The Guild Wars 2 API (application programming interface) is an interface that enables third-party applications to access data directly from the Guild Wars 2 servers. The current version of the API is version 2. For recent changes of the API, see the API changelog.
To discuss the Guild Wars 2 API, or in case of problems or required help, visit any of:
- The official API development forums,
- The official API development GitHub,
- or the GW2 Development Community discord (use the #api-discussion channel).
Guild Wars 2 API Terms of Use
Any use of the APIs must comply with ArenaNet's Content Terms of Use and Website Terms of Use. Use of the APIs constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions contained in the ArenaNet Content Terms of Use, Website Terms of Use, and any related terms or conditions when they are posted.
- Primary article: API:API key
Most endpoints return general results about game data and so do not require authentication.
The endpoints that can be used to return specific user or guild data require authentication via an API key in one of two ways.
- Authorization request header:
Authorization: Bearer [api key]
- access_token query parameter:
?access_token=[api key]
As most browsers prevent CORS, the request header method will only be possible via custom applications. If using a browser, use a query parameter. Additionally, preflight requests are not supported by the API backend.
Schema Versions
- Primary article: API:2#Schemas
Selected version 2 endpoints support different schema versions as a way to introduce changes in the returned data without breaking applications.
The schema version can be supplied by using the v=<schema>
query parameter.
Cache Validation
Version 2 endpoints
The API version 2 provides the following endpoints:
- achievements: Returns information about achievements.
- achievements/daily: Returns information about daily achievements.
- achievements/daily/tomorrow: Returns information about the next daily achievements.
- achievements/groups: Returns information about achievement groups.
- achievements/categories: Returns information about achievement categories.
These endpoints access account data and require an API key to view.
- account: Returns information about an account associated with an API key.
- account/achievements: Returns information about an account's achievement progress.
- account/bank: Returns information about a bank associated with an API key.
- account/dailycrafting: Returns information about (daily) crafted materials (since the most recent reset) associated with an API key.
- account/dungeons: Returns information about the current daily cleared dungeons associated with an API key.
- account/dyes: Returns information about unlocked dyes associated with an API key.
- account/finishers: Returns information about unlocked finishers associated with an API key.
- account/gliders: Returns information about unlocked gliders associated with an API key.
- account/home/cats: Returns information about unlocked cats in the home instance associated with an API key.
- account/home/nodes: Returns information about unlocked nodes in the home instance associated with an API key.
- account/homestead/decorations: Returns information about unlocked homestead decorations associated with an API key.
- account/homestead/glyphs: Returns information about unlocked homestead glyphs associated with an API key.
- account/inventory: Returns information about the shared inventory slots associated with an API key.
- account/jadebots: Returns information about unlocked jade bot skins associated with an API key.
- account/luck: Returns information about acquired luck associated with an API key.
- account/legendaryarmory: Returns information about the Legendary Armory associated with an API key.
- account/mailcarriers: Returns information about the mail carriers associated with an API key.
- account/mapchests: Returns information about (daily) map chest rewards received (since the most recent reset) associated with an API key.
- account/masteries: Returns information about unlocked masteries associated with an API key.
- account/mastery/points: Returns information about the total amount of mastery points associated with an API key.
- account/materials: Returns information about a material storage associated with an API key.
- account/minis: Returns information about unlocked miniatures associated with an API key.
- account/mounts/skins: Returns information about unlocked mount skins associated with an API key.
- account/mounts/types: Returns information about unlocked mounts associated with an API key.
- account/novelties: Returns information about unlocked novelties associated with an API key.
- account/outfits: Returns information about unlocked outfits associated with an API key.
- account/progression: Returns information about unlocked fractal account augmentation and acquired luck associated with an API key.
- account/pvp/heroes: Returns information about unlocked PvP heroes associated with an API key.
- account/raids: Returns information about completed raid events between weekly resets associated with an API key.
- account/recipes: Returns information about unlocked crafting recipes associated with an API key.
