Of Mists and Monsters
Of Mists and Monsters
- Location
- Janthir Syntri
(Janthir) - Event type
- Meta event
- Level
- 80-80
- Total events
- 2
Of Mists and Monsters is a level 80 meta event that occurs in Janthir Syntri.
Dynamic events[edit]
- Pre-start (starts at xx:30)
- The approaching storm has made some kodan seek shelter and fewer will venture into the dangers far from camp.
- Time remaining: 10:00
- Event start
- The Mist Tides have come. The titans seek to feed on bloodstone.
- Greer, the Blightbringer
- Decima, the Stormsinger
- Do not allow the titans to drain any bloodstones.
- Stop Decima from draining the bloodstone (80) [Group Event]
- Stop Greer from draining the bloodstone (80) [Group Event]
- If one is killed but not the other
- Decima revives Greer in: 0:30 (If Greer was defeated early)
- Greer revives Decima in: 0:30 (If Decima was defeated early)
- Success
- The air is still, and the storm appears to have subsided.
- Failure
- The titans have sated themselves on the bloodstones. We must not fail again.
Event schedule[edit]
- Janthir Syntri: Hero's Choice Chest (once per day per account)
- Bonus chest containing all of the following:
- Ursus Oblige (2-10)
- Curious Mursaat Currency (1-2)
- Janthir Syntri Renown Token (4)
- Janthir Hoard
- One of the following:
- One of the following:
- Rare chance at:
- One Magnificent Chest (once per day per account, auto-looted)
- Six small chests
Concise version[edit]
- 1. There are 2 bosses that need to die within 30 seconds of each other.
- North, Decima — around Kindle Barrens.
- South, Greer — around The Infested Quag.
- 2. Squad spreads in 2 roughly even groups and tries to kill bosses at the same time.
- South, Greer — applies a lot of conditions through poison application and boon corruption so bring a lot of cleanses or avoid the red/purple AoE. Commander or Mentor Tag is recommended here for better stacking.
- 3. Throughout the fight a green mechanic will appear, players have to deal with it.
- North, Decima — Green line, players need to be standing between her and conduits around her. At least 3 people are needed. Empowered will applied to the boss if failed.
- South, Greer — Green circle will spawn under one or two players. At least 3 people need to stack on each of these. Don't carry them out of the group.
- 4. Avoid red/purple.
- 5. At 75% and 25% a warclaw phase will start for each individual boss.
- Boss will go immune to damage and players have to break their defiance bar with crowd control.
- Before this, for south, Greer — will have an add phase, where players have to kill 8 titanspawn adds while dodging condition/boon corrupting projectiles.
- After breaking the defiance bar players will have to mount their warclaw and Chain Pull the boss.
- After this the players have to run around the boss counterclockwise through the checkpoint gates.
- Fight proceeds as normal after this.
Detailed version[edit]
Core of the meta event[edit]
Two legendary enemies will spawn in different locations. To succeed this meta event, both of these enemies need to die around the same time. Up north near between Kindle Barrens and The Fourth Bloodtree can be found Decima, the Stormsinger, while down south at The Infested Quag can be found Greer, the Blightbringer. After small dialogue from these enemies the meta event begins. It is advised to use Portable United Legions Waystation for better Crowd control by using Electromagical Pulse skill. At the beginning, south side of the meta event goes quicker than north side, but always allows the other side to catch up around 75% and 25% mark.
South side (Greer)[edit]
- From 100% to 75% HP
For Greer, most of his attacks are in front of him so it is advised to stay behind him (more information on his attacks can be found here). While fighting this enemy, a green circle will spawn on one of the players. People need to be standing in this circle or a damaging AoE will spawn on the ground. An AoE will spawn around the enemy multiple times from different attacks. This phase starts easy to teach players the patterns and attacks.
- At 75% HP
Greer will spawn 7 enemies that need to be killed while he keeps attacking the players. These enemies can rush away, making this phase take longer than the north side. Killing these enemies will trigger Greer's breakbar, which needs to be broken to progress further. After depleting this breakbar, everyone will be forced onto their warclaws and their chains will be automatically shot at Greer, unless they were facing the opposite way. If that happens, the player needs to attach their chains to Greer themself. Having their chains attached, players then need to ride their warclaws around the enemy, through racing gates that will appear around the boss. Each gate will tear some of the boss's armor off, making him fall down to the ground.
- From 75% to 25% HP
This phase is pretty much just a repeat of the previous one, except more chaotic, with more attacks from Greer and more green circles that can spawn on players. Greer will also gain new attacks, one of which is a thorn shield around the boss. This shield will stop any projectiles and knockback any player who would try to walk through it. There are gaps in this shield that allow players to get close enough to Greer as well as shoot through.
