Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Landfall (area)

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2Point of interest (map icon).png

Landfall (area) map.jpg
Map of Landfall

Blood HillDead LabEchoing HillsFestering BasinLandfallMoldering GreenwoodOld Hutment SiteRiver's MawSanguine CraterSlithering OutskirtsStorm's BorderStricken PlainsSulfurous SpringsTumultuous SeaLandfall (area) locator.svg
Janthir Syntri
Connects to
Tumultuous Sea (E)
Stricken Plains (W)

Landfall (area).jpg

Click to enlarge.

Landfall is an area in Janthir Syntri, containing a beach with dark sand that has several leviathan skeletons strewn along its shores.

Locations and objectives[edit]

Points of Interest
Point of interest (map icon).png Corpse of the Deep Crawler
Point of interest (map icon).png Maghead Beach


Ambient dialogue[edit]

Near Maghead Beach
Kodan Stoutheart: (breathes)
Kodan Wildstalker: Calm your breath. Picture the bay and the waves; imagine those waves slowly stilling.
Kodan Stoutheart: I'm okay.
Kodan Wildstalker: Calm, we are. Now. Tell me what happened.
Kodan Stoutheart: I was at the eastern shore... Trying to help, I was. I found a cave.
Kodan Stoutheart: Went inside, I did... It smelled like spoiled honey and rust.
Kodan Stoutheart: Then I tripped over something. A body. I think it was a sky watcher...
Kodan Stoutheart: There was a great shift deeper in the cave—I thought it was going to collapse. So, ran, I-I did...


Crafting resources[edit]