Ring of Red Death

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Ring of Red Death.png

Ring of Red Death

Req. level
Account Bound
Silver coin 95 Copper coin
Game link
+126 Power.png Power
+85 Precision.png Precision
+85 Ferocity.png Ferocity
Infusion Slot Unused Infusion Slot

— In-game description


Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost
Aori Brightcrest Aori Brightcrest   Armistice Bastion 25 Laurel + 250 Badge of Honor
Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative   Lion's Arch Aerodrome 175 Magnetite Shard + 10 Gold coin
Brass Nettlemoor Brass Nettlemoor Hall of Monuments Eye of the North 35 Laurel
BUY-2046 PFR BUY-2046 PFR Mistlock Observatory
Fractals of the Mists
Mistlock Sanctuary
10 Pristine Fractal Relic
Fractal Reliquary Fractal Reliquary 25 Fractal Relic
Guest Elder (Laurel Merchant) Guest Elder   Thousand Seas Pavilion 35 Laurel
Jale Jale Bay of Elon Crystal Oasis 35 Laurel
Jocasta Jocasta Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists 35 Laurel
Kriss Kriss Outer Ring The Wizard's Tower 35 Laurel
Laurel Merchant Laurel Merchant The Great Lodge
The Upper City
Hall of Memories
Fort Marriner
Memorial Quadrant
Creator's Commons
Garden of Dusk
Snowblind Peaks
Mistlock Observatory
Commodore's Quarter
Fort Marriner
Divinity's Reach
Heart of the Mists
Lion's Arch
Black Citadel
Rata Sum
The Grove
Gendarran Fields
Fractals of the Mists
Lion's Arch
Memory of Old Lion's Arch
35 Laurel
Laurel Merchant (WvW) Laurel Merchant  
Eternal Battlegrounds
Blue Alpine Borderlands
Green Alpine Borderlands
Obsidian Sanctum (zone)
Edge of the Mists
Red Desert Borderlands
25 Laurel + 250 Badge of Honor
Merit Professor Rizzak Merit Professor Rizzak   Mistlock Sanctuary 35 Laurel
Nicola (laurel merchant) Nicola Hall of Memories Heart of the Mists 35 Laurel
Portable Magnetite Shard Exchange Portable Magnetite Shard Exchange 175 Magnetite Shard + 10 Gold coin
Qadim's Portable Magnetite Shard Exchange Qadim's Portable Magnetite Shard Exchange 175 Magnetite Shard + 10 Gold coin
Scholar Glenna (Salvation Pass) Scholar Glenna   Salvation Pass 175 Magnetite Shard + 10 Gold coin
Varka Varka Osprey Pillars Ember Bay 35 Laurel

Contained in[edit]

Used in[edit]

Item Rarity Discipline(s) Rating Ingredients
Ring of Red Death.png Attuned Ring of Red Death Ascended Mystic Forge 0
Ring of Red Death.png Ring of Red Death (Infused) Ascended Mystic Forge 0


  • This is a reference to the Xbox 360 video game console, which earned notoriety for having its early models of the system suffer from overheating and malfunctioning. The system flashes 3/4ths of a red ring around the power button, which quickly became known as the "Red Ring of Death".