Static Field

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the elementalist skill. For other uses, see Static Field (disambiguation).

Static Field

Elementalist icon small.png Elementalist (skill list)
Weapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot empty tango.pngWeapon slot filled tango.png
Game link
0.75¾ Activation time  30 Recharge time  
Static Field

Create an electrical field that stuns foes crossing it.

Damage.png Damage: 202 (0.5)?
Damage.png Damage: 4 (0.01)?
Stun.png Stun: 2 seconds
Number of targets.png Number of Targets: 10
Duration.png Duration: 4 seconds
Radius.png Radius: 180
Combo.png Combo Field: Lightning
Evade.png Defiance Break: 200
Range.png Range: 1,200
Unblockable.png Unblockable

— In-game description

Related traits[edit]

Air Air

Arcane Arcane

Catalyst Catalyst


  • Inflicts the stun and damage when an enemy enters or exits its area (either through movement or teleporting skills).
  • This skill performs an initial strike that deals 200 Defiance Break when deployed in PvE.
  • Cannot be evaded.
  • An undocumented change was made for the balance patch on August 8, 2017, the field no longer stuns enemies that are on the edge of the AoE upon placement.
Sometimes, hitting the Static Field area will daze instead of stunning the target.

Version history[edit]

For a detailed skill history, see here.

Patch Changes
June 25, 2024
  • This skill now performs an initial strike that deals defiance-bar damage when deployed in PvE.
February 28, 2022 End of Dragons release:
  • (Undocumented) Added tooltip fact Defiance Break.
July 07, 2020
  • Icons for daze and stun are now displayed in light purple in skill and trait tooltips.
February 25, 2020 Competitive content update:
  • (Competitive split) Reduced power coefficient from 0.5 to 0.01.
May 08, 2018
  • The cooldown of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 30-second cooldown in all modes.
June 20, 2017
  • The radius of this ability has been decreased from 240 to 180.
February 22, 2017
  • The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 40 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.
April 19, 2016
  • The number of times this skill can be used to attempt to stun an enemy has been capped at 10.
June 23, 2015 Specialization update:
  • Blasting Staff: The effects of this trait have been added to all staff-skill area attacks by default.
April 15, 2014
  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to block the lightning field.
December 10, 2013
  • The strike from this skill will no longer be limited by range or line of sight, making it consistent with the stun portion of the skill.
October 15, 2013
  • Increased the combo ring radius to match the spell radius.
June 25, 2013
  • Reduced the aftercast by .3 seconds.
February 26, 2013
  • This field will now properly stun enemies that cross it rather than merely dazing them.
August 28, 2012 Game release:
  • Static Field has been added to the game.