Living World Season 4 content

Sage Ninukab

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Sage Ninukab is a dredge standing atop a tall peak in Refiner's Joy, next to the Thunderhead Keep Volatile Delivery adventure. Being the collective's sage, he has travelled the world in search of knowledge, and has words of wisdom to offer the Pact Commander, according to their race.


Shiverpeak Mountains


If asura
Oh, it's an asura! I greatly admire the krewe system.
Talk more option tango.png Of course you do. It's the perfect social system.
I wouldn't say that, comrade! The lack of a centralized authority has led to the existence of the Inquest, who have betrayed and exploited my kind.
Talk end option tango.png You have my sympathy—we share this particular adversary.
Talk more option tango.png The krewe system isn't responsible for the Inquest!
Responsibility is a construct of the mind, but I've observed the reality of Metrica Province. Asuran society claims to oppose the Inquest, but in practice they allow them to recruit and operate.
Talk end option tango.png Well, I certainly don't.
Talk more option tango.png That's one model. But it's incomplete without a motive.
The unethical research that the inquest[sic] carry out—do they always keep the results secret?
Talk more option tango.png You're saying that the Inquest are passively tolerated for their research?
I'm only making observations and asking questions.
Talk more option tango.png Well I for one admire it. A busy mind is rare among your kind.
You...have much to learn.
Talk end option tango.png As do we all.
Talk end option tango.png I've thwarted them repeatedly. I'm living disproof of your theory. QED.
Talk more option tango.png An educated dredge, I take it?
My role in the collective is to be a sage. I take my job seriously.
Talk end option tango.png How admirable!
If charr
A Charr! My condolences for the hellscape of your homeland.
Talk more option tango.png It's not perfect, but at least everyone knows their place.
Certainty is comforting, I suppose. Perhaps one day you'll awaken as the Olmakhan have.
Talk end option tango.png You can enjoy communing with those kittens and leave the fighting to me.
Talk end option tango.png There's something to be said for their way of doing things.
Ferocity You want to say that again?
Charr society is dreadful, isn't it? The strong control the weak and rule through fear.
Talk more option tango.png It's not fear. It's respect.
Respect for the ability to do violence sounds a lot like fear to me.
Talk more option tango.png Are you calling me a coward?
I'm calling you smart. Except for your unenlightened politics.
Talk end option tango.png I could prove to you that might makes right, but you aren't worth it.
Talk end option tango.png You know what? I'll take the compliment.
Talk more option tango.png I kill Elder Dragons. No charr scares me. Respect is deeper than fear.
Well, Commander, heh, I'll definitely say that I respect you! Ha.
Talk end option tango.png Damn right.
Talk end option tango.png If it works, it works
If human
A human, eh? How's absolute monarchy working out for you?
Dignity Queen Jennah is a friend of mine. What are you implying?
I mean no offense! But a charismatic monarch that everyone loves is just a smoke screen for the real power apparatus.
Talk more option tango.png And what's that?
The rich, of course. The oligarchs of Divinity's Reach are the true power behind the city.
Talk more option tango.png Jennah answers to nobody.
Really? Is that why families like the Beetlestones were so willing to ally themselves with the White Mantle when it served their profits?
Talk more option tango.png Caudecus has been dealt with.
But the system ensures that the problem will persist. There will be more Caudecus Beetlestones, mark my words.
Talk end option tango.png I'll be ready for them.
Talk more option tango.png How do you know so much about Divinity's Reach?
My role in the collective is to be a sage. I take my task seriously and devote myself to worldly knowledge.
Talk end option tango.png Well, just leave human matters to the humans.
Talk end option tango.png Not after I had something to say about it. Good-bye.
Talk more option tango.png I hadn't given it much thought.
Talk end option tango.png I'll be going.
Talk more option tango.png What's wrong with Jennah's rule? (Same as "Queen Jennah is a friend of mine. What are you implying?")
If norn
A norn. I've studied your kind extensively.
Talk more option tango.png And what have you found?
Norn society is based on kin relationships and hero worship. Is that right?
Talk more option tango.png That's the long and short of it.
It sounds unstable and miserable to me.
Talk end option tango.png That's your opinion.
Talk more option tango.png Why would you think that?
Hero worship is isolating because you know you'll never live up. And it requires you to lie about those you admire most.
Talk more option tango.png I would never lie about the dead!
A legend is a lie, even if just by omission. We are all flawed, and no accomplishment is truly an individual one.
Talk more option tango.png That's why family is so important!
I'm only saying that maybe you'd be less obsessed with death if you accepted your weaknesses, your kin's weaknesses, and your neighbour's. Humility is pacifying.
Talk end option tango.png I don't want to talk about that.
Talk end option tango.png That...does remind me of someone...
Talk end option tango.png That sounds like the least interesting thing I can think of.
If sylvari
A sylvari! I've finally met one!
Talk more option tango.png Pleased to meet you. What's your story?
My role in the collective is to be a sage. I try to learn as much as I can, often by traveling. So, I'm a bit like a sylvari!
Talk more option tango.png That's true!
With an important difference—although I'll admit that I enjoy my work, I do it for the collective, not for my own curiosity.
Talk more option tango.png That makes sense to me. You've got mouths to feed. Such as your own.
Don't you think you have duties? You didn't choose your scarcity-free life any more than we dredge chose to be enslaved, or blind, or hungry.
Talk more option tango.png I have a Wyld Hunt, so I never want for purpose. I protect Tyria.
Is a Wyld Hunt duty, or is it whim? If your Wyld Hunt told you to slay me now, would you?
Talk more option tango.png Of course not!
Why not?
Talk more option tango.png Because! I...I would consult with the Pale Tree.
And why does the Pale Tree dictate your actions? Duty.
Talk end option tango.png Well, she is my mother.
Talk end option tango.png I just wouldn't. Good-bye.
Talk more option tango.png I would. But it won't.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Your questions confuse and delight me. I'll think on them.
Talk more option tango.png I strike my own path.
Such a life is not afforded to a lowly dredge. Good luck in your travels.
Talk end option tango.png Good-bye.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds boring.
Talk end option tango.png Don't you just love new experiences? Bye now.


  • For the moletariat.
  • Hello.
  • Hello, comrade.
  • Comrade!
  • Greetings, comrade.


  • Ninukab appears to have been named after Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian revolutionary anarchist. ("Ninukab" is "Bakunin" spelled backwards.)