Awakening (story)

- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- Following the Dream
- Location
- Caledon Forest
(Maguuma Jungle)
Dreamer's Terrace
(The Grove) - Level
- 10
- Race
- Choice
- Shield of the Moon
- Preceded by
- Fighting the Nightmare
- Followed by
Holding Back the Darkness
- 212
Loading screen at the troll burrow |
Awakening is a part of the sylvari personal story for characters who have finished the tutorial and have dreamed of the Shield of the Moon.
Speak with Mender Aviala.
- Talk to Mender Aviala.
Find the troll salve.
- Investigate the troll burrow.
- Obtain the troll salve.
- Jungle Troll Chieftain.
Give the troll salve to Mender Aviala.
- Take the troll salve to Mender Aviala.
Bring the antidote back to Caithe.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- 2,641
- 50
- Leather Bag (8 Slots)
- Bag of Loot (3)
- Profession-specific
One of the following: Chainmail Gauntlets, Ringmail Gauntlets, Scale Gauntlets
One of the following: Rawhide Bracers, Marksman's Bracers, Studded Leather Bracers
One of the following: Cloth Gloves, Linen Gloves, Velvet Gloves
This is a pretty straightforward mission. You will enter the troll area. If you are careful, you can fight just one or two trolls at a time. Go to the marker where the salve is.
Straight after you pick up the salve, the troll chieftain appears, and you must fight. Then return the salve to Aviala, who will tell you to take it into the Grove and give it to Caithe. Go see Caithe and make sure Tiachren gets healed.
Caledon Forest[edit]
Dreamer's Terrace[edit]
- Sylvari
- Caithe
- Mender Aine
- Mender Glyndowr
- Tiachren
- Luminary of the character's cycle:
Caledon Forest[edit]
In your mail after reaching level 10:
An Injured Friend Valiant, your aid is needed. An injured knight named Tiachren has stumbled into the Grove and collapsed. He has been gravely poisoned with rotsap, a terrible venom used only by the sylvari of the fallen Nightmare Court. If we do not bring him the antidote, Tiachren will die. I would go to obtain this cure, but I fear further attacks. I must stay, and defend him. Valiant, I need you to visit Mender Aviala in the Village of Astorea and request her help. She knows the antidote, and may have some available. When you have it, return swiftly. This brave knight's life is in your hands.—Caithe |
Speaking with Mender Aviala: (cinematic)
- Mender Aviala: Hail to you, sprout. You look so dour! Can I brighten your day?
- <Character name>: I have grave news. A sylvari has been injured by a poison called 'rotsap'. I'm told it is used by a group called the Nightmare Court. Caithe said that you might have an antidote?
- Mender Aviala: Oh, that's terrible! The Nightmare Court are evil. They've turned against the Pale Tree! I've seen them use this poison against sylvari who refuse to join them.
- Mender Aviala: I wish I could help you, but I've given the last of my stock to the Wardens of Caer Verdant. The Nightmare Court have been causing trouble there.
- <Character name>: Please. Caithe's letter said the sylvari's need is dire.
- Mender Aviala: There is one possibility, but it's problematic. The nearby trolls battle the Nightmare Court as well, and suffer from the same poisons.
- Mender Aviala: I've heard the trolls beyond the southeast edge of the Verdence use a salve to cure the poison. If I had some, I could make it work on sylvari, too.
- <Character name>: I'll find the salve and bring it to you. I'll be back soon, Mender.
Speaking with Mender Aviala again:
- Mender Aviala: Have you the troll salve, <Character name>?
- Certainly. What would you like to know?
- They possess a certain brutish cleverness, but they are also vicious and territorials.
- Interesting. May I ask another question?
- Thanks for the information. Good-bye.
Can you tell me about trolls?
- It's a sort of green, leafy paste-slightly rotten smelling. Just look carefully on the ground, you'll find it.
- Interesting. May I ask about something else?
- Thanks for the information. Good-bye.
What does troll salve look like?
- We are healders and shapers. We cure sylvari of ailments and wounds, and try to keep the land healthy.
- How helpful. May I ask another question?
- Thanks for the information. Good-bye.
What's a mender?
- Never mind. Thank you for your help.
I need to ask you something before I gather it.
- Sorry to bother you. I'll take care of that right now.
The Verdence (instance)[edit]
Approaching the trolls:
- Jungle Troll taunts <Character name>.
Interacting with the troll salve in the burrow:
- Troll Salve: A noxious pile of mashed leaves, roots, and fungi. Hopefully, trolls use this stuff to cure poison.
- Scrape some into a big leaf and wrap it up.
- Leave it alone.
