Bitter Harvest

Bitter Harvest
- Year
- 1328 AE
- Storyline
- Heart of Thorns
- Chapter
- Bitter Harvest
- Location
- Bitter Harvest
(Dragon's Stand) - Level
- 80
- Preceded by
- Sign Cutting
- Followed by
- Hearts and Minds
- 398
Bitter Harvest is the fifteenth chapter of the Heart of Thorns story.
Explore the jungle dragon's stronghold.
- Meet up with the rest of your team.
- Continue looking for your captured friends.
- Choose who your team will save.
- Find Zojja.1
- Find Logan.1
- (Clear the archers attacking your second team.)
- Mordrem Guard Archers
- Destroy the Mordrem breachers.
- (Search for Trahearne.)
- Pursue Faolain.
- (Kill Faolain.)
- Faolain
1 Order switches depending on choice during mission.
- Crystalline Ore (25)
- Bag of Dragon's Stand Supplies (5)
- Writ of Maguuma Mastery (once per account)
Choice of:
Make your way through the jungle while being wary of groups of Mordrem appearing around you. When prompted with dialogue, pick to save either Zojja or Logan. Continue along the indicated paths towards your imprisoned chosen ally, kill the Mordrem surrounding the pod and then destroy the pod itself. Using the nearby bridge, aid your allies in attempting to save the other prisoner. Note that if you do not destroy the pod, no bridge will appear and the enemies on the other side of the chasm are invulnerable.
Proceed towards Dragon's Domain, and eliminate the breachers when they appear. Glide or jump along the boulders to the next objective, where Faolain appears and taunts the group. Entering the lake of mist will cause instant death. Instead, climb rocks to the left, then glide along a path of floating boulders to reach the path along the bottom of the map.
Follow her towards the helix, engaging groups of Mordrem as they appear behind the opened gates. At the helix, a series of gates blocks your way while you are periodically attacked by vine whips (which appear as yellow/orange circles on the ground that turn into tendrils). Climb the helix by running along the outcroppings in the outside edge between vine outbreaks. You can edge around each of the gates without having to destroy them. You will need to fight Mordrem before the second gate. Reaching the top of either helix (there are two) allows you to jump from the last outer spine on the edge over to the platform where Faolain waits.
Kill Faolain to finish the mission. The fight is not very challenging: Faolain will mostly maul your allies, leaving you free to attack her at range without much danger. She occasionally attacks the whole area with a series of tendrils, but these attacks can be evaded and are not very dangerous.
The story then proceeds immediately to a lobby area for the final mission, Hearts and Minds.
- Available from first play through
Bitter Harvest | Heart of Thorns: Act 4 | 1 | 0
Pursue friends and foes deep into the jungle stronghold.Journal: Bitter Harvest Completed | Completed Bitter Harvest | 0 |
- Complete the instance.
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Heart of Thorns: Act 4 | 5 |
Avoid being struck by any vine whips while climbing the helix.Story Instance: "Bitter Harvest"
Avoided All Vine Whips While Ascending the Helix | 5 |
- Achievement qualification may be tracked via the Achievement Eligibility: Untethered effect.
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Heart of Thorns: Act 4 | 5 |
Dive from the top of the helix into the center and reach the bottom within 10 seconds.Story Instance: "Bitter Harvest"
Dove from the Top of the Helix and Quickly Reached the Bottom | 5 |
- Gliding is allowed in order to avoid the thorns for Air Superiority.
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Heart of Thorns: Act 4 | 5 |
Defeat the Mordrem snipers.Story Instance: "Bitter Harvest"
Killed All Mordrem Snipers | 5 |
- The Mordrem Guard Sharpshooters can be found after the cinematic where Kasmeer is told to scout ahead. The player can glide to the platform they're on.
- Faolain
- Logan Thackeray
- Mordrem Breacher
- Mordrem Husk
- Mordrem Guard
- Mordrem Guard Blocker
- Mordrem Guard Cavalier
- Mordrem Guard Desolator
- Mordrem Guard Herald
- Mordrem Guard Mount
- Mordrem Guard Punisher
- Mordrem Guard Sharpshooter
- Mordrem Guard Sniper
- Mordrem Guard Stalker
- Mordrem Guard Tormentor
- Mordrem Troll
- Mordrem Wolf
- Veteran Mordrem Flamerider
- Veteran Mordrem Guard Sniper
- Veteran Mordrem Guard Stalker
- Veteran Mordrem Leeching Thrasher
- Veteran Mordrem Troll
- Veteran Mordrem Wolf
- Zojja
Entering the instance:
- Braham Eirsson: I wonder if Zojja or Logan knows anything about the dragon's weakness. Since they've been with the Mordrem this long.
