Aquatic Ruins Fractal

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Aquatic Ruins Fractal

Aquatic Ruins Fractal map.jpg
Map of Aquatic Ruins Fractal

Fractals of the Mists

Fractals of the Mists loading screen.jpg
Loading screen


Aquatic Ruins Fractal.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Explore an ancient underwater ruin.

— In-game description

The Aquatic Ruins Fractal is one of the Fractals of the Mists that occurs at level 7, 26, 61 and 76. It is the only fractal that takes place under water.


  • Event boss (tango icon).png Explore the watery depths.
    • Fractal Difficulty Scale: x
    • Personal Fractal Level: x
    • Enter the shallows.
    • Free the captured villagers.
    • x / 2 villagers freed
Deep path:
  • Event boss (tango icon).png Explore the watery depths.
    • Delve into the deep waters.
    • Find a way out of the deep water.
Dolphin path:
  • Event boss (tango icon).png Explore the watery depths.
    • Enter the underwater ruins.
    • Avoid detection while swimming through the ruins.
    • Defeat the krait wardens.
  • Event boss (tango icon).png Explore the watery depths.
    • Kill the jellyfish beast to stabilize the fractal.
    • Jellyfish Beast
      Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Event boss (tango icon).png Fractal stabilized. Depart when ready.


Primary article: Fractals of the Mists#Rewards


Since Aquatic Headgear and underwater weapons are used in this fractal, these items might need their own agony infusions to meet the Agony Resistance level.

The first step is to free two fishermen by killing all the krait surrounding each cell. After this, one of two possible paths will be open: the deep path or the dolphin path. The available path changes daily at 07:30.[1] The dolphin path is accessible through the left while the deep path is accessible through the right. Once one party member makes it to the next checkpoint, party members may /gg or die, respawning at the next checkpoint. This often saves time for groups that are not familiar with the paths.

Path Upcoming
Deep Current
Dolphin 27 Jul 07:30 UTC+00:00
Deep 28 Jul 07:30 UTC+00:00

Deep path[edit]

The darkness is full of Piranhas of the Deep, which damage players quickly. Light sources will prevent the piranhas from harming anyone within range. Luminous Plants provide a stationary light to players within range and also allow players Holding the Glowing Plant to have a mobile light. Taking the plant also removes the light source from the original location temporarily. Holding a plant also allows players to revive teammates and teleport them to the wielder. To find the path, follow the Mushrooms on the ocean floor. When traveling through the darkness, use invulnerability or stability to rush past the Krait. It is preferable to avoid the enemies in the darkened area as it is quicker and easier to simply swim past them to a lighted cave containing a Champion and a few veterans - you can usually just hug the right-hand wall to get to the champion without aggroing anything. The enemies in the darkness are reasonably tough and time-consuming to kill. It is necessary to clear the final cave in order to progress - the final cave has a Luminous Plant in it which can be used to heal while fighting the champion.

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Lamp Bond.png Lifeguard 0.5½ 10 Consumes the light to heal yourself and nearby allies.

Dolphin path[edit]

The path through the krait.

You are transformed into dolphins with your skills replaced (see below) and have to swim through a ruin-filled cave while avoiding krait. You can apply boons to yourself and your party members before transforming into a dolphin. Swiftness and aegis are particularly helpful.

Using Echo will reveal a path of water spiral "portals" which uses the shortest path to the end of the ruins, as well as reveal hidden krait. These spirals will reduce recharge of Stealth by 10 seconds each, but are also sometimes near idle krait. If fast enough, you can maintain Stealth almost indefinitely through these spirals. Swimming as a group makes the area less dangerous with use of Retrieve Ally, however, only one player needs to make it to the end to unlock a checkpoint.

About halfway through the ruins will be a different kind of water "portal" similar to the beginning of the cave which returns you to your normal form and skills. At the end of the cave is a Champion Krait Warden and some veteran krait which must be killed to progress.

# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Echo (Dolphin form).png Echo 6 Reveal hidden krait nearby.
2 Rush (Dolphin form).png Rush 10.75¾ 30 Gain a burst of speed. Passing through revealed water spirals reduces the recharge of this skill.
3 Ghostbore Powder Blast.png Stealth 30 Use the currents to obscure your position. Passing through revealed water spirals reduces the recharge of this skill.
5 Retrieve Ally.png Retrieve Ally 10 Revives and teleports nearby downed dolphin ally to your location

Jellyfish Beast[edit]

The beast can be defeated like any other boss: keep hitting it and deal with any summoned reinforcements. The boss will occasionally eat players near him, inflicting agony and dealing minor damage to the player and granting an effect that heals the Jellyfish Beast. While doing so, it is immune to damage until the affected players uses Struggle to break free. Pets and other minions will not break free automatically, and may take a while to die due to the attack's low damage, so avoid summoning minions that cannot be manually destroyed. If the pet is eaten, switch it for another pet.

After every 25% of damage the Jellyfish Beast takes, it will summon a number of Elite Krait Diviners (1 at 75%, 2 at 50%, 3 at 25%). The Jellyfish Beast will be invulnerable until the players take care of these Diviners. Also try to avoid the ascending bubbles as players will get stuck in them applying an effect that causes the player to float to the top of the area - if you are caught in a bubble you can dodge to escape it. Mesmers can steal multiple stacks of might from the Jellyfish Beast with Arcane Thievery.

If you enter the fractal after again completing it recently, you will get the Aquatic Ruins Chest Disabled.png Aquatic Ruins Chest Disabled effect, making you unable to open the boss chest.


Aquatic Ruins Fractal Stabilizer Fractals of the Mists 5Achievement points
You've completed the Aquatic Ruins fractal inside the Fractals of the Mists.Underwater mayhem. 1 Fractal 5Achievement points
Flawless Fins Foil Foes Fractals of the Mists Central Tyria mastery point 5Achievement points
As a dolphin, you evaded capture by the krait while swimming through the Aquatic Ruins fractal.Just keep swimming. 1 Challenge 5Achievement points







Entering the fractal
Dessa Observation Mode: This fractal's disturbance is coming from under the water. Dive in. And if you gut a few of those awful krait, all the better.
Fisher: You'll never defeat us!
Talking to the NPCs
Fisher: I don't know where you came from, but I need your help. The krait took our people into the water. You have to stop them!
Talk end option tango.png Understood.
Starting the Dolphin Path
Dessa Observation Mode: Interesting. The krait magic is employing morphological properties, likely being used as a security system. Oh, you should probably be careful.
After finishing the fractal
Dessa Observation Mode: Outstanding aquatic adventuring. I don't know how you do it. I have a hard enough time in a bathtub. Anyway, the fractal's stable. Time to depart.

Related achievements[edit]

Upon completion[edit]

Objective during[edit]


  1. ^ The dark path and the dolphins path formerly depended on the fractal level, later being updated to a daily rotation in the game update 13th August 2019.