Tales of the Lowland Wisps

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Tales of the Lowland Wisps is a Janthir Side Stories achievement.


This achievement rewards a title. Tales of the Lowland Wisps Janthir Side Stories Janthir Wilds mastery point 5Achievement points
Follow all of the wisps scattered throughout Lowland Shore.Not all who wander are lost.
Title: Wanderer

  • Meet with Stalwart Heart at Moon Camp.
  • Search under the moon near where your journey begins.
  • Search in the forest near rocky steps.
  • Found among the bones of fallen prey in the home of a beast.
  • Hidden near the cove where boats rest.
  • Search below the lake near the shore that's home to drakes.
  • Return to Stalwart Heart at Moon Camp.
  • Meet with Valiant Aria at Loch Lucent.
  • Found in the bog by small stream where fresh water flows from above.
  • Search on the cliffs above the fishing village.
  • Found on the rocks where fish fly.
  • Hidden in the southern tundra between a rock and a hard place.
  • Search by the springs where water flows on half rings.
  • Meet with Stalwart Heart at Bagoo Cave.
  • Hidden in Harvest Den near the space with an audience.
  • Talk to the King Wisp in his den.
  • Return to Stalwart Heart at Valiant Aria's house near Loch Lucent.
Completed 17 Steps 5Achievement points
Youtube.png Search YouTube for videos related to Tales of the Lowland Wisps.


Objective Map Location Notes


Meeting Valiant Aria near Loch Lucent
Valiant Aria: Yes? To what do I owe this...unexpected visit?
Talk collection option.png Apologies. I was asked to speak with you about the wisp creatures.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry about that. I'll be on my way.
Valiant Aria: A visitor. If I'd known to expect company, I'd have prepared some tea.
Valiant Aria: You're here on account of the wisps, then? (chuckles) I have my ways of keeping informed.
Valiant Aria: That sky watcher friend of yours is quite...inquisitive. Her motives are clear as bog water, and surely every bit as pure.
Valiant Aria: She'll be sad to hear that I'm not versed in the intricacies of the wisps' existence. Even the trolls know only so much...
Valiant Aria: Still, perhaps I'll pay her a visit. As for you, I'm sure the wisps would continue to appreciate your respectful company.
Meeting Stalwart Heart in Bagoo Cave
Head Archivist Stalwart Heart: Hello, Wayfinder! You've made it just in time.
Talk collection option.png And I've brought some more information.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry, can't talk right now.
Cave Troll: (grunts)
Head Archivist Stalwart Heart: But what are they, exactly?
Valiant Aria: She says that is unknowable, though many believe them a link between realms. So those able to see them are revered.
Valiant Aria: Being graced by a visit from the king wisp is the highest honor. It is akin to a Voice beholding Koda in your tribes.
Head Archivist Stalwart Heart: Ask it—her—more about this "King Wisp." Where is he? How does one secure a meeting?
Cave Troll: (grunts)
Valiant Aria: She says that is for the king to decide. Rumors say he dwells in a cave near Harvest Den.
Cave Troll: (grunts)
Head Archivist Stalwart Heart: And?
Valiant Aria: And that she tires of your incessant questions and will refrain from answering anything further.
Head Archivist Stalwart Heart: (sighs) Well, it's something to go on, I suppose. And do you believe in this king?
Valiant Aria: He exists. Thought I've never seen him, I am certain. The mere chance to lay eyes on him is well worth your while.
Head Archivist Stalwart Heart: Very well. Wayfinder, I'll need you to keep investigating. We might be closer to a breakthrough than we realize.
Head Archivist Stalwart Heart: Who knows? Maybe the king will feel like making an appearance.
Meeting with the King Wisp in Hibernation Grotto
King Wisp: Come closer...
After bowing
King Wisp: My kin seems to favor you, and I can sense why...
King Wisp: You have done well to find us.
King Wisp: My thanks to you for keeping my kin company. I hope you found as much benefit in it as they did.
Returning to Stalwart Heart in Valiant Aria's house
Knowing your reputation for thorough work, Wayfinder, if you've returned to us, that can only mean one thing...
Talk collection option.png I found them.
Talk end option tango.png Sorry. Still looking.
Speaking with Stalwart Heart again


  • Despite not being targetable, the Wisps can be buffed with Swiftness or Superspeed using ground-targeted or PBAoE abilities.


  • The line "Not all who wander are lost" is quoted from The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring.