Trading Trickery
Trading Trickery
- Year
- 1325 AE
- Storyline
- Personal story
- Chapter
- The Teachings of Ventari
- Location
- Wychmire Swamp
(Caledon Forest) - Level
- 20
- Race
- Choice
- "All things have a right to grow"
- Preceded by
Seeking the Zalisco
- Followed by
Eye of the Sun
- 223
Trading Trickery is a part of the Sylvari personal story for characters who decided the most important teaching is "All things have a right to grow" and have finished Seeking the Zalisco and decided to trick the Dengatl tribe to get back the Zalisco.
Trick the Dengatl tribe.
- Meet Pellam in Wychmire Swamp
- Hylek Hidden: 0/5
- Tell Pellam to signal the Dengatl hylek.
- Meet with the Dengatl hylek.
- Hold out against the Dengtatl attack.
- Find and interrogate the Dengatl speaker.
Click here to edit the reward data
- All professions
- 2,808
- Basic Salvage Kit
- Bag of Loot (4)
- Profession-specific
One of the following: Malign Chain Legs, Mighty Chain Legs, Resilient Chain Legs
One of the following: Malign Seeker Pants, Mighty Seeker Pants, Resilient Seeker Pants
One of the following: Malign Embroidered Pants, Mighty Embroidered Pants, Resilient Embroidered Pants
Start the mission by talking to Pellam. Then talk to the Hylek one at a time. You should tell them to hide in the green circle area, to get ready to ambush the traitor Hylek. Once you have hidden all the good Hylek, the traitor Hylek will arrive for the meeting.
Pellam tells them he has special-shiny-magic-sylvari weapons for them. Then in a toad-ally suprising move, the traitor Hylek do a double cross! Oh no! Wart will we do?
Kill all the traitor Hylek, then go looking for the Dengatl speaker. The Dengatl speaker is hiding in a "suspicious tree" near the bridge. Hold down Ctrl to identify the tree. Attack the tree to make him pop out. Then after some blabbing and begging, he will give you a jar of zalisco extract.
Return to the Grove to talk to Trahearne.
Opening cinematic:
- <Character name>: Hail, Pellam... and Speaker Mahuti? Welcome! It's good to see you again.
- Pellam: Speaker Mahuti helped me send a message to the Dengatl tribe. They won't deal with sylvari directly, but they'll trade with other hylek.
- Pellam: The Hazupl have offered to buy back their zalisco extract in exchange for magical weapons.
- <Character name>: Will the Dengatl agree? Do you even have magical weapons to trade?
- Pellam: They've already agreed, and no — but that won't matter. The Dengatl are sure to double-cross us, so we'll double-cross them first.
- Speaker Mahuti: The Dengatl are cruel, foolish hylek. We will show them the Sun god favors the path of honor, and then we will cast them from his sight.
- <Character name>: Well said. Sounds like the Dengatl are in for an unpleasant surprise.
After the opening cinematic:
- Speaker Mahuti: Show us where you want us to hide. We'll go where you lead.
- Pellam: When you've got the hylek in position, come back, and I'll light a flare to alert the Dengatl that we're ready to trade.
On speaking to Pellam, before setting the hylek into position:
- Pellam: I have unshakeable faith in this plan. How do we begin?
- The Dengatl will approach these goods, so placing them nearby is best.
- What do each of these hylek do? (Same as "Let's see if I can remember..." below)
- I'll remember that.
Where should the Hazupl hylek position themselves?
- Let's see if I can remember what Mahuti told me. Which do you want to hear about?
- Hylek for "hunter." They use spears and fight at close range. Best to put them nearby.
- What about the other hylek?
- Can I ask you something else?
- That's all I needed to know. Thanks.
- Ah, the "singers." They breathe fire. Extraordinary! I'd put them up close... but not too close!
- What about the other hylek?
- Can I ask you something else?
- That's all I needed to know. Thanks.
- That means "sorcerer." They use blow darts as well as spells. Put them at a greater distance.
- What about the other hylek?
- Can I ask you something else?
- That's all I needed to know. Thanks.
- Let's see, that meant "wise," I think. They use a net. Put them at the midrange.
- What about the other hylek?
- Can I ask you something else?
- That's all I needed to know. Thanks.
- Can I ask another question?
- That's all I needed to know. Thanks.
Can you tell me about the different types of hylek?
- Nothing now, thanks.
Putting the hylek into position:
- Hazupl Amini: So, Valiant. You wish to fight beside the children of the Sun! Very well. What shall I do?
- Follow me. (starts following you)
- Stay here and hide. (hides)
- Stay here. I'll be right back.
- Hazupl Cuicani: Hail, <Character name>. In the name of the Sun, I shall serve you.
- Follow me. (starts following you)
- Hide right here. (hides)
- Stay still. I'll be back.
- Hazupl Nahualli: Hail, <Character name>. May the Sun light your path. Where shall I fight?
- Follow me. (starts following you)
- Hide right here. (hides)
- Wait here for my orders.
- Hazupl Tlamatini: I greet you beneath the sunlight, <Character name>. What shall I do to help?
- Follow me. (starts following you)
- Hide here, please? (hides)
- Nothing yet.
- Speaker Mahuti: The Sun himself blesses your plan, <Character name>. What shall I do to aid you?
- Follow me. (starts following you)
- Hide right here. (hides)
- Wait here for my orders, please.
