Saidra's Haven

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Saidra's Haven

1Complete heart (map icon).png 1Point of interest (map icon).png

Saidra's Haven map.jpg
Map of Saidra's Haven

Doric LumberyardMantle's BreachDoric's LandingSaidra's HavenHarvest CascadesWatcher's HollowWatchtower CliffsFort EvenniaEastern Hunting GroundsLakeside BazaarMelandru's RefugeNew LoamhurstEastern Divinity ReservoirSaidra's Haven locator.svg

Saidra's Haven.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Saidra's Haven is a town found in Lake Doric. It frequently falls under attack by White Mantle forces.

Locations and objectives[edit]

Renown Heart
Complete heart (map icon).png Help restore life to Saidra's Haven (80)
Points of Interest
Point of interest (map icon).png SS Pinkeens
Event shield (tango icon).png Defeat the White Mantle and save the villager from burning (80)
Event swords (tango icon).png Defeat the White Mantle attacking Seraph troops (80)
Event flag (tango icon).png [Group Event] Defend Saidra's Haven from White Mantle attackers (80)
Event cog (tango icon).png Destroy the Jade Cannon (80)
Event shield (tango icon).png Escort the Seraph reinforcements to Saidra's Haven (80)
Event star (tango icon).png Escort the quaggan refugees to their destinations (80)
Event Caravan.png Intercept the White Mantle supply dolyak before it reaches Saidra's Haven (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Liberate Saidra's Haven from the White Mantle (80)
Event star (tango icon).png [Group Event] Liberate Saidra's Haven from the White Mantle (80)
Event flag (tango icon).png [Group Event] Liberate Saidra's Haven from the White Mantle (80)
Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Prevent White Mantle reinforcements from reaching Saidra's Haven (80)
Event swords (tango icon).png Protect the SS Pinkeens from the White Mantle looters (80)
Event swords (tango icon).png Stop the skritt from looting the SS Pinkeens's supplies (80)





Renown Heart (map icon).png Baron Jon Xander


White Mantle


Ambient dialogue[edit]

Captain Pinkeens: You, there! Care to join our crew and hop aboard? With your support, we'll shipping out in no time at all!
Captain Pinkeens: I'm not gonna let something as trivial as utterly demolished infrastructure cut into our profits!
Captain Pinkeens: "Come to Lake Doric," they said. "Lots of money to be made," they said.
Captain Pinkeens: (sigh) We're never leaving, are we?
Captain Pinkeens: Only a matter of time before we're able to set sail again, lads!

Crafting resources[edit]

Fishing nodes
Fish resource (map icon).png Lake Fish
Resource nodes
Jade Fragments.png Jade Fragments
Plant resource (map icon).png Lotus
Plant resource (map icon).png Sawgill Mushrooms

