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The Account Bonuses in the Achievement section of the Hero panel. The Luck bar is at the bottom.

Account-wide magic find is increased by consuming Essence of Luck. Essence can be acquired by salvaging fine or masterwork items. Magic Find is also increased through achievement rewards.

— In-game description

Luck is a game mechanic that increases magic find for all characters on the account. The amount of luck you have can be seen in the achievement tab of the hero panel (default key: H); the progress bar shows the amount of luck you need to get one more percentage point of magic find. However, the magic find listed includes all account-wide magic find bonuses, including any earned via achievement rewards. Hovering your cursor over the amount of magic find will show the breakdown between the two sources. The amount of magic find from luck is capped at 300%.[1]


The Luck bar appears green after reaching 300% Base Magic Find.

Players start with no luck and can only increase it by consuming Essences of Luck. These are obtained by salvaging any fine or masterwork quality gear in addition to lower level rare items and Globs of Ectoplasm. Each time you fill the yellow luck bar, your base magic find increases by 1%. The amount of luck required at each step grows roughly exponentially. For example, to add the first 1% requires only 100 luck. However, it costs 760 luck to move from 50% to 51% magic find. In all, reaching the cap of 300% costs 4,295,450 luck. After reaching 300% magic find bonus, the bar will turn green. Luck will continue to accumulate up to 472,510. It is important to note that Essence of Luck can still be consumed after this point, essentially wasting the item.


This table shows the level of Base Magic Find (i.e. ignoring any Magic Find from Achievements), amount of luck needed to increase the Magic Find level, and total luck required for the next level of Magic Find. For example, at +30% Base Magic Find you need 270 points of luck to increase your bonus to +31%.

