Living World Season 3 content

White Mantle Control: Saidra's Haven

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White Mantle Control: Saidra's Haven

White Mantle Control: Saidra's Haven is one of three rotating Lake Doric map wide meta events and takes place in Saidra's Haven.

Event schedule[edit]

This event occurs every 2 hours at xx:00, after Noran's Homestead and before New Loamhurst.

Previous 2 hoursNext 2 hours
00:00 UTC

Dynamic events[edit]


If Saidra's Haven falls to the White Mantle
Baron Jon Xander: So the Mantle's in charge now, huh? That's fine. Not like I voted for the queen, after all.
If Saidra's Haven is liberated by the Seraph
Baron Jon Xander: Finally, I can drop the pro-White Mantle gimmick. Thank goodness. Back to business, everybody!

Related achievements[edit]