Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Fervent Force

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Fervent Force.png

Fervent Force

Untamed icon small.png Untamed (trait list)
Training cost
10 Hero points
0.25¼ Recharge time
Fervent Force

Disabling a foe reduces the cooldowns of all your equipped skills.
Disables include stun, daze, knockback, pull, knockdown, sink, float, launch, taunt, and fear.

Miscellaneous effect.png Recharge Reduced: 3 seconds
Miscellaneous effect.png Recharge Reduced: 2 seconds

— In-game description

Related skills[edit]

Weapon skills that are improved by this trait

Utility skills that are improved by this trait

Pet skills that are improved by this trait


  • Although this trait does affect the skills gained through Unleash Pet, it does not affect pet skills, and it will not activate off of pet crowd control.
  • Effects such as Taunt.png Taunt and Fear.png Fear will activate this trait upon the initial infliction of the condition.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed trait history, see here.

Patch Changes
June 27, 2023
  • Let Loose: This trait replaces Fervent Force. Grant boons to nearby allies when you use an unleashed ambush skill. Recharge your unleashed ambush skill when you swap weapons.
    • Guild Wars 2 Wiki notes: Fervent Force has been removed from the game.
May 02, 2023
  • Reduced cooldown reduction from 4 seconds to 3 seconds in PvE only.
March 28, 2023
  • (Undocumented) Removed unnecessary spaces in the list of control effects.
February 28, 2022 End of Dragons release:
  • Fervent Force has been added to the game.
  • (Undocumented) Recharge reduction reduced to 2 seconds in PvP and WvW.
November 30, 2021
October 26, 2021