Creator Zee
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Creator Zee
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Creator Zee is on the west coast of Stormbluff Isle. Help disrupt the experiments at Aquanarium Hydropost and he'll begin offering items as a karma merchant.
Heart involvement[edit]
Items offered[edit]
Item | Type | Rarity | Level | Cost |
Smashed Inquest Capacitor | Accessory | Masterwork | 47 | 735 ![]() |
Smashed Inquest Capacitor | Accessory | Fine | 47 | 371 ![]() |
Metal Aquabreather | Heavy aquatic headgear | Fine | 47 | 371 ![]() |
Leather Aquabreather | Medium aquatic headgear | Fine | 47 | 371 ![]() |
Cloth Aquabreather | Light aquatic headgear | Fine | 47 | 371 ![]() |
Metal Aquabreather | Heavy aquatic headgear | Masterwork | 47 | 735 ![]() |
Leather Aquabreather | Medium aquatic headgear | Masterwork | 47 | 735 ![]() |
Cloth Aquabreather | Light aquatic headgear | Masterwork | 47 | 735 ![]() |
Magi's Soft Wood Scepter | Scepter | Fine | 47 | 294 ![]() |
Magi's Soft Wood Scepter | Scepter | Masterwork | 47 | 588 ![]() |
Bottled Stormwind (1 in total) (Only if the The North Wind collection is active.) |
Accessory | Exotic | 80 | 2,310 ![]() |
- ...and when the inverted relays become polarized, the flux field begins to vaporize...ingenious!
- Aquanarium Hydropost! Eh? Oh, you must be the new agent. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to disrupt the
- And let them off easy? No, no! Why not sabotage their priceless equipment? Make their experiments go haywire!
- Inquest equipment that I've...acquired. Sleep through your secret agent training, did you? (sigh) Very well, turn your attention to this sample
- OK, but first, can you tell me why we're doing this? (Same as "What is the Aquanarium Hydropost?" below)
- I'll have a look, then.
Okay, but how?
- No, I'd prefer to just kill everyone.
I accept! Do I...just go down and kill everyone?
- [sic] on the local quaggans. The Hydropost is an insidious Inquest operation. They've been performing terrible experimnts
- No, but in this case we have a...partnership with someone who'd rather see them left to live in peace.
- I'd rather see the quaggans left in peace, too. Let's get started! (Back to the beginning)
- Now, now, some things are need to know and believe me, YOU don't need to know.
- Okay, I'll just go get rid of these Inquest. (Same as "I accept! Do I...just go down and kill everyone?" above)
- I suppose you know all the secrets, then? Who are you exactly?
- Pff...I didn't want to know, anyway.
- Okay.
Is the order in the habit of saving quaggans?
- Not very observant are you? It's right below us! In the sea!
- Ah, well the I'm off to bash it! (Same as "I accept! Do I...just go down and kill everyone?" above)
- Near the quaggan village? Does the Order usually bother with their matters? (Same as "Is the order in the habit of saving quaggans?" above)
- Thanks, I'll go check it out.
Where is this place?
- Thats terrible.
What is the Aquanarium Hydropost?
- Not a chance.
Right, I heard you could use some help here.
- Creator Zee, of the Order of Whispers. At your service. Well, not really. I'm busy!
- I'm on the job, obviously! Given my extensive knowledge on the subject, I'm charged with stopping the Aquanarium Hydropost!
- Sounds good. Let's get to it! (Back to the beginning)
What are you doing here?
- I engineer all things for the Order. Inventing gadgets, planning major ops, and...that reminds me. I need to get back to work!
- Maybe I should help you. (Back to the beginning)
- What are you working on? (Same as "What are you doing here?" above)
- Of course.
What is a "creator?"
- [sic] leave you to your business, then. I'lll
Who are you?
- You seem busy. I'll leave you alone.
- Investigating Damaged Psylithium Generator
- This is a standard Pyslithium Generator. I believe they're powering the entire lab, which is bad, because they're quite powerful.
- These are well made...far superior to typical Inquest designs! They must have been pilfered from a respectable scientific facility.
- Of course I do! You...uhh...damage them! Crush them with your might! Improvise!
- I'm still probing it for weaknesses. It wouldn't be any good to me if it were simply destroyed!
- I'll see what I can do.
It doesn't look like you've been able to destroy this one.
- I'll get right on it.
You don't know how to disable them, do you?
- I see.
Do you have any crafty tricks to use on this one?
- Got it.
- Investigating Destroyed Containment Cell
- This heap over here used to be an Inquest Containment Cell. Very difficult to escape.
- That dimwit, Agent Wilkins over there, accidentally touched with it with a Tazer Glove.
- (If you do not have an Order of Whispers Tazer Glove)
- Well. I suppose. Be careful, though! The glove will overload the cell. I don't know what will happen to the prisoner!
- Yes, you can simply bash it. A few good hits should do the trick.
- Okay, I'll try that.
Is there some other way to disable it, in case this doesn't work?
- (If you already have an Order of Whispers Tazer Glove)
- I already gave you one! Do something useful with it and then we'll talk!
- Yes, you can simply bash it. A few good hits should do the trick.
- Okay, I'll try that.
Right. What if the glove doesn't work? Can it be destroyed?
Amazing, can I have one of these Tazer Gloves?
- Yes, you can simply bash it. A few good hits should do the trick.
- Okay, I'll try that.
How convenient. Is there any other way to destroy it?
- Ouch.
What happened to it?
- I see.
- Investigating Wrecked Dilithium Capacitor
- This device here, well, they call it a Dilithium Capacitor, but it's a bit of a joke really.
- It has an "OVERLOAD" button right on the side here. Just press it once and it starts ejecting power!
- I haven't a clue. It's very easy to repair. though. Kill anyone who tries to fix it!
- And spoil the fun? No, no. Just overload them. I like a good laugh.
- Okay.
Can't I just destroy it?
Just like that? Who would build such a thing?
What's so funny about it?
- Got it.
- If Destroy Psylithium Generators to free Quaggan prisoners is active
- / Please, get down there and disable that laboratory!
- OK!
- Ah, you've returned! And quite triumphant, I should add. We've slowed their progress considerably. Thank you.
- Got any new gadgets for me, Zee?
- Why did we do all this again? (Same as "What is the Aquanarium Hydropost?" above)
- You're welcome.
- There are multiple references associated with this NPC:
- Creator Zee is a reference to the James Bond character, Q
- The line "your mission, should you choose to accept it" is a reference to Mission: Impossible.
- Dilithium is a fictional chemical element featured in Star Trek.