Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Cryptid Chase

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Cryptid Chase is a Janthir Side Stories achievement in Lowland Shore in which Echoes of Night tasks the player with investigating a "crow-footed skulker". Echoes of Night will only speak to the player on a character that has completed the relevant story steps.


Cryptid Chase Janthir Side Stories Janthir Wilds mastery point 10Achievement points
Gather samples from across Lowland Shore.Fables and mysteries, Janthir is filled with creatures of legend.
Found 1 Sample 2Achievement points
Found 6 Samples 2Achievement points
Found 7 Samples 0Achievement points
Found 12 Samples 2Achievement points
Found 15 Samples steps 4Achievement points


Collectible Type Subtype Map Location Closest landmark Notes
If Echoes of Night won't offer dialog to continue the collection, swap to the character that you started the collection on and he should continue the dialog correctly.



Storyline (interface).png

Echoes of Night

Do You Believe?

To the one they call "Wayfinder,"

I have been watching you. I say this not to alarm you, but rather, to entice you. You see, I've been hard at work on something of a cryptozoological investigation. It seems the sort of task to which you'd be uniquely suited. Physically, without question. But also, parapsychologically. Your support is crucial in helping me prove the existance of the notorious Crow-Footed Skulker! Come speak with me if you are interested in unveiling the TRUTH.

Echoes of Night
Greetings, Wayfinder! With all of the fascinating adventures you've embarked upon, surely you've heard tales of the crow-footed skulker, correct?
Talk collection option.png The what?
The crow-footed skulker! An enigmatic creature that stalks these very wilds. Many doubt it exists, but I'm set on proving it does, once and for all! Care to help me?
Talk collection option.png Yeah, I would like to help out.
Amazing: Here is a list of places where there have been reports of unknown tracks or trails. Please gather whatever samples or information you can and bring it back to me.
Talk end option tango.png Great, I will be back when I have those.
Echoes of Night: Outlander! Just the lifesaving breath to invigorate my research!
Echoes of Night: Most dismiss the crow-footed skulker as a myth of old troll tales. Not I!
Echoes of Night: Part troll, part winged crow, it stalks the woods with a brooding "caw" and a stench to petrify the snout!
Echoes of Night: We'll begin by gathering samples—footprints, fur, droppings. Any evidence you happen upon. Let our research commence!
Talk end option tango.png Not right now.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, not interested.
After collecting the unknown samples
Greetings again, Wayfinder. Do you have all of the samples?
Talk collection option.png Yes, I do.
Wonderful! Could I bother you to pick up some additional samples with which to compare them? Once you have them, you can turn them in directly to Eno.
Talk collection option.png Will do.
Echoes of Night: What pristine samples! Made fast friends, I have, with a researcher from your Bastion of Knowledge.
Echoes of Night: I'll send these over for analysis. In the meantime, we'll move to the cross-reference stage of our research.
Echoes of Night: Provided you with a list of locations for sample collection, I have. This time, for documented beasts in the area.
Echoes of Night: We'll check the samples of known creatures against our first batch to rule out any faulty evidence. Hop to it, we shall!
Talk end option tango.png Maybe another time.
Talk more option tango.png Tell me about this "crow-footed skulker."
A riveting creature indeed! Part troll and part winged crow, it stalks the woods with a brooding "caw" and a stench to pretrify the snout!
Talk more option tango.png Go on...
Most have dismissed it as a fabled creature from old troll tales, although some swear they've caught a glimpse of it wandering the woods. If only we could get so lucky!
Talk more option tango.png Great. I'll return once I have the samples.
Talk end option tango.png Maybe another time.
Talk end option tango.png I need to get going.
After completing step #13 All Samples Returned
Ward Member Eno
Wayfinder, how are things going?
Talk collection option.png I have some samples for you.
These will do nicely. Excellent work.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks.
Ward Member Eno: Oh no, Wayfinder! You're the one who's been encouraging this raving loon?
Ward Member Eno: Met him during my outreach rounds. Ranted for an hour about some troll with bird feet! Then came the letters...
Ward Member Eno: Can't keep track of them anymore, he's sent so many! Senseless ramblings scrawled over every page. And now... NOW...
Ward Member Eno: He has you bringing me dung piles! I'm putting an end to it! Here, I'll analyze his deer droppings and troll nose hairs.
Ward Member Eno: And when the results read "100 percent idiot," maybe he'll take a hint! Expect a detailed report of my findings!
Talk end option tango.png Never mind.
Echoes of Night
Wayfinder, you're here! Are you ready to hear the results? I'm on pins and needles myself!
Talk collection option.png Let's hear them!
Echoes of Night: At last! The outlander arrives. Let us discuss our findings, yes?
Ward Member Eno: Yes, well... I was able to identify the majority of your unknown samples, most being the result of native wildlife...
Ward Member Eno: However, two I was not able to account for... No record corresponds to anything even close... It's not definitive, but-
Echoes of Night: Praise the clouds upon which I walk in elation! No longer shall the world turn a blind eye to the crow-footed skulker!
Hooligan Kodan Teen: (snickers)
Hooligan Kodan Teen: (snickers)
Ward Member Eno: Hold on. Who's there?
Hooligan Kodan Teen: (laughs)
Hooligan Kodan Teen: (laughs)
Echoes of Night: Why, that's the sound of the trees tittering in delight of the truth!
Ward Member Eno: No, it's not, it's some stupid kids! Don't suppose you have anything to do with this?
Hooligan Kodan Teen: It was all the work of the crow-footed skulker!
Echoes of Night: My discovery was a sham of adolescent cruelty? Cubhood all over again, this is...
Ward Member Eno: Well, your village heads will surely hear about your callous prankery and unchaperoned visit to the bog.
Hooligan Kodan Teen: Not fair! We weren't even in the bog! Not going anywhere near the queen! Are you mad?
Ward Member Eno: Then how do you explain-
Champion Cave Troll: (roars)
Ward Member Eno: What... was that?
Echoes of Night: Huh? Oh... Oh ho ho!
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, not right now.