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Juvenile Aether Hunter

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Juvenile Aether Hunter.png

Juvenile Aether Hunter

Aether Hunter.jpg

Horn of Maguuma
Versatile (Archetype).png Versatile: Vitality.pngBoon Duration.png

Imbued with ley-line energy, aether hunters can travel through the toughest of terrains with ease, unlike their sand-dwelling counterparts.


Juvenile Aether Hunters are animal companions that can be charmed by rangers.

Pet skills and attributes[edit]

Aether Hunter pets use the following skills.

Juvenile Aether Hunter skills
Skill type Key Skill Description
Aether hunter AI skills Bite (aether hunter).png Bite Bite at your foe and inflict bleeding.
Lunge (aether hunter).png Lunge Lunge forward, crippling opponents in the path.
Ley-Line Vortex.png Ley-Line Vortex Spin around, creating a vortex of ley-line energy around you that strikes and inflicts conditions on enemies.
Pet skill F2 Dimension Breach.png Dimension Breach Dive between dimensions, resurfacing at your foe's location and knocking them into the air.
Soulbeast icon white.png
Soulbeast merged skills
F1 Lunge (aether hunter).png Lunge Lunge forward, crippling opponents in the path.
F2 Ley-Line Vortex.png Ley-Line Vortex Spin around, creating a vortex of ley-line energy around you that strikes and inflicts conditions on enemies.
F3 Prelude Lash.png Prelude Lash Beast. Pull foes toward you and bind them briefly.

At level 80, juvenile aether hunter pets have the following default attributes:

Attribute Value
Power.png Power 1,868
Precision.png Precision 1,524
Toughness.png Toughness 1,524
Vitality.png Vitality 3,585
Condition Damage.png Condition Damage 1,000
Ferocity.png Ferocity 0
Healing Power.png Healing Power 0


Horn of Maguuma

Interactive map[edit]
