Aquatic Headgear
Aquatic Headgear is the equipment used in place of the terrestrial head armor when a character is in the underwater mode. An Aquatic Headgear item does not have to be equipped to breathe under water and mechanically serves the same function as other armor items – to provide bonuses to the character's attributes through its attribute combinations and upgrade components. Runes and universal upgrades can be applied to Aquatic Headgear of any rarity from the item level 8 and higher. Ascended Aquatic Headgear can be also upgraded with infusions, including special Swim-Speed Infusions.
All characters are given a light, medium, or heavy Aqua Breather as starting equipment upon character creation. Higher level Aquatic Headgear can be obtained as outlined below:
Underwater Aquatic Headgear is available at all rarities (except legendary) and all levels.
Level 80[edit]
Level 80 ascended breathers are the best available. They are Account Bound, available with all standard ascended prefixes and require recipes to craft. Recipes may be purchased with Fractal Relics, or from the Trading Post. Diver's Breather are buyable for Swim-Speed Infusion +10.
Ascended breathers can have their stats changed in the Mystic Forge. Warning: Not all insignias can be used to change stats on ascended breathers. As an example, attempting to change breather stats by placing a Plaguedoctor's Intricate Gossamer Insignia in the Mystic Forge will not yield a functioning recipe.
Stat-selectable ascended breathers are also available from Slooshoo in Bitterfrost Frontier for Unbound Magic and Fresh Winterberries, or from Dive Master Astora for Swim-Speed Infusions.
- Ahamid's Cloth Breather
- Angchu Cloth Breather
- Beigarth's Cloth Breather
- Diver's Breather Veil
- Ferratus's Cloth Breather
- Forgemaster's Cloth Breather
- Gobrech's Cloth Breather
- Hronk's Cloth Breather
- Keeper's Cloth Breather
- Laranthir's Cloth Breather
- Leftpaw's Cloth Breather
- Maklain's Cloth Breather
- Morbach's Cloth Breather
- Occam's Cloth Breather
- Ossa's Cloth Breather
- Pahua's Cloth Breather
- Ruka's Cloth Breather
- Saphir's Cloth Breather
- Svaard's Cloth Breather
- Tateos's Cloth Breather
- Thackeray's Cloth Breather
- Tizlak's Cloth Breather
- Veldrunner Cloth Breather
- Ventari's Cloth Breather
- Verata's Cloth Breather
- Wegloop's Air Veil
- Wei Qi's Cloth Breather
- Wupwup Cloth Breather
- Yassith's Cloth Breather
- Zintl Cloth Breather
- Zojja's Cloth Breather
- Ahamid's Leather Breather
- Angchu Leather Breather
- Beigarth's Leather Breather
- Diver's Breather Mask
- Ferratus's Leather Breather
- Forgemaster's Leather Breather
- Gobrech's Leather Breather
- Hronk's Leather Breather
- Keeper's Leather Breather
- Laranthir's Leather Breather
- Leftpaw's Leather Breather
- Maklain's Leather Breather
- Morbach's Leather Breather
- Occam's Leather Breather
- Ossa's Leather Breather
- Pahua's Leather Breather
- Ruka's Leather Breather
- Saphir's Leather Breather
- Svaard's Leather Breather
- Tateos's Leather Breather
- Thackeray's Leather Breather
- Tizlak's Leather Breather
- Veldrunner Leather Breather
- Ventari's Leather Breather
- Verata's Leather Breather
- Wegloop's Air Mask
- Wei Qi's Leather Breather
- Wupwup Leather Breather
- Yassith's Leather Breather
- Zintl Leather Breather
- Zojja's Leather Breather
- Ahamid's Metal Breather
- Angchu Metal Breather
- Beigarth's Metal Breather
- Diver's Breather Helmet
- Ferratus's Metal Breather
- Forgemaster's Metal Breather
- Gobrech's Metal Breather
- Hronk's Metal Breather
- Keeper's Metal Breather
- Laranthir's Metal Breather
- Leftpaw's Metal Breather
- Maklain's Metal Breather
- Morbach's Metal Breather
- Occam's Metal Breather
- Ossa's Metal Breather
- Pahua's Metal Breather
- Ruka's Metal Breather
- Saphir's Metal Breather
- Svaard's Metal Breather
- Tateos's Metal Breather
- Thackeray's Metal Breather
- Tizlak's Metal Breather
- Veldrunner Metal Breather
- Ventari's Metal Breather
- Verata's Metal Breather
- Wegloop's Air Helmet
- Wei Qi's Metal Breather
- Wupwup Metal Breather
- Yassith's Metal Breather
- Zintl Metal Breather
- Zojja's Metal Breather
Level 80 Exotic rarity Aquatic Headgear with selectable attribute combinations.
Purchased from the merchants Lionguard or TEID-07 Unified Vendor System for Badges of Honor and coin:
- Wintersday festival
Contained in Ultimate Wintersday Gifts and Ancient Mariner's Oilcloth Bags:
Level 80 Exotic rarity Aquatic Headgear with the Wanderer's attribute combination. They feature an infusion slot.
Purchased from Dive Master Astora in Lion's Arch for Swim-Speed Infusions +10 and coins:
Level 80 Rare rarity available as rewards from Defeat Tequatl the Sunless's group event:
- Benthic Aquabreather (light)
- Benthic Waterbreather (medium)
- Benthic Hydrobreather (heavy)
Fine and Masterwork[edit]
Level 80 Fine and Masterwork rarities may be purchased from Explorer Gavbeorn Serpentslayer for 581 and 1,155
, respectively.
Level 79 and below[edit]
Level rewards[edit]
- Level 8
- Metal Aquabreather (Heavy)
- Leather Aquabreather (Medium)
- Cloth Aquabreather (Light)
- Level 42
- Choice of: Hunter's Black Earth Aquabreather of the Citadel, Lingering Black Earth Aquabreather of the Citadel, or Penetrating Black Earth Aquabreather of the Citadel (Heavy)
- Choice of: Hunter's Black Earth Aquabreather of the Citadel, Lingering Black Earth Aquabreather of the Citadel, or Penetrating Black Earth Aquabreather of the Citadel (Medium)
- Choice of: Hunter's Black Earth Aquabreather of the Citadel, Lingering Black Earth Aquabreather of the Citadel, or Penetrating Black Earth Aquabreather of the Citadel (Light)
Personal Story rewards[edit]
- The Battle of Claw Island (Level 60)
- Trooper's Breather (heavy)
- Trooper's Breather (medium)
- Trooper's Breather (light)
The karma costs are the same for light, medium, and heavy versions. Creator Zee and Qualdup sell the uncommon Black Earth skins.
Recipe: Water Filter (level 20) can be purchased from Stout Darkmind for 126 .
List of Aquatic Headgear skins[edit]
- It is possible to travel underwater without an Aquatic Headgears equipped.
- Players can combine breathers in the Mystic Forge, but this will not automatically yield a breather of equal or greater rarity. Also, although the mystic forge might randomly produce one, it will be easier and arguably more economical to purchase one from a Karma merchant.
- When using a full set of superior runes on your armor, you must also apply the same rune to your Aquatic Headgear in order to receive the 6th bonus while underwater.
- Level 80 rare quality Aquatic Headgear from Defeat Tequatl the Sunless group event are available on the Trading Post. Higher quality Aquatic Headgear are account bound.