Blue Catmander

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Blue Catmander is a hungry cat and merchant located in a secret cat room within the Emerald and Sapphire Sanctum.

Getting there[edit]

Getting there: Jump from the top ledge down into the vines.

Getting to the cat is quite difficult. From the start of the Mistwrought Vault jumping puzzle, jump through the waterfall and hop across the floating rock island to the left. You'll see a large root, get on top of it.

(1) From the root, jump on a small floating green rock, then onto the large cliffside. Run along the cliffside until you are as close to the ivy and edge as possible.

(2) Jump off the cliff, and curve your character towards the Ivy. The entrance to the cat room is at the bottom of the ivy-covered cliff.

You will very likely require several attempts to land on the tiny entrance ledge. From where you successfully land, jump up and emerge to find a child swinging from a branch, surrounded by cats practicing combat, alongside the Blue Catmander.


Maguuma Jungle
Shiverpeak Mountains
The Mists

Items offered[edit]

The Catmander's Compendium costs less if the Commander's Compendium has already been purchased.

Item Type Rarity Cost
Mini Blue Catmander.png Mini Blue Catmander Miniature Exotic 100 WvW Skirmish Claim Ticket
Catmander's Compendium.png Catmander's Compendium Consumable Basic 300 Gold coin + 250 Badge of Honor
Catmander's Compendium.png Catmander's Compendium
(Requires the item Commander's Compendium.)
Consumable Basic 150 Gold coin + 250 Badge of Honor
Basic Reward Track Loot Box.png Box of Scavenged Trebuchet Parts Service Basic 100 Emblem of the Avenger + 3 Emblem of the Conqueror + 5 Gift of Battle


Before feeding it
The battle cat mews angrily.
Talk merchant tango.png Do you have something for me? (Opens vendor window)
Talk give option tango.png It seems interested in my Gift of Battle.
It purrs maliciously. (Hungry cat: The Blue Catmander is then added to your home instance if Yellow Catmander has also been fed)
Talk end option tango.png Bye.
(If you have a Gift of Battle in your inventory)
Talk end option tango.png No, cat. This is my Gift of Battle.
(If you do not have a Gift of Battle in your inventory)
Talk end option tango.png It's not interested in anything I have.
After feeding it
The battle cat purrs maliciously.
Talk merchant tango.png Do you have something for me? (Opens vendor window)
Talk end option tango.png Good cat.


  • Once both the blue and the yellow catmander have been fed, they appear in the home instance together and battle each other with a mob of kittens.

Blue and yellow catmander doing battle in a home instance after both have been fed.

Related achievements[edit]

See also[edit]