API:List of wrappers

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To submit your wrapper for inclusion on this page, please post your info on the talk page.

Developer(s) Website/Application Name Description Language/Platform Added to this page
Dinckel.8140 https://gitlab.com/dinckelman/guildwars2-ts
guildwars2-ts A Typescript API Wrapper for GuildWars 2. Includes complete types and descriptions for every endpoint, and every object within. Fully asynchronous. Artifacts emitted in both CJS and ESM Javascript 2023-11-21
TheMrMilchmann.3491 https://github.com/GW2ToolBelt/GW2ML GW2ML GW2ML is a Java library for fast and non-cached access to the data provided by the Guild Wars 2 game client via the MumbleLink mechanism. Java 2023-07-27
TheMrMilchmann.3491 https://github.com/GW2ToolBelt/GW2ChatLinks GW2ChatLinks GW2ChatLinks is a Kotlin multiplatform library for de- and encoding Guild Wars 2 chat links. Kotlin 2023-07-27
TheMrMilchmann.3491 https://github.com/GW2ToolBelt/GW2APIClient GW2APIClient GW2APIClient is a Kotlin multiplatform client for the official Guild Wars 2 API with pluggable support for client-side caching and rate-limiting. Kotlin 2023-07-27
SMFX.3841 https://github.com/smallfoxx/GW2.PS
GW2.PS PowerShell wrapper for GW2 API PowerShell 2022-09-20
Greaka.690 https://github.com/greaka/gw2lib gw2lib Rust library for both sync and async Rust 2022-07-16
Creed.5670 https://github.com/RyanClementsHax/GW2Api.NET GW2Api.NET A wrapper around the Guild Wars 2 API written as a dotnet core library C# 2021-05-03
Archomeda.6472 https://archomeda.github.io/Gw2Sharp Gw2Sharp Gw2Sharp is a cross-platform .NET wrapper library for the official Guild Wars 2 API written in C# C# 2021-04-08
smiley.1438 https://github.com/gwmaps/gw2map Widget:Map floors A widget to show Guild Wars 2 maps in MediaWiki using the GW2 API. JavaScript 2021-03-06
Kryszak.5163 https://github.com/Kryszak/gwatlin Gwatlin Guild Wars 2 API client written in Kotlin Kotlin 2019-11-07
Seal.5964 https://github.com/yasvisu/gw2api Go GW2API GW2API package for Go Go 2019-04-30
queicherius.2563 https://github.com/queicherius/gw2api-client gw2api-client Javascript wrapper for the official Guild Wars 2 API. JavaScript 2019-04-11
darthmaim.6017 https://github.com/gw2treasures/gw2api gw2api PHP Wrapper for the v2 API supporting authenticated endpoints and parallel requests. PHP 2019-03-20
jbthejoker.9725 https://github.com/Zhendryk/GW2API GW2API A simple Swift wrapper for the Guild Wars 2 API Swift 2019-01-10
smiley.1438 https://github.com/codemasher/gw2-database gw2-database PHP 7.2+ tools to create and maintain local SQL databases from API data, including a search front-end PHP 2018-07-09
Booch.5938 https://github.com/JuxhinDB/gw2-api-interface GW2 API Interface Robust, Lightweight GW2 API Wrapper for Python Python 2018-07-06
Index.6425 https://github.com/parix/gw2 gw2 Ruby Gem gw2 Ruby Gem. Another Ruby implementation for the GW2 API Ruby 2018-06-13
mtodor.2356 https://github.com/mtodor/gw2emblem gw2emblem JavaScript Lib for Guild Emblem generation JavaScript 2018-03-27
Ruhrpottpatriot.7293 https://github.com/Ruhrpottpatriot/GW2.NET Gw2.NET C# Implementation (Library) of the GW2 public API C# 2018-02-01
Athelas.1304 https://github.com/xhsun/gw2wrapper gw2wrapper
(repository archived)
Guild Wars 2 API Wrapper for Android and Java Java 2017-12-10
Side.3489 https://github.com/sidewinder94/MumbleLink-CSharp-GW2 MumbleLink-CSharp-GW2 A C# wrapper for use with the MumbleLink API C# 2017-11-13