- Canach: I have to say, I'm still a little surprised you'd consider that instead of just trying to bash it with your mace.
- Braham Eirsson: I'm not counting that out either.
- <Character name>: Those two might know something, but we have to save them first.
- <Character name>: And to do that, we need to catch up with the rest of the team.
Approaching the other part of the team:
- <Character name>: Tribune!
- Rytlock Brimstone: Commander! You're a sight for sore eyes.
- <Character name>: Interesting choice of words for a charr in a blindfold. How goes the search?
- Rytlock Brimstone: We're still on their trail, but this area is infested with heavy Mordrem patrols.
- Kasmeer Meade: Truthfully, we weren't able to go much further without some help. It's a good thing you arrived.
- Kasmeer Meade: What did you find in Rata Novus?
- Canach: Their research indicates Mordremoth has a vulnerability... We only have to discover it.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Then let's stop wasting our breath. We have friends to save and a weakness to find!
- Braham Eirsson: Ah, it's good to be back with you, Rytlock. I like the way tribunes think.
- <Character name>: Rox, we're on you.
Continuing to search:
- <Character name>: Dragging Zojja and Logan all this way; so close to its power. Do you think Mordremoth knew we would follow?
- Rox: You smell a trap?
- <Character name>: Just keep your eyes open. We don't want to get boxed in here.
Approaching a ledge overseeing a path split (in-game cutscene):
- Rytlock Brimstone: Looks like the path splits ahead.
- Rox: We don't have time to try both. If one's a dead end...
- Braham Eirsson: Yeah, we can't lose anyone else.
- <Character name>: Kas, scout ahead. We'll clear the next patrol and meet you at the fork in the road.
- Kasmeer Meade: Right away!
- If sylvari:
- Voice of Mordremoth: You are weak. Give in, and find peace.
At the split:
- <Character name>: Any sign of Kasmeer?
- Marjory Delaqua: Don't worry. She has a knack for popping right in when...
- Marjory Delaqua:'re talking about her. Perfect timing.
- <Character name>: What did you see?
- Kasmeer Meade: I found them both, but they're heavily guarded.
- Braham Eirsson: Are they alive?
- Kasmeer Meade: I couldn't tell. That trail leads to Logan; the high road to Zojja. Your orders, Commander?
Talking to Kasmeer Meade:
- Your choice, Commander?
- I'm going after Zojja.
- I'll head to Logan.
Choosing to save Zojja[edit]
Separating at the split:
- <Character name>: Marjory and Canach, you're with me.
- <Character name>: You four head for Logan and keep an eye out for Trahearne.
- Rytlock Brimstone: What if we're too late?
- <Character name>: Burn the bodies.
- Marjory Delaqua: Disturbing the way these huge vines move. It's almost as if you can feel the dragon breathe, being this close to it.
- Canach: Yes... "Almost..."
- <Character name>: The path narrows up ahead. Watch your line of fire.
- Marjory Delaqua: Archers ahead!
- <Character name>: Ambush! Back up! Back up!
- Marjory Delaqua: Check your footing. Not much room to maneuver on this cliff.
- Mordrem Guard Punisher: Submit to Mordremoth!
- Mordrem Guard Punisher: I will break you!
- Mordrem Guard Punisher: Feel the power of the jungle dragon!
- Canach: Surrounded!
- Marjory Delaqua: Watch your back!
- Marjory Delaqua: Breacher!
If sylvari, as vision blurs:
- <Character name>: (heavy breathing)
- Voice of Mordremoth: Wake. Join us.
- <Character name>: What happened? Where—?
- Mordrem Guard: You there! Make yourself useful and pick up a blade.
- <Character name>: A blade? For what?
- Mordrem Guard: For what? Because the dragon commands it!
- <Character name>: I am no slave to that monster!
- Mordrem Guard: This creature defies Mordremoth! Attack!
