User:Lady Elyssa/Builds/Elementalist
“Some of the open world builds found here may be outdated and have been left here for reference. Please check my main characters pages for some up-to-date options.
The criteria used for all the open worlds builds is here.
Open World PvE Elementalist Group Builds[edit]
Scepter + Warhorn Viper Hybrid Tempest[edit]
- Sigil of Strength for easy Might Stacking.
- Blast Fire Fields for additional Might.
- Heat Sync to share Might with up to 10 people.
- Fire: Persisting Flames provides Fury when Blasting a Fire Field.
- Air: Glyph of Storms - Lightning Storm
- Tempest: Elemental Bastion can be taken for some minor sustain for you and your allies.
- Apothecary Runes can be used by those who struggle with their Might.
- The Strength Sigil can be replaced with a Force / Bursting Sigil for those more capable of stacking their own Might.
- Grieving Gear with either Balthazar or Krait Runes and Sigils of Agony, Smoldering or Malice.
Open World PvE Elementalist Solo Builds[edit]
Power Builds[edit]
Damage is dealt directly and takes effect immediately.
Scholar Elementalist / Tempest / Weaver[edit]
Fire Attunement is where most of your damage comes from. Fire - Burning Precision to be swapped for Burning Fire for additional condi cleanse. Air can be swapped out for Arcane 2,3,2. Arcane Blast is good for stronger single targets. Arcane Shield for when you need a bit survivability. Taking Arcane over Air provides an additional source of Arcane Shield as lower cooldown on Arcane Skills that can be used to Blast Combo Fields. Rune of Strength can be taken for easier Might stacking and a more consistent 5% damage bonus over the Scholars 10% for those who have difficulties keeping their health above 90%, especially for longer fights.
- Sigil of Strength
- +50% duration from Rune of Strength.
- Fried Golden Dumpling provides some easy additional Might if required.
- Fire: Persisting Flames provides Fury when Blasting a Fire Field.
- Blasting Lava Font with Arcane Brilliance / Arcane Wave also provides Fury plus some additional Might.
- Air: Glyph of Storms - Lightning Storm
- Fiery Greatsword can be swapped out for Glyph of Elementals to provide some additional utility and an additional target for mobs.
Staff Elementalist with Arcane
Staff Tempest with Arcane
- Tempest: Imbued Melodies can be used for additional boon duration and sustain.
Staff Weaver with Arcane
Dagger + Warhorn Fresh Air Tempest[edit]
The strength of Fresh Air Tempest isn’t from camping air but because any crit allows you to immediately switch back to air and procs Electric Discharge that inflicts Vuln on your target and being able to spam Overload Air that not only provides easy access to Vuln stacking but also provides abundant swiftness, procs Arcane: Arcane Prowess for some additional Might and also procs Weaver: Unstable Conduit. The Overloads also provide an Aura based on the Attunement. Overloads also provide Swiftness, Stability Protection and remove movement impairing conditions.
- Sigil of Strength
- +50% duration from Rune of Strength.
- Overload Fire provides a Fire Field for a Blast Finisher to provide Might and also Breaks Stun.
- Fried Golden Dumpling provides some easy additional Might if required.
- Air: Raging Storm grants you Fury on Crit and Ferocity increases while under the effect of Fury.
- Air: Glyph of Storms - Lightning Storm
Might and Fury can be shared to allies via Warhorn 4 - Heat Sync.
- Dagger + Warhorn with Fire
- Dual Dagger Fresh Air Weaver
- Staff helps in tagging during open world events.
- Scepter provides some ranged damage and a Blast Finisher from Dragon's Tooth
- Warhorn can be swapped for Dagger (more damage/mobility) or Focus (more defense/cc).
- Arcane Brilliance provides a Blast Finisher if preferred.
- Arcane Blast is strong against single targets and has charges.
- Arcane Shield for additional defense / blast + stun break.
- Glyph of Storms can be taken to help with Vuln Stacking.
- Air: Arcane Brilliance can be taken for Weakness instead of Vigor for extra dodges from Renewing Stamina.
- Tempest: Imbued Melodies can be taken for the increased Concentration when Lucid Singularity isn't required to remove movement impairing conditions.