Back in the Village of Astorea, speaking to Mender Aviala:
- Mender Aviala: Ah, yes, a simple change to this troll salve and...there! This should heal the knight. Take it to him with haste!
- I will, Mender. Thank you for your help.
Speaking with Mender Aviala again:
- Mender Aviala: You did a brave thing for that knight, sapling. Such kindness!
- Certainly. What would you like to know?
- Can you tell me about trolls? (same answer as earlier, see above)
- These are my pets, Olyviir and Myngoeh! They are lovely, and they protect me here in the forests. It can be so dangerous.
- That doesn't sound good. Can I ask another question?
- They are lovely, indeed. Thank you.
Why do you have those moas?
- What's a mender? (same answer as earlier, see above)
- Sorry to bother you.
May I ask you a question?
- You've been kind as well, Mender. Thank you for your help.
Dreamer's Terrace[edit]
Upon approaching Caithe:
- Caithe: Hurry—the antidote. He won't last much longer.
- Caithe: Excellent. I'll administer this.
- Caithe: He's coming around.
After Caithe has administered the salve: (cinematic)
- Caithe: Valiant! I am glad you came. Excuse my abrupt letter, but I felt this was critically important.
- Caithe: Did you notice the knight's shield! It bears a symbol I saw in your Dream: a crescent moon. You are meant to help him.
- Caithe: Easy, Tiachren. You're in the Grove among friends. You were poisoned, but we cured you. Tell us what happened.
- Tiachren: They took her. I tried to fight them off, but my wounds overcame me. By the Tree, I have to help her!
- <Character name>: Tiachren, wait. You're too weak to fight anyone right now. Tell us what happened, and we'll help you. I promise.
- Tiachren: The Nightmare Court kidnapped my love, Ysvelta. We were by the brook at Caer Verdant, and before I knew it, they had grabbed and poisoned me.
- Caithe: The court have many camps hidden throughout Caledon Forest. Ysvelta could be anywhere.
- Caithe: There is one person who might know. During a recent battle with the court, the Wardens took a prisoner: Renvari.
- Caithe: He has prestige among the Nightmare Court. They will try to free him before he can tell us their plans.
- <Character name>: Then we'll lend the Wardens our support If this Renvari knows where they've taken Ysvelta, we'll find a way to make him talk.
- Tiachren: Please, find out where she is. I can't bear to think about what they might be doing to my love. I beg you—hurry.
Interacting with the Shield of the Moon:
- Shield of the Moon: This shield looks familiar - it was in the Dream.
- Leave it alone.
Talking to Caithe:
- Caithe: Even with a powerful antidote, these poisons are not easily cured. I hope Tiachren has a strong will to live.
- Tiachren is a brave knight, and Ysvelta is a kind and talented mesmer. Tiachren's shield was a wedding gift from his beloved.
- Their love inspires many of us. The Nightmare Court's attack is a deliberate cruelty-not only to them, but to our joy in their happiness.
- Can I ask you something else?
- Cruel, indeed. We should do all we can to help.
You sound fond of them.
- Can I ask you something else?
- It's sad they are apart. I'll try to fix that.
What do you know of Tiachren and Ysvelta?
- You dreamed of the symbol on his shield. You will play some role in his life. We will know what that time.
- Why did the Nightmare Court attack him? (see below)
- Can I ask you something else?
- I understand.
What did you mean when you said I was meant to help Tiachren?
- Nightmare Court attack him?
- Because they're evil. Maybe they have a plan, but this was likely random maliciousness.
- Can I ask you something else?
- How sad, that such evil exists.
Why did the - Nightmare Court?
- Evil sylvari who reject Ventari's Tablet and seek to harm the Mother Tree.
- They believe that the tablet is a lie that has wrongly influenced the Tree. They reject the teaching of other races and intend to force nightmare on the rest of us.
- The Dream has dark corners. Traumatic memories, evil impulses, that sort of thing. To prove it's our true nature, they do as much evil as possible to poison the Dream.
- That's awful. Can I ask you another question?
- How horrible. I will remain vigilant against them!
"Embrace nightmare" sounds bad.
- Thorns! If they've captured Ysvelta, can she be saved? (see below)
Why would anyone do that?
- We won't let them do that. I promise you.
What do you know of the - Nightmare Court has Ysvelta, can she still be saved?
- I don't know. I only remember her a little. She is kind and compassionate. That helps. If we can find her in time.
- Can I ask you something else?
- Then I must make haste. Farewell.
If the - the Dream to help me?
- The Mother Tree sent me. Like the white stag, she exists both here and in the Dream. Still, as I am awake, I could only do so much.
- Exactly. We hoped we would find someone with the heart of a hero. And there you were, <Character name>.
- May I ask you something else?
