Southward Claw
“And there came to be a great storm that did not end though month after month and season after season passed. And the great seers, the Voices, of the kodan said it was time to wait and to watch and to learn. With their thick white fur, the kodan would be safe. But waiting was not easy, for there was little to hunt in the storm. And in the great halls, the rumbling of bellies echoed like the roaring of bears. And there was a Claw without a Voice, a hunter among the kodan who refused to stay. He said that fur or no fur, storm or no storm, a hunter must hunt. And he led many others with him into the storm to seek hunting grounds in the lands to the far south, where the snow was light. And they were never seen again.
The Southward Claw was a Claw of Koda who led a faction of kodan south from the arctic during the Dragonstorm. His people settled into Janthir and became known as Lowland Kodan. The name of the Claw has been lost to time, but the legend of his deeds and his mighty spear lives on millennia later.
The kodan who would one day be remembered with the title of Southward Claw lived during the previous dragonrise with his mate Waiting Sorrow who served as the Voice of Koda in their community.[1][2][3] The Elder Dragon Jormag caused the years-long Dragonstorm, and Waiting Sorrow vanished after suffering from the effects of the Rage of Koda.
When there was a break in the storm, the Claw had to decide whether to wait for his mate's return or lead his starving faction of kodan south in search of new hunting grounds against the wishes of other kodan. He ended up choosing the latter for the sake of the many although he missed his mate.[4] He was aided in his task by his five closest companions who helped him lead their people to safety. Gatherer of the Hunt was the expert forager, Uncovered Grounds was good at exploring and scouting areas, Embracing Refuge was a master crafter, Recollector of Memories knew how to hunt well, and Sharpened Tip defeated powerful enemies on the journey.[5] The Southward Claw's companions would be honored in his spear, Klobjarne Geirr.
Centuries after the Southward Claw's departure, some northern kodan came to believe that his faction of kodan had turned into the norn.[1][2] The Claw had ended up on Lowland Shore, however, and his and his people's descendants became the Lowland Kodan who would move from place to place around the Janthir region while keeping their distance from their northward kodan cousins. The highland kodan would eventually learn of the existence of the lowlanders although their diverged beliefs caused a rift between the two kodan factions, so they rarely interacted since.
Related achievements[edit]
Legendary Spear: Klobjarne Geirr: Klobjarne Geirr: Journey of the Claw — Honor the Claw of legend and his five closest allies who led their bearkin out of the dragonstorm to safety. (5
See also[edit]
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