Sword + Dagger Weaver - Arcane Scholar[edit]
Gain Vigor and Might on Crit and also gain Might when switching Attunements. Dual Attacks inflict Weakness and provide Swiftness and a small amount of Barrier, if in need of additional Vigor then Weaver: Invigorating Strikes can be taken for a small DPS loss.
A quick note on double attunements:
- Fire + Air = Offensive - Includes gap closers / leap finishers on Sword 2 for both Fire and Air.
- Fire + Earth / Water = Defensive - Evades / Heal + Barrier
- Earth + Water = Burst Heal from Water 2: Riptide (water field) + Blasts from Earth and Arcane Wave.
- Sigil of Strength
- +50% duration from Rune of Strength.
- Fried Golden Dumpling provides some easy additional Might if required.
- Fire: Persisting Flames provides Fury when Blasting a Fire Field.
- Blasting Lava Font with Arcane Brilliance / Arcane Wave also provides Fury plus some additional Might.
- Air: Glyph of Storms - Lightning Storm
- Master's Fortitude can be taken instead of Superior Elements for the extra Vitality.
- For greater condition burst damage take Fire: Power Overwhelming and Earth: Strength of Stone.
- Fire + Air Version - Aeromancer's Training + Fresh Air can also be taken for the Ferocity increase. Shocking Aura provides additional damage against foes that are CC'd and is of particular use against stronger foes like bosses.
Condition Builds[edit]
Deals damage over time.
- For longer fights take Fire: Pyromancer's Training / Earth: Geomancer's Training.
- For short bursty fights consider taking Fire: Power Overwhelming / Earth: Strength of Stone.
Dual Dagger Dual Condi (Fire + Earth) Sinister Elementalist[edit]
A hard hitting bursty core spec that provides a good introduction to Condi Ele.
- Sigil of Strength
- Blasting Fire Fields.
- Fire: Persisting Flames provides Fury when Blasting a Fire Field.
- Air: Glyph of Storms - Lightning Storm
- Scepter provides a medium range option and an additional Blast Finisher from Dragon's Tooth.
- Arcane: Final Shielding can be taken for a bit more survivability if needed.
- Elite Skill - FGS: Fiery Eruption is the main damage skill from the Elite.
- Elite Skill - Glyph of Elementals can be used to help manage agro and some utility.
Sword + Dagger Viper Dual Condi (Fire+Earth) Weaver[edit]
Signet of Fire makes for a strong burst opener on up to 5 targets and maintains its passive bonus courtesy of Earth: Written in Stone. Make good use of Lava Skin while attuned to Fire + Earth. Use Ring of Fire before attuning to Fire and following up with the blast finishers.
Note: Only need up to 80% Condition Duration as Weaver’s Prowess increases the Condition Duration by +20% for 8 secs after switching attunements.
Hybrid Builds[edit]
Scepter + Warhorn Grieving Tempest[edit]
- Blast Wildfire as it is a Fire Field with Combo Finishers like Phoenix, Dragon's Tooth, Sand Squall to stack Might.
- Heat Sync also provides Might and will share it with up to 10 people.
- Fire: Persisting Flames provides Fury when Blasting a Fire Field.
- Air: Zephyr's Boon grants Fury and Swiftness to allies you grant auras to.
- Air: Raging Storm Grants 2secs of Fury when Critically striking a foe.
- Air: Glyph of Storms - Lightning Storm
- Glyph of Elementals (Elite Skill) can be taken if needed to help with agro control.
- Arcane Brilliance can be taken as an additional blast to help with stacking Might.
- Elemental Bastion can be taken to provide a small heal when you gain an aura (30sec cooldown).
- Tempest: Tempestuous Aria provides some additional Might and also inflicts Weakness on enemies to further reduce incoming damage.
- Berserker gear can also be used due to being easier to acquire.
Explorer Builds[edit]
Swiftness, Evades, Endurance/Vigor to get you around quickly and unhindered while being able to easily disengage from combat so you can enjoy exercising your right to roam as you explore.
- Marginal difference between Runes of Exuberance, Durability or Leadership (except for the additional boon durations from Durability / Leadership).