cisco.9510 http://freiwildjäger.de/GW2/JavascriptAPI GW2 Javascript API Supports all APIv1 and APIv2. JavaScript 2017-05-25
smiley.1438 https://github.com/codemasher/gw2api-tools gw2api-tools
(repository archived)
PHP 5.4+ examples of API use PHP 2016-04-10
Teranas.6150 https://atmospherejs.com/teranas/gw2api teranas:gw2api A Meteor implementation of an API wrapper. Meteor 2016-03-19
DarkSpirit.7046 https://github.com/DarkSpirit444/GW2JavaScriptLib Gw2 Events Javascript library Supports Windows Scripting Host as well as web pages, both synchronous and asynchronous calls for XmlHttpRequest, both XmlHttpRequest and XDomainRequest (untested) JavaScript 2016-01-25
CuriouslyStrong.6925 https://github.com/ngenator/guildwars2api/ GuildWars2API A Python wrapper for the Guild Wars 2 API. Python 2016-01-17
Lulan.8497 https://bitbucket.org/Lul4n/yagw2api/ YAGW2API Provides simple integration for MumbleLink, Anet WVW API, GW2Stats API etc. in Java Java 2015-08-15
farshid.5048 https://bitbucket.org/farshidhss/gw2api-lampy GW2API-Lampy Python Wrapper for both v1 and v2 of the API, supporting authenticated endpoints and parallel requests. Python 2015-07-29
Keider.8652 https://github.com/EtienneLamoureux/durmand-scriptorium Durmand Scriptorium
(repository archived)
PHP package to consume the Guild Wars 2 API PHP 2014-12-07
kevinvitale https://github.com/KevinVitale/GW2Kit GW2Kit for iOS & OS X
(repository archived)
GW2Kit for iOS & OS X. Implementation of the GW2 API library for OS X and iOS Objective-C 2014-08-21
Sorrow.7384 https://github.com/defunctl/Gw2-SDK Gw2 PHP SDK Gw2 PHP SDK. Yet another PHP implementation of the GW2 API PHP 2014-02-05
Frugghi.9046 https://github.com/Frugghi/GW2API GW2API for ObjC Objective-C framework for iOS and OS X Objective-C 2013-10-09
ElGreenGo.6734 https://github.com/uselesscode/gwII gwll JavaScript library, jQuery Deferred objects to allow easy asynchronous API access JavaScript 2013-09-20
Kaz.7386 https://github.com/JasonKaz/gw2-js-api-wrapper GW2 JS API Wrapper
(repository archived)
This library of functions is a JS wrapper for the Guild Wars 2 public API. It wraps the current APIs available with functions and provides some utility functions JavaScript 2013-08-25
Taleria.7810 https://github.com/bramdevries/guildwars2 bramdevries/guildwars2 PHP wwrapper PHP 2013-07-13
Atlan.6180 https://github.com/atlan79/Gw2-SDK Gw2 PHP SDK PHP 5.3+, extends Sorrow.7384's Gw2 PHP SDK PHP 2013-06-26
zwei.9073 https://code.google.com/p/gw2api/ GW2API
(repository archived)
API interface in Java for Guild Wars 2 game Java 2013-06-23
Rawrfaec.6412 https://bitbucket.org/jokum/gw2 GW2++ C++11 Wrapper C++ 2013-06-21
Parthis.2091 https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/api/DurmandPriory-Objective-C-API-for-iOS-OSX Durmand Priory Objective-C – iOS and OSX wrapper Objective-C 2013-06-06
TimeBomb.3427 https://github.com/TimeBomb/GW2NodeLib GW2NodeLib JSON Api Library for Node.js JavaScript 2013-06-01
Lumiere.4069 https://github.com/jstraw/python-guildwars2 python-guildwars2 OO guildwars2 library Python 2013-05-26
Rohan.1403 https://github.com/Rohansi/GwSharp Gw#
(repository archived)
GW#. Another C# Implementation for the GW2 API C# 2013-05-25
Naranek.2570 https://github.com/koshrf/rgw2 A Ruby Wrapper
(repository archived)
A Ruby Wrapper. Ruby wrapper for the GW2 API Ruby 2013-05-22
Fyr https://github.com/oliverschwarz/gw2api gw2api PHP Implementation for the GW2 API PHP 2013-05-22
mocnik https://github.com/mocnik/gw2api/tree/v0.1 Python Wrapper for Guild Wars 2 official API gw2api Python 2013-05-21