1–50 51–100 101–150 151–200 201–250 251–300
Level Luck required Total luck required Level Luck required Total luck required Level Luck required Total luck required Level Luck required Total luck required Level Luck required Total luck required Level Luck required Total luck required
0 100 100 50 760 14550 100 4080 122700 150 11520 496890 200 24240 1373160 250 30000 2825450
1 100 200 51 790 15340 101 4190 126890 151 11720 508610 201 24550 1397710 251 30000 2855450
2 100 300 52 830 16170 102 4290 131180 152 11920 520530 202 24870 1422580 252 30000 2885450
3 100 400 53 860 17030 103 4400 135580 153 12130 532660 203 25190 1447770 253 30000 2915450
4 100 500 54 900 17930 104 4510 140090 154 12330 544990 204 25510 1473280 254 30000 2945450
5 100 600 55 940 18870 105 4620 144710 155 12540 557530 205 25840 1499120 255 30000 2975450
6 100 700 56 980 19850 106 4730 149440 156 12750 570280 206 26160 1525280 256 30000 3005450
7 100 800 57 1020 20870 107 4850 154290 157 12960 583240 207 26500 1551780 257 30000 3035450
8 110 910 58 1070 21940 108 4960 159250 158 13180 596420 208 26830 1578610 258 30000 3065450
9 110 1020 59 1110 23050 109 5080 164330 159 13390 609810 209 27160 1605770 259 30000 3095450
10 110 1130 60 1150 24200 110 5200 169530 160 13610 623420 210 27500 1633270 260 30000 3125450
11 110 1240 61 1200 25400 111 5320 174850 161 13830 637250 211 27840 1661110 261 30000 3155450
12 120 1360 62 1250 26650 112 5450 180300 162 14060 651310 212 28180 1689290 262 30000 3185450
13 120 1480 63 1300 27950 113 5570 185870 163 14280 665590 213 28530 1717820 263 30000 3215450
14 120 1600 64 1350 29300 114 5700 191570 164 14510 680100 214 28880 1746700 264 30000 3245450
15 130 1730 65 1400 30700 115 5830 197400 165 14740 694840 215 29230 1775930 265 30000 3275450
16 130 1860 66 1450 32150 116 5960 203360 166 14970 709810 216 29580 1805510 266 30000 3305450
17 140 2000 67 1510 33660 117 6090 209450 167 15200 725010 217 29940 1835450 267 30000 3335450
18 150 2150 68 1560 35220 118 6220 215670 168 15440 740450 218 30000 1865450 268 30000 3365450
19 150 2300 69 1620 36840 119 6360 222030 169 15680 756130 219 30000 1895450 269 30000 3395450
20 160 2460 70 1670 38510 120 6500 228530 170 15920 772050 220 30000 1925450 270 30000 3425450
21 170 2630 71 1730 40240 121 6630 235160 171 16160 788210 221 30000 1955450 271 30000 3455450
22 180 2810 72 1790 42030 122 6780 241940 172 16410 804620 222 30000 1985450 272 30000 3485450
23 190 3000 73 1860 43890 123 6920 248860 173 16650 821270 223 30000 2015450 273 30000 3515450
24 200 3200 74 1920 45810 124 7060 255920 174 16900 838170 224 30000 2045450 274 30000 3545450
25 210 3410 75 1980 47790 125 7210 263130 175 17160 855330 225 30000 2075450 275 30000 3575450
26 220 3630 76 2050 49840 126 7360 270490 176 17410 872740 226 30000 2105450 276 30000 3605450
27 230 3860 77 2120 51960 127 7510 278000 177 17670 890410 227 30000 2135450 277 30000 3635450
28 250 4110 78 2190 54150 128 7660 285660 178 17930 908340 228 30000 2165450 278 30000 3665450
29 260 4370 79 2260 56410 129 7820 293480 179 18190 926530 229 30000 2195450 279 30000 3695450
30 270 4640 80 2330 58740 130 7980 301460 180 18450 944980 230 30000 2225450 280 30000 3725450
31 290 4930 81 2400 61140 131 8130 309590 181 18720 963700 231 30000 2255450 281 30000 3755450
32 310 5240 82 2480 63620 132 8290 317880 182 18990 982690 232 30000 2285450 282 30000 3785450
33 320 5560 83 2550 66170 133 8460 326340 183 19260 1001950 233 30000 2315450 283 30000 3815450
34 340 5900 84 2630 68800 134 8620 334960 184 19530 1021480 234 30000 2345450 284 30000 3845450
35 360 6260 85 2710 71510 135 8790 343750 185 19810 1041290 235 30000 2375450 285 30000 3875450
36 380 6640 86 2790 74300 136 8960 352710 186 20090 1061380 236 30000 2405450 286 30000 3905450
37 400 7040 87 2870 77170 137 9130 361840 187 20370 1081750 237 30000 2435450 287 30000 3935450
38 420 7460 88 2960 80130 138 9300 371140 188 20650 1102400 238 30000 2465450 288 30000 3965450
39 440 7900 89 3040 83170 139 9470 380610 189 20940 1123340 239 30000 2495450 289 30000 3995450
40 470 8370 90 3130 86300 140 9650 390260 190 21220 1144560 240 30000 2525450 290 30000 4025450
41 490 8860 91 3220 89520 141 9830 400090 191 21510 1166070 241 30000 2555450 291 30000 4055450
42 520 9380 92 3310 92830 142 10010 410100 192 21810 1187880 242 30000 2585450 292 30000 4085450
43 540 9920 93 3400 96230 143 10190 420290 193 22100 1209980 243 30000 2615450 293 30000 4115450
44 570 10490 94 3490 99720 144 10370 430660 194 22400 1232380 244 30000 2645450 294 30000 4145450
45 600 11090 95 3580 103300 145 10560 441220 195 22700 1255080 245 30000 2675450 295 30000 4175450
46 630 11720 96 3680 106980 146 10750 451970 196 23000 1278080 246 30000 2705450 296 30000 4205450
47 660 12380 97 3780 110760 147 10940 462910 197 23310 1301390 247 30000 2735450 297 30000 4235450
48 690 13070 98 3880 114640 148 11130 474040 198 23610 1325000 248 30000 2765450 298 30000 4265450
49 720 13790 99 3980 118620 149 11330 485370 199 23920 1348920 249 30000 2795450 299 30000 4295450



  • Accounts that existed prior to the introduction of account-wide magic find on September 3, 2013 were granted enough Essence of Luck to increase their base magic find to 20%, i.e. 2,500 luck.[1]

See also[edit]

  • Magic Find and how to maximize it when opening items
