Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Echoing Hills

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Echoing Hills

1Complete heart (map icon).png 1Point of interest (map icon).png 1Vista (map icon).png

Echoing Hills map.jpg
Map of Echoing Hills

Blood HillDead LabEchoing HillsFestering BasinLandfallMoldering GreenwoodOld Hutment SiteRiver's MawSanguine CraterSlithering OutskirtsStorm's BorderStricken PlainsSulfurous SpringsTumultuous SeaEchoing Hills locator.svg

Echoing Hills.jpg

Click to enlarge.

The Echoing Hills is an area in Janthir Syntri.

Locations and objectives[edit]

Renown Hearts
Complete heart (map icon).png Help the kodan study and settle in the Janthir Syntri region (80)
Points of Interest
Point of interest (map icon).png Storm Research Camp
Vista (map icon).png Echoing Hills Vista —



Crafting resources[edit]