- account/skiffs: Returns information about unlocked skiff skins associated with an API key.
- account/skins: Returns information about unlocked skins associated with an API key.
- account/titles: Returns information about unlocked titles associated with an API key.
- account/wallet: Returns information about wealth associated with an API key.
- account/wizardsvault/daily: Returns information about the Daily Wizard's Vault objectives and progress associated with an API Key.
- account/wizardsvault/listings: Returns information about the Astral Rewards associated with an API Key.
- account/wizardsvault/special: Returns information about the Special Wizard's Vault objectives and progress associated with an API Key.
- account/wizardsvault/weekly: Returns information about the Weekly Wizard's Vault objectives and progress associated with an API Key.
- account/worldbosses: Returns information about (daily) Core Tyria world boss clears (since the most recent reset) associated with an API key.
- characters: Returns information on an account's characters.
- commerce/transactions: Returns information on an account's past and current trading post transactions.
- createsubtoken: Creates a subtoken that can be used in place of API Keys. The subtoken will have an expiry date and can be limited to a subset of the permissions granted to the API Key used during its creation as well as to a subset of accessible endpoints.
- pvp/stats: Returns general information on a player's performance in sPvP.
- pvp/games: Returns more detailed information on the player's most recent sPvP matches.
- pvp/standings: Returns the best and current standing of a player in sPvP leagues.
- tokeninfo: Returns information about the supplied API Key.
Daily Rewards
- dailycrafting: Returns information about daily craftable items.
- mapchests: Returns information about daily acquirable map chests.
- worldbosses: Returns information about daily (Core Tyria) world boss clears.
Game Mechanics
- jadebots: Returns information about jade bot skins.
- legendaryarmory: Returns information about the Legendary Armory
- masteries: Returns information about masteries.
- mounts: Returns information about the v2/mounts endpoints.
- mounts/skins: Returns information about mount skins.
- mounts/types: Returns information about mount types.
- outfits: Returns information about outfits.
- pets: Returns information about pets.
- professions: Returns information about professions.
- races: Returns information about particular racial skills.
- specializations: Returns information about specializations.
- skiffs: Returns information about skiff skins.
- skills: Returns information about skills.
- traits: Returns information about traits.
- legends: Returns information about revenant legends.
- guild/:id: Returns core details about a given guild.
- emblem: Returns image resources needed to render guild emblems.
- guild/permissions: Returns information about guild rank permissions.
- guild/search: Returns information on guild ids to be used for other API queries.
- guild/upgrades: Returns information about guild upgrades and scribe decorations.
Guild Authenticated
These endpoints access guild-specific data and require an API key from the guild owner to view.
- guild/:id/log: Returns information about a guild's event log.
- guild/:id/members: Returns information about members of a guild.
- guild/:id/ranks: Returns information about the permission ranks of a guild.
- guild/:id/stash: Returns information about the contents of a guild's stash.
- guild/:id/storage: Returns information about the contents of a guild's storage.
- guild/:id/treasury: Returns information about a guild's treasury contents.
- guild/:id/teams: Returns information about a guild's teams.
- guild/:id/upgrades: Returns information about a guild's upgrades.
Home Instance
- home/cats: Returns information about cats that can be unlocked in the home instance.
- home/nodes: Returns information about home instance upgrades.
- homestead/decorations: Returns information about homestead decorations.
- homestead/decorations/categories: Returns information about homestead categories.
- homestead/glyphs: Returns information about all available homestead glyphs.
- finishers: Returns information about finishers.
- items: Returns information about items.
- itemstats: Returns information about item stats.
- materials: Returns information about materials.
- pvp/amulets: Returns information about pvp amulets.
- recipes: Returns information about recipes.
- recipes/search: A search interface for recipes.
- skins: Returns information about skins.
Map information
- continents: Returns a list of continents and information about each continent.
- maps: Returns information about maps in the game.
- build: Returns the current build id.
- colors: Returns information about dye colors.