- <Character name>: Have to catch up with Marjory and Canach. Hopefully I didn't...
- Marjory Delaqua: Commander! Thank the gods! You disappeared during our last fight. We feared the worst.
- <Character name>: I'm okay. Just ran into a little trouble back there.
- Canach: Back there? Or in here?
- <Character name>: My head is fine, Canach. I'm glad to see yours is still attached to your shoulders.
- Canach: It gets harder and harder to keep it there, I know...
- <Character name>: It certainly does. Now let's find Zojja.
- Marjory Delaqua: Was that some sort of sylvari thing? I didn't understand a word.
Freeing Zojja:
- <Character name>: There! Up ahead!
- Marjory Delaqua: What have they done...?
- Marjory Delaqua: Zojja, can you hear me?
- Zojja: Eir? I—I can't see.
- Marjory Delaqua: No, it's Marjory.
- Zojja: Where's Taimi?
- <Character name>: She's... not here.
- Zojja: The darkness. I felt... behind myself; outside.
- Marjory Delaqua: You're here now. And you're safe.
- Zojja: Where's Taimi?
- Marjory Delaqua: We just said— She's fine; it's okay. Can you walk?
- Zojja: I think so, yeah.
- <Character name>: Marjory, steady her and meet up with us. Canach and I are going ahead to find the others.
- Canach: Don't want to leave the plant with the plant food, Commander?
- If sylvari:
- <Character name>: Nothing personal, we're both at risk of turning here. And maybe I simply enjoy your company, Canach.
- If not sylvari:
- <Character name>: I just enjoy your company, Canach.
- Canach: I don't blame you. Lead on, then.
Reaching the others:
- Rox: They came out of nowhere!
- <Character name>: Logan?
- Rytlock Brimstone: They stopped us; we didn't make it yet.
- <Character name>: Caithe. What's she doing here?
- Rytlock Brimstone: We found her tracking Faolain, and then we were waylaid by this group of Mordrem protecting that twisted branch.
- <Character name>: Faolain's here too?
- Caithe: Whatever that thing is, it's not Faolain. I came to put it out of its misery.
- Braham Eirsson: Get in line.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Behind me, too.
- <Character name>: No time to argue. We have to get to Logan.
- <Character name>: Braham, she makes one wrong move, you put her down.
- Braham Eirsson: With pleasure.
- Braham Eirsson: Hand over the daggers, traitor.
- Rytlock Brimstone: (growl) Logan!
- Kasmeer Meade: They're everywhere!
- <Character name>: These trees are a more advanced version of the blisters! That's why Zojja and Logan were taken here!
- Canach: The jungle dragon has outdone itself with this one.
- <Character name>: Logan?
- <Character name>: Get him out!
- Canach: Get back, it's going to explode!
- Rytlock Brimstone: He's unconscious.
- <Character name>: We must have been too late. He's much worse than Zojja.
- Kasmeer Meade: You found her?
- Zojja: Yes, they did.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Zojja! Not quite fertilizer yet, eh?
- Zojja: Rytlock, I didn't think— Where were you?
- Rytlock Brimstone: Oh, learning a thing or two here and there in the Mists. You know, typical jumping-into-a-rift sort of thing.
- Zojja: Anything to help me stop this dragon?
- Rytlock Brimstone: Why don't you let us handle that? This team... they're as good as we ever were.
Choosing to save Logan[edit]
Separating at the split:
- <Character name>: Marjory and Canach, you're with me.
- <Character name>: You four head for Zojja and keep an eye out for Trahearne.
- Rytlock Brimstone: What if we're too late?
- <Character name>: Burn the bodies.
- Rytlock Brimstone: I have dibs on the ugly one.
If sylvari, as vision blurs:
- <Character name>: (heavy breathing)
- Voice of Mordremoth: Wake. Join us.
- <Character name>: What happened? Where—?
- Mordrem Guard: You there! Make yourself useful and pick up a blade.
- <Character name>: A blade? For what?
- Mordrem Guard: For what? Because the dragon commands it!
- <Character name>: I am no slave to that monster!
- Mordrem Guard: This creature defies Mordremoth! Attack!
- <Character name>: Have to catch up with Marjory and Canach. Hopefully I didn't...
- Marjory Delaqua: Commander! Thank the gods! You disappeared during our last fight. We feared the worst.
