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A Bug in the System (achievements)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the achievement category. For the release, see A Bug in the System.

A Bug in the System is an achievement category for achievements earned during the A Bug in the System story and within the Sandswept Isles.

A Bug in the System.png
A Bug in the System (Story Journal)
Total achievements: 51 Path of Fire mastery point 112Achievement points


  1. ^ Light Speed: Renamed from Faster than Light in the May 10th 2022 game update.
  2. ^ Talk to the Fist: Requires choosing the combat option twice.
  3. ^ The Specimen Chamber: Only the initial, singular bosses progress Specimen Chamber; defeating them when they spawn together does not count.
  4. ^ Three Golem Monte: Look for a faint glow left after the lightning strike when golems start to move. This will help with initial shuffle.
