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Moldering Greenwood

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Moldering Greenwood

9Point of interest (map icon).png 1Vista (map icon).png

Moldering Greenwood map.jpg
Map of Moldering Greenwood

Blood HillDead LabEchoing HillsFestering BasinLandfallMoldering GreenwoodOld Hutment SiteRiver's MawSanguine CraterSlithering OutskirtsStorm's BorderStricken PlainsSulfurous SpringsTumultuous SeaMoldering Greenwood locator.svg
Janthir Syntri
Connects to
Sulfurous Springs (N)
Dead Lab (NE)
Blood Hill (E)
Festering Basin (SE)

Moldering Greenwood.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Moldering Greenwood is an area in Janthir Syntri.

Locations and objectives[edit]

Points of Interest
Point of interest (map icon).png Buried Sacrament
Point of interest (map icon).png Mountain Pass Lookout
Point of interest (map icon).png Nivermer Rill
Point of interest (map icon).png Pathway to Redemption
Point of interest (map icon).png Quiet Escape
Point of interest (map icon).png Scarwood Depths
Point of interest (map icon).png The Cathedral of Blood
Point of interest (map icon).png The Infested Quag
Point of interest (map icon).png The Lurking Spring
Vista (map icon).png Moldering Greenwood Vista —
Mastery Insights
Mastery point (Janthir Wilds).png Janthir Syntri Insight: Greenwood's Corner



Ghosts (Bloodstone ghosts)
Kodan (Lowland Kodan)


Ambient creatures
Ghosts (Bloodstone ghosts)

Ambient dialogue[edit]

Manifesting bloodstone ghosts on the hill west of Pathway to Redemption
White Mantle Savant: Attention, kind citizens of Gavril. Today is going to be a splendid day for us all.
White Mantle Savant: Since our arrival, I'm sure you've noticed a trend of goodwill and rising fortune. The White Mantle protects its own.
White Mantle Savant: Our leader, Saul D'Alessio, has gifted us with a great many things. He has gifted you the same. Food. Comfort.
White Mantle Savant: And it is in his name that we are announcing our permanent residency in our village.
White Mantle Savant: Heh. We've just barely arrived, but it already feels like home to so many of us.
Gavril Villager (1): What...?
Gavril Villager (2): Hush, sweetheart. Let's listen to her.
White Mantle Savant: Saul was given a mission—we were all given a mission by the Unseen Ones. To better this world. To protect each other.
White Mantle Savant: And here... In your town, the Unseen Ones have shown Saul a second path for us to follow. One that is paved in gold.
Gavril Villager (3): What do you mean?
White Mantle Savant: Never fear, followers! We will guide you every step of the way.
White Mantle Savant: My soldiers. Where is the feast?
Conversation between Kodan Stoutheart and Wildstalker
Kodan Stoutheart: What was that? You heard that, right?
Kodan Wildstalker: Heard what?
Kodan Stoutheart: The voice! It sounded like it was calling my name.
Kodan Wildstalker: You're letting your nerves get the best of you, friend.
Kodan Stoutheart: Oh, I hate this place.
While running near a specific stump south-east of The Lurking Spring
(female voice): (laughs)
(female voice): Behind you.
(female voice): Trespasser...



Crafting resources[edit]

Fishing holes
Fish resource (map icon).png Freshwater Janthir Fish
Resource nodes
Plant resource (map icon).png Leeks
Plant resource (map icon).png Lotus
Plant resource (map icon).png Portobello Mushrooms
Plant resource (map icon).png Raspberries
Plant resource (map icon).png Verdant Herbs
Wood resource (map icon).png Cypress Sapling
Charged Titan Ore (node).png Charged Titan Ore
Mine resource (map icon).png Mithril Ore
Mine resource (map icon).png Rich Orichalcum Vein
Rotted Titan Amber (node).png Rotted Titan Amber