- <Character name>: I'm okay. Just ran into a little trouble back there.
- Canach: Back there? Or in here?
- <Character name>: My head is fine, Canach. I'm glad to see yours is still attached to your shoulders
- Canach: It gets harder and harder to keep it there, I know...
- <Character name>: It certainly does. Now let's find Logan.
- Marjory Delaqua: Was that some sort of sylvari thing? I didn't understand a word.
Freeing Logan:
- <Character name>: Logan?
- Marjory Delaqua: Logan, can you hear me?
- Logan Thackeray: The others... Zojja...
- Marjory Delaqua: We're getting you out.
- Logan Thackeray: The darkness. I didn't know where to stand... It was lifting me.
- Marjory Delaqua: You're safe now. Can you walk?
- Canach: Did the Mordrem let anything slip about the dragon? A weak spot?
- Logan Thackeray: No. Nothing.
- <Character name>: Marjory, steady him and meet up with us. Canach and I are going ahead to find the others.
- Canach: Don't want to leave the plant with the plant food, Commander?
- If sylvari:
- <Character name>: Nothing personal, we're both at risk of turning here. And maybe I simply enjoy your company, Canach.
- Otherwise:
- <Character name>: I just enjoy your company, Canach.
- Canach: I don't blame you. Lead on, then.
Reaching the others:
- <Character name>: There! Up ahead!
- Marjory Delaqua: What have they done...?
- Rox: They came out of nowhere!
- <Character name>: Zojja?
- Rytlock Brimstone: They stopped us; we didn't make it yet.
- <Character name>: Caithe. What's she doing here?
- Rytlock Brimstone: We found her tracking Faolain, and then we were waylaid by this group of Mordrem protecting that twisted branch.
- <Character name>: Faolain's here too?
- Caithe: Whatever that thing is, it's not Faolain. I came to put it out of its misery.
- Braham Eirsson: Get in line.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Behind me, too.
- <Character name>: No time to argue. We have to get Zojja.
- <Character name>: Braham, she makes one wrong move, you put her down.
- Braham Eirsson: With pleasure.
- Braham Eirsson: Hand over the daggers, traitor.
- Rytlock Brimstone: (growl) Zojja!
- Kasmeer Meade: They're everywhere!
- If human:
- <Character name>: These cursed trees! That's why Zojja and Logan were brought here!
- If sylvari:
- <Character name>: These vile trees! That's why Zojja and Logan were brought here!
- Otherwise:[verification requested]
- <Character name>: These foul trees! That's why Zojja and Logan were brought here!
- Canach: The jungle dragon has outdone itself with this one.
- Zojja: Burn!
- Zojja: Burn!
- Zojja: Burn!
- Zojja: Us!
- Zojja: Burn us!
- Zojja: Kill us!
- Zojja: Please!
- Zojja: Burn us! Kill us!
- Kasmeer Meade: They must have inherited Zojja's will; they're trying to resist!
- Rytlock Brimstone: Poor devils... Far be it from me to deny their wishes!
- <Character name>: Get her out!
- Canach: Get back, it's going to explode!
- Rytlock Brimstone: She's unconscious.
- <Character name>: We must have been too late. She's much worse than Logan.
- Kasmeer Meade: You found him?
- Logan Thackeray: They did indeed.
- Rytlock Brimstone: Logan! I knew they couldn't make mulch out of you.
- Logan Thackeray: Rytlock! You came back— Where were you?
- Rytlock Brimstone: Oh, learning a thing or two here and there in the Mists. You know, typical jumping-into-a-rift sort of thing.
- Logan Thackeray: Anything to help me kill this dragon?
- Rytlock Brimstone: Why don't you let us handle that? This team...they're as good as we ever were.
Unified path[edit]
When Faolain appears (in-game cutscene):
- If saved Zojja first:
- Faolain: Isn't this touching? Destiny's Edge reunited as last. Logan, you're looking well.
- If saved Logan first:
- Faolain: Isn't this touching? Destiny's Edge reunited as last. Zojja, you're looking well.
- Braham Eirsson: Faolain!
- Caithe: It isn't Faolain. Mordremoth is behind those eyes.
- Braham Eirsson: Whoever it is is about to be put into a grave.
After the cutscene:
- Faolain: You'll have to catch me first.