- I am glad that I could aid the Pale Tree.
So you needed me to help you?
How were you able to reenter - That's all I needed for now.
Talking to Tiachren:
- Tiachren: Thank you, <Character name>. Please find Ysvelta. I will give you anything you want-just bring her home safely.
- Yes, you're right. I'm just so afraid for her. My poor beloved.
- She is everything to me. We Dreamed of one another, and when our hands first touched, I knew I existed only to bring her joy.
- I look forward to meeting her. Farewell for now.
Can you tell me about Ysvelta?
- I understand. Rest easy, and recover.
Rest. You must heal, or you won't do anyone any good.
- That she would. The thought of her smile fortifies my heart. Thank you.
- Can you tell me about Ysvelta? (same as above)
- My pleasure, Tiachren. Rest, now.
Be at peace. Your love would want you to recover.
- Revenge is a bitter fraught, but I will drink it gladly if I might see my beloved Ysvelta again.
- Can you tell me about Ysvelta? (same as above)
- That's the spirit! Recover, and I will see you very soon.
Easy there. In time, we will cut down the villains who stole her.
- The healer will tend you, and soon you'll be better. Farewell.
Talking to Mender Glyndowr:
- Mender Glyndowr: I'm glad you hurried. That poison nearly killed him.
- Pure will, my friend. He was so sick and came so far. Even as he was dying, he was begging us to help his lady!
- She must be wonderful, to inspire such love. May I ask another question?
- Interesting. Thank you.
How did Tiachren get here?
- She was. She became quite agitated. She looked at his shield and immediately sent you a missive. I don't know why.
- She's very...focused. May I ask another question?
- Interesting. Thank you.
Was Caithe here when Tiachren arrived?
- I understand. I hope he'll be better soon.
Talking to Mender Aine:
- Mender Aine: Thank you for your aid. It breaks my heart to see Tiachren so sick-and without his lady!
- I do. She is a kind and beautiful soul, always acting selflessly. Please, save her from the Nightmare Court.
- Do you know Tiachren well? (same as below)
- Don't worry. We'll find her.
You know Ysvelta?
- He is my friend. The love he bears for Ysvelta is beautiful. I hope one day to find the same.
- Thank you. I hope he gets better soon.
Do you know Tiachren well?
- I hope he gets better soon.
Talking to the Luminary of your cycle:
- For sylvari who emerged during the Cycle of Dawn:
- Aife: You did well, Valiant. You chose the honorable road with no guidance. I am impressed.
- firstborn, like you and Caithe?
- We constantly grow. I awakened as the sun rose on the first dawn of our race. I am an archer and a traveler, but now I stay here and help others.
- Oh, yes-Lion's Arch, the Maguuma Wastes, the great desert... The world is wider than you can dream, valiant.
- How wonderful. May I ask another question?
- [sic] Fascinating. Thank you, Firstborn.
Have you traveled to many places?
- Thank you for answering my questions.
What's it like to be - No. I merely volunteered to watch over him. Caithe wanted you, and only you. She's been very insistent.
- I'm sure she meant no disrespect. If you will excuse me?
Why are you here, Firstborn? Do you know Tiachren?
- We awakened during the early morning hours. We are diplomats, wanderers, and seekers. You are of our cycle, Valiant.
- I'm happy to be a member of the Dawn. May I ask another question?
- This explains my urge to travel! Thank you.
Can you tell me more about the Cycle of Dawn?
- Noon, Night, and Dusk? They each have their own strengths and interests.
- How curious. May I ask another question?
- Thanks for the explanation.
What about the other cycles?
- Dreams change with the hours. Someone's cycle can show us their true strength.
- Very interesting. May I ask another question?
- Thank you for the information.
What makes our time of birth so significant?
- Thank you, Firstborn.
- For sylvari who emerged during the Cycle of Noon:
- Niamh: You did well, Valiant. You fought hard and refused to surrender. I am impressed.
- What's it like to be firstborn, like you and Caithe?
- No. I merely volunteered to watch over him. Caithe wanted you, and only you. She's been very insistent.
- I'm sure she meant no disrespect. If you will excuse me?
Are you here because you know Tiachren?
- We awakened during the heat of the day. We are adventurers, daredevils, and soldiers. You are of our cycle, Valiant.
- [sic] I'm happy to be a member of the Cycle of Noon. May I ask another question?
- That must be why I love exploring! Thank you, Niamh.
Can you tell me more about the Cycle of Noon?
- Noon[sic], Night, and Dusk. They each have their own strengths and interests.
- How curious. May I ask another question?
- Thanks for the explanation.
What about the other cycles?
- Dreams change with the hours. Someone's cycle can show us their true strengths.