- currencies: Returns information about wallet currencies.
- dungeons: Returns information about each dungeons and its associated paths.
- files: Returns commonly requested assets.
- quaggans: Returns quaggan icons.
- minis: Returns minis.
- novelties: Returns novelties.
- raids: Returns information about each raid and its associated events.
- titles: Returns the list of titles.
- worlds: Returns world names.
- backstory/answers: Returns information about Biography answers.
- backstory/questions: Returns information about Biography questions presented during character creation.
- stories: Returns information about stories in the Story Journal.
- stories/seasons: Returns information about the story seasons in the Story Journal.
- quests: Returns information about the quests constituting the stories found in the Story Journal.
Structured PvP
- pvp: Returns information about the v2/pvp endpoints.
- pvp/ranks: Returns information about PvP Rank.
- pvp/seasons: Returns information about League seasons.
- pvp/seasons/:id/leaderboards: Returns information about League leaderboards.
Trading post
- commerce/delivery: Returns the items and coin available for pickup for a given account.
- commerce/exchange: Returns a list of accepted resources for the gem exchange.
- commerce/exchange/coins: Returns the current coins to gems exchange rate.
- commerce/exchange/gems: Returns the current gems to coins exchange rate.
- commerce/listings: Returns trading post listings.
- commerce/prices: Returns buy and sell listing information.
- commerce/transactions: Returns the current and historical buy and sell transactions for a given account.
Wizard's Vault
- wizardsvault: Returns information about the current Wizard's Vault season.
- wizardsvault/listings: Returns information about listings in the Wizard's Vault.
- wizardsvault/objectives: Returns information about objectives in the Wizard's Vault.
World vs. World
- wvw: Returns information about the v2/wvw endpoints.
- wvw/abilities: Returns information about WvW abilities.
- wvw/guilds: Returns information about which guild is allocated, for a given region, to each team.
- wvw/matches: Returns information about current WvW matchups.
- wvw/objectives: Returns information about WvW objectives.
- wvw/ranks: Returns information about current WvW Rank.
- wvw/timers: Returns information about the time & date for lockout (initial selection) and team assignment (when the team change takes place).
- wvw/upgrades: Returns information about available upgrades for objectives.
Version 1 endpoints
The API version 1 provides the following endpoints:
Dynamic events
- events: Returns the current status of events for a specific world.
- Note: This endpoint is obsolete due to the implementation of Megaserver technology. There are plans to replace it with something that returns data about the rotating world bosses, but nothing specific has been announced.
- event_names: Returns a list of localized event names.
- map_names: Returns a list of localized map names.
- world_names: Returns a list of localized world names.
- event_details: Returns detailed information about events.
- guild_details: Returns detailed information about a guild.
- items: Returns a list of discovered items.
- item_details: Returns detailed information about an item.
- recipes: Returns a list of discovered recipes.
- recipe_details: Returns detailed information about a recipe.
- skins: Returns a list of skins.
- skin_details: Returns detailed information about a skin.
Map information
- continents: Returns a list of continents and information about each continent.
- maps: Returns a list of maps in the game.
- map_floor: Returns detailed information about a map floor.
World vs. World
- wvw/matches: Returns the currently running WvW matches.
- wvw/match_details: Returns details about a WvW match.
- wvw/objective_names: Returns a list of WvW objective names.
- build: Returns the current build id.
- colors: Returns a list of dyes in the game.
- files: Returns commonly requested assets.
Help topics
- Maps: How to use the map resources and the tile service to create maps.
- Best practices: Best practices as recommended by the development community.
- Tile service: Provides world map tiles to create Guild Wars 2 maps.
- Render service: Provides access to in-game assets.
- Additional resources are available as assets.
Other resources
- API:MumbleLink - Guild Wars 2's usage of Mumble's Link plugin.
- Chat link format.
List of wrappers
- A list of wrapper libraries that provide high-level access to the API is available here.
List of applications
- A list of applications that use the API is available here.