- Captain Trinkets increase Crit Chance without losing too much Toughness.
- Can use Earth (1,3,2) instead of Arcane to further reduce the effect of movement impairing conditions on you and still benefit from Signet passives courtesy of written in stone.
- Marshall gear can be swapped out for Grieving for more DPS.
Sword + Dagger Evasive Arcana Marshalls Weaver[edit]
Gain a boon when switching attunements and cleanse a condition when you grant Regen.
- Sigil of Strength provides Might on Crit.
- Blasting Fire Fields.
- Gain Regen + Frost Aura when Critically Hit.
- Cantrips grant Regen.
- Vigor + Barrier when using Dual Attacks
- Cantrips grant Vigor.
- Earth Variant
- Water: Aquamancer’s Training can be taken for an additional 10% damage while your health is over 90%.
- Seraph Gear can be used for a more condition focused option.
- Stone Resonance can be used for additional Barrier generation.
Sword + Dagger Woven Stride Marshalls Weaver[edit]
Strong self sustain through passive healing every time you cast a spell or switch attunements. Dual Attacks grant you Swiftness and reduces duration of movement inhibiting conditions while also granting you Regen and curing a Condition. Dual attacks also provide barrier.
- Sigil of Strength provides Might on Crit.
- Blasting Fire Fields.
- Gain Regen + Frost Aura when Critically Hit.
- Cantrips grant Regen.
- Vigor + Barrier when using Dual Attacks
- Cantrips grant Vigor.
- Earth Variant
- Water: Aquamancer’s Training can be taken for an additional 10% damage while your health is over 90%.
- Zealot Gear is an alternative to Marshal.
Utility Builds[edit]
Boons / Support / Healing / Condi Cleanse
The main source of Boons is from Auras and Cantrips (Regen + Vigor). Cleansing Water removes conditions from those you grant Regeneration to.
- Can swap Berserker pieces for Marauder or Zealot gear for more sustain.
- Trade Leadership for Scholar Runes for more DPS instead of the 30% Boon Duration.
- Air can be swapped out for Earth (1,3,1 / Earth’s Embrace, Geomancer’s Training, Diamond Skin.
- Can use Mist Form or Arcane Shield.
- Heal - Glyph of Elemental Harmony provides Boons.
- Heal - Arcane Brilliance can be used as a Blast Finisher as needed.
- Heal - Ether Renewal provides a weaker heal in favor of pulsing condi cleanse.
- Dwayna Runes provide +30% Regen Duration.
- Grove Runes provide +30% Protection Duration.
Dual Dagger Fire Aura Elementalist[edit]
Scepter + Warhorn Mighty Fire Auras Power Tempest[edit]
Blasting the Fire Field created by Warhorn 5 - Wildfire grants Might + Fury.
- Overloads provide Swiftness, Protection, Regen and Vigor.
- Shouts to provide Protection, Regen, Vigor.
- Tempestuous Aria or Harmonious Conduit instead of Invigorating Torrents.
- Cantrips can be used in place of shouts when the additional utility is needed, if not using Cantrips switch to Cleansing Wave or Aquamancer's Training as needed. Thanks again to /u/Zosin for the reminder on this.
- Weaver Only - Earth’s Embrace and Rock solid traits can be taken for additional Stability if needed.
These builds are focused around a particular theme and include gear suggestions (where feasible) for those who appreciate the theme and look of their characters over a dry DPS build.
Human Scion of Balthazar[edit]
(only Humans get access to the Hounds of Balthazar)
Stick to Fire and be sure to create the tallest human with a chin beard and to pick up Balthazar’s Outfit and a suitably fiery sword skin to match.
- Viper Gear allows you to reach 100% Burning without the need for additional Burn Duration from Consumables or Sigils.
- Viper Gear can with Aristocracy Runes for easier Might generation.
- Viper Gear with Flame Legion Runes, Agony Sigil and Expertise Food.
- Berserker Runes for an increase in Power and Condi damage.
The Avatar of Balthazar uses the following equipment:
- Weapon: Royal Ascalonian Greatsword.