- Braham Eirsson: Let's go!
- <Character name>: Kas, take Zojja and Logan and portal them out of here. Rox, go with. Keep 'em safe.
Reaching Faolain the first time (in-game cutscene):
- If saved Zojja first:
- Faolain: I'm shocked that you'd slaughter Logan's children like that. They were so beautiful. So much better than their father.
- If saved Logan first:
- Faolain: You slaughter Zojja's children so easily. They were so beautiful. So much better than their mother.
After the cutscene:
- Marjory Delaqua: They're monsters!
- Faolain: Don't you see? Harmony is coming, and you will join Mordremoth.
- Caithe: Your harmony is slavery, and we will not stand for it!
Reaching Faolain the second time (in-game cutscene):
- Faolain: You may have uprooted Zojja and Logan, but you'll never make it to Trahearne.
After the cutscene:
- Faolain: He'll have the pleasure of following his true master.
- <Character name>: He'd rather die than serve you!
- Faolain: Soon, he won't be able to tell the difference. Soon he'll become part of us.
After Faolain flees:
- Caithe: Commander, please! Let me fight! I can help you reach Trahearne!
- Caithe: I only want to kill the dragon! It's death might kill me—the entire sylvari people—but that's better than living in its grasp!
- Caithe: It's the only end I've been working toward.
- If sylvari:
- <Character name>: Fine. Potential risk to our people aside, if you cross me again, I'll personally send you to the Mists.
- If not sylvari:
- <Character name>: Fine, but if you cross me again, you'll join Faolain on her trip to the Mists.
Reaching the Heart of Thorns tree:
- <Character name>: This is dangerous territory. Everyone stay alert.
- Marjory Delaqua: Gods...this place. Where do we go?
- <Character name>: Up.
On the central spirals:
- If sylvari:
- <Character name>: We're here. This thing, this tree, must be the dragon's epicenter.
- Otherwise:
- <Character name>: This thing, this tree, must be the dragon's epicenter.
- Canach: Yes, I feel Mordremoth's eyes bearing down upon me.
- Braham Eirsson: Where is the beast? I want to meet eyes with the jungle overlord.
- Canach: It's not one thing out here, Braham. It's everything!
- Canach: The entire time we were traversing this jungle, we were afoot on its back. Like fleas on a hound.
- Braham Eirsson: If that's the case, then... Aaaarrrgghhh!
- <Character name>: Braham...
- Braham Eirsson: I know it doesn't hurt it; just something I had to do.
- Marjory Delaqua: What will hurt it then? This thing looks pretty solid.
- <Character name>: We'll figure it out. But right now we have to free Trahearne from whatever fate Mordremoth has in store for him here.
While fighting Faolain:
- Faolain: You cannot stop the inevitable. You cannot silence the pulse of this world.
- Faolain: Trahearne is ours!
- <Character name>: Not while any of us still breathe!
- Braham Eirsson: You can't run forever, Faolain!
- Faolain: Braham, how is your mother? Do give her my best.
- Braham Eirsson: By Wolf's breath, she will be avenged today!
- Faolain: I know Eir and I had our differences, but I hope she didn't think I was a thorn in her side.
- Braham Eirsson: Arrrrggggghh!
- Caithe: Faolain, please! If there's any part of you left... let us free Trahearne!
- Faolain: You still don't understand. There was never Faolain, there was never Caithe, there was never Trahearne...
- Faolain: There was always Mordremoth!
- Voice of Moredremoth: MORDREMOTH!
- Faolain: Caithe, don't you know it's dangerous to rebel against your creator?
- Caithe: I don't care the cost! The dragon will fall, and we will be free—in life or in death!
After defeating Faolain and Trahearne is dragged under the whirlpool:
- <Character name>: No! Trahearne!
- Canach: Not even a Firstborn deserves that...
- Marjory Delaqua: Caithe, are you...?
- Caithe: Fine. I made peace with Faolain's death when I saw what she'd become.
- Caithe: I'm right behind you. Just give me a moment to destroy her body.
- <Character name>: The rest of you with me. Time to end this.
My story[edit]
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- Caithe is the only NPC in your party who is Legendary rank, even though she cannot fight for most of the instance.
- The Line of Fire achievement can be completed on the first attempt even though the Qualify for Line of Fire effect doesn't appear.