," "Unending Autumn," and a worn copy of "Destiny Set in Stone: The Last Days of the Dwarves."
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In this stall is a brightly colored children's book titled "No Moa!" This is the story of a moa who constantly gets into trouble and the exasperated farmer who takes care of him.
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The most prominent book on display here is a near pristine copy of "Stormcaller: Calling the Storm," the definitive tome on the history of the ancient relic used in the war against the charr.
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A large book titled "Time to Dye" dominates the pile. By famed fashion designer, Kristen P, this book describes how best to mix and match colors to make just the right statement with your attire.
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There are several books on display here, including "Black Moa: Hunting a Legend," "Koss on Koss," and "The Evening Song."
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Among the books here is a copy of "Flora to Fawn Over," which goes into meticulous detail about the various species of plants found in Kryta.
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Among the books on display here is a copy of "Cures For What Ales You." This book of norn home remedies consists of a variety of ever-increasingly potent drinks.
Talk more option tango.png Examine the book. (if joined the Order of Whispers)
Someone's scribbled a recipe across the last page.
Talk more option tango.png Read the recipe.
"...pinch of sand, a large, juicy vine, and one fermented fish. Combine in a pot of water, and bring to a boil. Add magic to taste..." The rest is too smudged to read.
Talk end option tango.png ''Leave.
Talk end option tango.png ''Leave
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There is an interesting assortment of books available here, including "Myths and Legends of Ancient Ascalon," "The Rise and Fall of Rin," and "Knock 'Em Dead: A History of Mad King Thorn."
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Buried beneath newer tomes is a copy of "The Curious Case of Bahltek." This apparent piece of fiction about a mysterious and cantankerous traveler is believed to have been written by the great Norgu.
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On top of the pile lies "The Three-Tailed Devourer: Nature's Cruelest Creation." A bookmarked page shows an image ripped straight out of a nightmare. Hopefully this is a piece of fiction.
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There are a handful of books here, including a well-worn copy of "The World on a Turtle Shell: The Story of My Time with the Luxons" by Mhenlo.
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Scattered amongst the books is a copy of "Local Color," which contains the origins and meanings of expressions such as "crazier than a sylvari in a sack of lightning bugs."
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On display here is a copy of "Johai Sohn: A Legacy of Coordination." It tells the story of a respected Canthan figure, and the great works he achieved during his storied life.
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The most notable book here is "Ghosts of Ascalon," a landmark historical treatise on the fall of Ascalon and the Foefire, by Dougal Keane.
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Among the meager selection of books here is a copy of "Edge of Destiny" by Sangjo of Lion's Arch. This book claims to be the definitive retelling of the rise and fall of Destiny's Edge.
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Eastern Commons[edit]

This cart specializes in books on ancient heroes. On display are copies of "Torn Between Two Gods: The Story of Mhenlo," "Eve of Destruction," and "Firebrand: Tales of Cynn."
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Two books stand out here: a copy of an illustrated children's book, titled "Oink's Adventures" and "Joe the Devourer: The Untold Story."
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Kormir High Road[edit]

An interesting assortment of books is available here. In particular, a copy of "The Influences of Lyssa on the Art and Culture of Vabbi" stands out. The illustrations are breathtaking.
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The wide selection of books here includes copies of "The Legacy of the Sunspears," "Abaddon: The Secret Truths" and "A Novice's Guide to Cooking With Iboga."
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This cart contains a variety of books, most of which are new or show signs of wear from repeated browsing. However, one dusty tome sits forgotten in the corner: "Honoring the Ancestor Tree."
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Several books are on display here. There isn't anything noteworthy or interesting in the lot.
Talk more option tango.png Examine the books. (if joined the Durmand Priory)
A folded note has been half-crammed under the cover of a book titled "Magical Monstrosities."
Talk more option tango.png Read the note.
Contains no information on the Elder Dragons—a complete waste of time. If you seek knowledge on the dragons, visit the Durmand Priory's archives in Lornar's Pass.
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Talk end option tango.png Leave.

There has been a recent upswing in the popularity of historical romances. Two of the most famous can be found here: "The Red Iris Blooms Eternal" and "Doric: The King Who Loved Me."
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There are different books on display here, including "The History of the Dragon Festival," "Nika: Legacy of the Blade," and "Wallows: The Definitive Account."
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Ossan Quarter[edit]

Among the books is a copy of "Margonites, A History of Their Civilization Before the Fall." Also on display is "Great Advances in Travel," written by Mauban. It seems too ridiculous to be true.
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One book stands out from all others: an illustrated children's story, titled "Junundu and Me." This is a heartwarming tale of friendship and sacrifice between a Kournan girl and a giant wurm.
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Several books are on display here. Oddly, there isn't actually anything noteworthy or interesting in the lot.
Talk more option tango.png Examine the books. (if joined the Durmand Priory)
A folded note has been half-crammed under the cover of a book titled "Magical Monstrosities."
Talk more option tango.png Read the note.
Contains no information on the Elder Dragons—a complete waste of time. If you seek knowledge on the dragons, visit the Durmand Priory's archives in Lornar's Pass.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.
Talk end option tango.png Leave.

Several historical books are available here, including copies of "The Day Night Fell," and "Of Greatness, Of Madness: The Life of Turai Ossa."
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Several interesting books are available here, including "Conversations with Palawa Joko." It's uncertain if the book is historically accurate, or merely a piece of fiction.
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There is a good number of books on display here, including a rare copy of "Ancient Heroes of Ascalon: Asgand's Final Stand" and "The War in Kryta."
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Western Commons[edit]

This cart offers a variety of books, including "Constellations: Legends Told in Stars," "The Mystery of the Bloodstones," and "Beyond the Mists."
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Several books are on display here, most notably "The Art of Fighting" by Magni the Bison and "The Collected Works of Norgu, Volume 3."
Talk end option tango.png Leave.

Stronghold of Ebonhawke[edit]

On the top of the pile is child's story told in pictures called "Garm and Friends." It tells the story of a heroic wolf and his companions.
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The cart includes several copies of "The Iris of Ascalon," a biography of Gwen Thackeray written by Kimmes the Historian.
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  • None of the books on the Book Carts can be read.