- Very interesting. May I ask another question?
- Thank you for the information.
What makes our time of birth so significant?
- Thank you, Firstborn.
- For players who emerged during the Cycle of Dusk:
- Kahedins: You have done well. You chose the honerable road, even without guidance. I am impressed.
- We are always adapting. I awakened as the sun first sets on our race. I am a scholar and an architect, and I shaped the Grove in the shadow of the Pale Tree.
- I am a shaper, someone who grows our houses and roads. I began by shaping the Grove, and have overseen its growth since.
- How wonderful. May I ask another question?
- Fascinating. Thank you, Firstborn.
What do you mean, you shaped the Grove?
- Thank you for answering my questions.
What's it like to be firstborn, like you and Caithe?
- No. I merely volunteered to watch over him. Caithe wanted you, and only you. She's been very insistent.
- I'm sure she meant no disrespect. If you will excuse me?
Are you here because you know Tiachren?
- The Cycle of Dusk awakened during the evening. We are artists, crafters, and entertainers. You are of our cycle, Valiant.
- I'm happy to be a member of the Cycle of Dusk. May I ask another question?
- I am here to see the beauty in the world. Thank you.
Can you tell me more about the Cycle of Dusk?
- Noon, Night, and Dawn. They each have their own strengths and interests.
- How curious. May I ask another question?
- Thanks for the explanation.
What about the other cycles?
- Dreams change with the hours. Someone's cycle can show us their true strengths.
- Very interesting. May I ask another question?
- Thank you for the information, Firstborn.
What makes our time of birth so significant?
- Thank you, Firstborn.
- For players who emerged during the Cycle of Night:
- Malomedies: You did well, Valiant. You fought hard and refused to surrender. I am impressed.
- We are always learning. I awakened on the first night of the sylvari race. I am a philosopher a mathematician, and a watcher of the world.
- I predict the evolution of events. For example, I see that you will be a force of change in Tyria.
- How wonderful. May I ask another question?
- Fascinating. Thank you, Firstborn.
What do you mean by watcher of the world?
- Thank you for answering my questions.
What's it like to be firstborn, like you and Caithe?
- No. I merely volunteered to watch over him. Caithe wanted you, and only you. She's been very insistent.
- I'm sure she meant no disrespect. If you will excuse me?
Are you here because you know Tiachren?
- We awakened during the dark of night. We are mathematicians, scoundrels, and sentinels. You are of our cycle, Valiant.
- [sic] I'm happy to be a member of the Cycle of Night. May I ask you another question?
- That explains why I'm so interested in seeing the world.
Can you tell me more about the Cycle of Night?
- Noon, Dawn, and Dusk. They each have their own strengths and interests.
- How curious. May I ask another question?
- Thanks for the explanation.
What about the other cycles?
- Dreams change with the hours. Someone's cycle can show us their true strengths.
- Very interesting. May I ask another question?
- Thank you for the information, Firstborn.
What makes our time of birth so significant?
- Thank you, Firstborn.
My story[edit]
![]() |
- Previous text
- I helped the people of Caledon Forest, and saw many things. These lands are much like my Dream, and there is an even bigger world beyond! Tyria, they call it. One day, I will explore, and discover it all.
- I spoke with Mender Aviala, and asked how to find antidote for the poison Caithe mentioned. It's so rare that I will have to steal it from the trolls.
- The trolls were none too willing to give up their salve, but I was determined. I hope this is what Aviala needs.
- The troll goo was...icky. But it seems to be what Mender Aviala needed to make the antidote. I hope this works.
- Thanks to the antidote, Tiachren has recovered from the Nightmare Court poison. He told us that his lady, Ysvelta, had been kidnapped by the Nightmare Court. We'll have to find her quickly, if we are to rescue her.
Objective and dialogue changes[edit]
- Before the September 2014 Feature Pack, there was an extra objective and dialogue at the beginning to talk to the Warden Requisitioner.
Help the residents of Caledon Forest.
- Speak with the Warden Requisitioner, and acquire your gear.
- Speak to Warden Arondele.
- Speaking to Warden Requisitioner
- Ah, a freshly awakened sylvari! Welcome to Tyria, sapling! I'm a member of the Wardens, the protective guard of our homeland here in the Grove. I'm here to provide you with equipment.
- I've just the thing for you. Here, take this. Now, go speak with Warden Arondele, down the path to your left. She'll help you get oriented.
- Thank you very much!
Oh, good. In my dream, I had a certain attire...
- Speaking to Warden Requisitioner again
- This will suffice for now. You can find better equipment during your travels and purchase it from merchants throughout Tyria. Good luck!
- Again, thank you. You've been very helpful.