Captain Pinkeens

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Captain Pinkeens


Interactive map

Captain Pinkeens is the captain of one of the defunct ships in Lake Doric.




Ahoy there! I'm Pinkeens, captain of the finest ship Lake Doric has ever seen. Care for a tour?
Talk more option tango.png Now may not be the most appropriate time for that, but...sure?
Excellent! I'll sign you up for the waiting list. You are currently number three on the list. Approximate wait time is...well, soon. Soon-ish. I hope.
Talk more option tango.png There are already two people in front of me?
Sure are! Ishoonoo from the quaggan village down below, and a nice old lady named Agatha. Said she wanted to see the entire area in order to help finish up a map she was making. What a nice lady.
Talk more option tango.png Agatha?! That "nice old lady" is the monster that attacked Saidra's Haven!
Oh. Oh my... this is awkward. I guess that means she won't be paying her fares, in which case... Congratulations! I'm proud to inform you that you've moved up to number two on the waiting list!
Talk end option tango.png Uh, great. Thanks. See you around, Captain.
Talk end option tango.png Well, I'll see you another time then. You owe me a tour!
Talk end option tango.png I'll try to be patient.
Talk more option tango.png Tour? Here? Now? You're aware of the huge war going on around us, right?
Sure, but what's a little profit in wartime? Life must go on, and so must my business. Those crazy cultists can't ruin my day!
Talk end option tango.png I admire your optimism...and frown upon your ignorance. See you around, Cap.
[verification requested]
Talk more option tango.png Why don't the White Mantle attack you? Aren't you scared?
To be truthful, I'm terrified. But I promised them I'd give them some of my supplies if they left me alone. That helps my business stay afloat AND keeps me amonst the living! Win-win, I'd say.
Talk more option tango.png But what if something happens to your supplies?
Then that's bad news for old Pinkeens. Let's hope we don't get to that point.
Talk end option tango.png Indeed, Captain Pinkeens. Let's hope.
Talk end option tango.png I see. Take care.
Talk end option tango.png No thanks.