Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Janthir Syntri Insight: Stricken Cathedral

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Janthir Syntri Insight: Stricken Cathedral

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Janthir Syntri Insight: Stricken Cathedral is a communing Mastery Insight in Stricken Plains.



Getting there[edit]

Head southeast from the Waypoint (map icon).png Stricken Plains Waypoint. Once you reach the Point of interest (map icon).png Cathedral of the Blessed, use Springer and jump on the rocks, branches connected to the pillar, or walls and arches of ruins of the cathedral to reach the insight.


Reason: Missing dialogue before completion.

Before completion
After completion
You have reached a locus of power.
Talk end option tango.png You've gained all you can from this place of power.

Related achievements[edit]