- Armor: Dark Helm Skin, Flame Legion Pauldrons, Heavy Armageddon Breastplate, Draconic Gauntlets, Council Guard Legguards, Draconic Boots, Avatar of Balthazar,
Back Piece
- Balthazar’s Regalia Outfit has a slot for the Fires of Balthazar back piece.
- Fallen Balthazar
Norn Corrupted Servants of Jormag[edit]
- Svanir ranks are comprised of corrupted male Norn
Make good use of Water mixed with Fire or Air to keep your foes bitterly chilled. Has a good Synergy with Chills from Reaper.
Staff Ice Elementalist of Svanir
- Sigil of Hydromancy for some AoE Chill.
- Sigil of Ice Inflicts Chill on Hit.
Chill Sources from Weaver Dual Attacks
- Sword 3 - Twin Strike (Fire,Water)
- Scepter 3 - Fiery Frost (Fire,Water)
- Scepter 3 - Glacial Drift (Air, Water)
- Sword 3 - Shearing Edge (Air, Water)
- Staff 3 - Monsoon (Air, Water)
- Dagger 3 - Katabatic Wind (Water, Air)
- Corrupted Weapons - These are the corrupted forms of the Norn Shaman's Etched weapons
- Jormag's Breath - Weaver only
- Frostforged Weapons
Avatar / Air Bender[edit]
Suggested Outfit
Suggested Armor Pieces
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Shoulders | None | |||
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Hands | None | ![]() |
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Additional Info[edit]
Table of elementalist combo skills
Swiftness / Movement Skills[edit]
- Attuned to Air - Zephyr's Speed (Minor Air Trait) provides a 25% movement speed increase.
- Attuned to Air - Heal: Glyph of Elemental Harmony + Trait: Inscription (Maj Air)
- Attuned to Air - Staff 5: Static Field + Heal: Arcane Brilliance / Utility: Arcane Wave
- Signet of Air - for a 25% bonus to movement speed.
- Staff 4 - Windborne Speed
- Lightning Flash
- Tempest: Speedy Conduit -Trait grants Swiftness on Overloads.
- Weaver - Sword 2: Fire - Flame Uprising / Air - Polaric Leap
- Swap Utilities to use skills like Arcane Shield, Signet of Earth, Glyph of Storms (Earth), Mist Form, Lightning Flash, Armor of Earth, Cleansing Fire, Weaver - Twist of Fate.
- Elite: Glyph of Elementals can be taken over FGS for simpler game play as well as to draw agro and provide some additional damage/support/CC.
- Swap to Traits like Fire: Blinding Ashes, Arcane: Final Shielding.
- Be aware of traits or skills that cause Weakness or additional Blinds, e.g. Arcane: Arcane Precision (Air for Weakness), Arcane: Elemental Surge (Air) for Blind, Tempest: Elemental Bastion.
- Weaver can make use of Stone Resonance for Barrier or Twist of Fate for Evades.
- Signet of Restoration works well for Weavers as switching attunements counts as a spell.
- Swap Berserker Gear for Marauder and use Superior Rune of Exuberance / Superior Rune of the Wurm to give you around 20k Health.
Condi Cleanse[edit]
- Heal: Ether Renewal.
- Utility: Cleansing Fire, Signet of Water.
- Elite: Glyph of Elementals (Water) - Crashing Waves.
- Traits - Fire: Burning Fire, Earth: Diamond Skin. Water: Cleansing Water (when grant Regen) / Cleansing Wave (when attuning to Water), Arcane: Evasive Arcana (when dodging while attuned to water).
Crowd Control[edit]
- Air 3 - Gust
- Air 5 - Static Field
- Water 4 - Frost Aura
- Air 3 - Shocking Aura
- Air 5 - Updraft
- Earth 4 - Earthquake
Warhorn (Tempest Only)
- Air 4 - Cyclone
Utility Skills
- Earth Shield 3: Magnetic Surge
- Earth Shield 4: Magnetic Shield
Elite Skills
- Tornado 3 - Debris Tornado
- Tornado 5 - Dust Charge
- Glyph of Elementals (Water) - Crashing Waves
- Glyph of Elementals (Air) - Shocking Bolt
- Tempest Only: Rebound (Water) - Frost Aura
- Tempest Only: Rebound (Air) - Shocking Aura