- At 25% HP
Once more a repeat of the previous phase of 75% HP where spawned enemies need to be killed. The breakbar needs to be broken and then needs to be taken down by attaching chains and driving around on warclaws.
- Last phase
At this phase his attacks become even more rapid, with a few more added into the mix. Around 10% of his HP, he will stop most of his attacks and stand still while charging for the ultimate attack.
North Side (Decima)[edit]
- From 100% to 75% HP
For Decima, players need to be standing between her and conduits around her. These conduits will periodically have numbers over them and green or red line will appear between them and Decima. If it is green, players need to stand on that line to prevent Decima from getting Empowered. If a red line appears, players standing there will be killed. It is better to not block this path and let Decima have her charge. There is no safe place to stand during this boss fight. Not only the conduits have an electrical aura around them that damages players, but Decima's attacks reach everywhere.
- At 75% HP
At this point Decima cannot be damaged. To progress, players need to break her shield, which is displayed by 6 stacks of Flux Shield. Each breakbar taken down will shatter one of the conduits that she is connected to, deleting one charge of her Charged effect. Taking them all down will resume the fight. If any charges are left, they will explode, damaging and possibly killing players. After this step, players will be forced onto their warclaws and their chains will be automatically shot at Decima unless they were facing the opposite way. If that happens the player needs to attach their chains to Decima themself. Having their chains attached, players then need to ride their warclaws around the enemy, through racing gates that will appear around the boss. Each gate will tear some of the boss's armor off, at the end making herfall down to the ground.
- From 75% to 25% HP
This is a repeat of the previous phase, but more chaotic. Up to 5 lines will appear between Decima and her conduits. If possible all of them should be blocked. More information on her attacks can be found here.
- At 25% HP
A repeat of the 75% phase. Use as much crowd control as possible to get as much of her charges down before being killed.
- Last phase
Around 10% of her health, she will stop most of her attacks and stand still, while charging for the ultimate attack. After a while she will create an explosion of electricity around her.
Both sides needs to be defeated together. There is 30 second timer between kills. If the other will not be killed in this timer, the dead Titan will spawn back in and have 10% health again.
10 minutes before
- Barbed Vale: Another storm nears. Lowlanders, Astral Ward - fortify the camps. Prepare yourselves. The strangers will move soon.
5 minutes before
- Barbed Vale: The storm will reach us soon. Embattle we must!
1 minute before
- Barbed Vale: The storm roars on the horizon. Collect yourselves.
Meta start
- Barbed Vale: Here it is. No time to quake with fear; rigid, we must remain. The strangers have woken. They've come to dance in the rain.
- Barbed Vale: Our one and only goal is to protect the camps. Every claw and spear, raise them to the air!
- Barbed Vale: Go. Fight. Win.
First warclaw phase
- Barbed Vale: Your journeykin, now! Shatter the armour from their flesh! Our spears will do the rest.
Warclaw phase complete
- Greer, the Blightbringer: Argh!
- Decima, the Stormsinger: Get back! / (groans)
Second warclaw phase
- Barbed Vale: Weak they are! Mount your journeykin and topple them. Reveal the core!
If event succeeds
- Barbed Vale: And the isle stills, finally...
- Barbed Vale: Celebrate, we shall, but those celebrations must remain modest. The strangers will return with the next storm.
- Barbed Vale: But a victory this was... And it was grand.
Additionally on success, the titan you are near will speak one of the following sets of dialogue interspersed with Barbed Vale's:
Greer variant 1
- Greer, the Blightbringer: Argh!
- Greer, the Blightbringer: There...
- Greer, the Blightbringer: Your stamina may feel boundless, but when the bottom of that well is reached... you will see how shallow it always was.
- Greer, the Blightbringer: This encounter will be marked by my shame. Our next, your blood.
Greer variant 2
- Greer, the Blightbringer: Argh!
- Greer, the Blightbringer: My core is restored...
- Greer, the Blightbringer: Next time, it will be the babe that is smothered, not the begetter.
Decima variant 1
- Decima, the Stormsinger: No! / (breathes)
- Decima, the Stormsinger: Ah. That's better
- Decima, the Stormsinger: When we heal and we will heal - I will send a bolt through your skull.
If event fails
- Barbed Vale: What depraved abominations they are... Leaving nothing behind except the smells of death and rain.
- Barbed Vale: But they're gone. For now.
- Barbed Vale: The storm moves on, and so must we. Let us regroup and prepare for the next attack. There will be another.
Additionally on defeat, the titan you are near will speak one of the following sets of dialogue (more research needed):
Decima variant 1
- Decima, the Stormsinger: It was never a fight you could win.
Greer variant 1
- Greer, the Blightbringer: Erelong you will greet fate. Fervent, but doomed.
Related achievements[edit]
Janthir Syntri: Mist Tide Turner — Stop the titans from draining the bloodstones. (5 )