On speaking to Pellam, after setting the hylek into position:
- Pellam: I have unshakeable faith in this plan. How do we begin?
- Excellent. I'll put up the signal if you're ready.
- Ready when you are.
The Hazupl are set up for ambush. Now to find out what the Dengatl know.
- Nothing now, thanks.
After Pellam puts up the signal:
- Pellam: That should do it. They'll see this and come running.
- Pellam: Ah... there they are. Good. My knot-headed brother's plan would never have worked this well.
Cinematic when the Dengatl arrives:
- Dengatl Speaker: Are you the tree-folk that the Hazupl said would trade with us?
- Pellam: Yes. I've brought your magical weapons. Do you have the zalisco extract?
- Dengatl Speaker: Yes. I have the jar you want. Hmm... these weapons don't look magical.
- Pellam: Oh, they're magical. They're enchanted with super-sylvari-shiny-magic.
- Dengatl Speaker: That sounds powerful, indeed! What can these weapons do? Cut through our enemies like water? Summon the light of the moon?
- Pellam: Well, they'll certainly chop a few hylek down to size.
- Dengatl Speaker: Eh? Hmph. You tree-folk are weak fools. We stole the elixir from you, and now we will take your magic-shiny weapons as well!
- Pellam: A double-cross? Oh, no. I'm toad-ally surprised. How unhoppy for us! Wart are we going to do?
- Dengatl Speaker: Stop it! That's not funny!
- <Character name>: Well, if you're tired of our jokes, then I guess it's time to fight. Hazupl! Attack!
After the cinematic and the fight begins:
- Dengatl Speaker: Aiee! Kill them all! Quickly!
- Hazupl Cuicani: You will know pain!
- Pellam: Look. The speaker came prepared. Let's go meet him.
- Speaker Mahuti: Right behind you. The Dengatl are no match for my fighters.
- Hazupl Nahualli: There's no swamp big enough for all of us.
- Hazupl Tlamatini: Leap to the fight!
- Hazupl Amini: Attack!
- Pellam: Where did the Dengatl speaker go? He's the one carrying the extract!
- Speaker Mahuti: He is a coward, hiding like a snake in the reeds. We will show him justice!
Speaking to Pellam during the fight:
- Pellam: Now! Attack!
- I will!
Speaking to your allies after the fight:
- Pellam: The speaker's the one with the zalisco extract! Find and capture him!
- Right!
- Other Hazupl NPCs: The Dengatl Speaker must face his crimes.
- He will.
Cinematic after locating the disguised Dengatl Speaker:
- Dengatl Speaker: Spare me! I beg you!
- <Character name>: All right, but I'm only going to ask this once. Where's the zalisco extract?
- Dengatl Speaker: You're too late! The extract is gone. Tochzotl, speaker of the Ogotl tribe, has taken it away.
- Pellam: The Ogotl are a tribe of mystics. Their speaker must have helped the Dengatl steal the extract.
- Dengatl Speaker: Yes. Tochzotl is making great magic — far more powerful than your useless unmagical weapons! He calls it the Eye of the Sun. It will destroy all enemies of the hylek. That is all I know!
- <Character name>: This is serious. We should thank Speaker Mahuti, and then go find Trahearne.
- Pellam: You're right. The Dengatl speaker's jar still has some of the extract in it. I'll take it with me and meet you back at the Grove.
After the cinematic:
- Pellam: Thank you for your help, Speaker. We couldn't have accomplished this without the aid of your tribe.
- Speaker Mahuti: The Dengatl deserved to be punished. I will pray that the Sun god keeps you safe. Farewell, blessed twin.
On speaking with NPCs after mission completion:
- Pellam: Eye of the Sun? That doesn't sound promising.
- Sounds dangerous. I'll see you at the Grove.
- Dengatl Speaker: Do not kill me! Tochzotl is your enemy, not I! He is too strong for Dengatl to defeat, and much too strong for you.
- Tochzotl is priest of the Ogotl tribe. He is cruel and powerful. As soon as he knew we had the zalisco extract, he demanded it. We had no choice.
- Free? You will not slay me? In gratitude, I will spread your name as a friend to my people. I thank you for my life, sylvari.
- Remember your debt the next time you consider attacking my people.
You were forced—but that does not excuse you. Still, I'll set you free.
- Pellam: I'll take him to the local wardens. They can escort him back to the Grove for further questioning.
- Good idea, but be cautious. This hylek isn't trustworthy.
I've heard enough. Pellam, will you take charge of the prisoner?
- Speaker Mahuti: This is a valuable prisoner. He will fight in the arenas of the Sun, and the god will decide his fate.
- As you say.
You gave him our extract—you should both pay for your treachery. Speaker Mahuti—he's all yours.
- There's always a choice, Speaker.
Tell me about Tochzotl.
- You don't know what I'm capable of. Your people are going to be very surprised.
- Speaker Mahuti: I regret that my people cannot aid you, but the lands of the Ogotl are too far away. You must do this alone.
- Tochzotl is the priest of the Ogotl, a hylek tribe of mystics. He is ambitious and dangerous.
- I'll bear that in mind, thank you.
Who is this "Tochzotl"?
- Understood. May you travel safely home.
- Other Hazupl NPCs: Good work, friend <Character name>. We Hazupl are proud to call you an ally.
- I am glad to be considered so.
My story[edit]
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