Priory Scholar
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Priory Scholar
- Race
- Various
- Level
- 34-80
- Location
- Tyria
(Tyria) - Organization
- Durmand Priory
Priory Scholars are various members of the Durmand Priory found throughout Tyria.
Event involvement[edit]
- Escort the southern invasion Pact squad to the Pact rally point at Triumph Plaza (75) [Group Event]
- Help the Pact reach the Altar of Betrayal before their morale is depleted (75) [Group Event]
- Seize the Altar of Betrayal before Pact morale can be broken (75) [Group Event]
- Defeat the Risen Priest of Balthazar before it can summon a horde of Risen (75) [Group Event]
- Protect the Cathedral of Zephyrs (79) [Group Event]
- Rescue Durmand Priory researchers from the steam creatures (30) [Group Event]
- Help the Priory return the energy core to the Henge of Denravi (25)
- See the Pact crash survivors safely to Meddler's Summit (80)
- Protect Pinion Pass from destroyers (36)
- Escort Scholar Yorix through the caverns (55)
- Protect Scholar Yorix during his ritual (55)
- Defend the Stone of Hazaan from Risen (62)
- Escort the supplies to Siegemaster Denbi (71)
- Aid the Pact soldiers around the airship wreck (80)
- Slay the giant destroyer crabs (36)
- Kill the veteran dragon shaman to save the Priory team (40)
- Save the camp from the Inquest golem (25)
- Defend the Priory while they rebuild Mirkrise camp (24)
- Protect the Durmand Priory scholars as they complete their ritual (40)
- Halt dredge expansion by defending Fridgardr Lodge (48)
Bloodtide Coast[edit]
- At Mournful Depths Waypoint
- Benthic exploration is its own reward. Our analysis of the sea floor caverns has provided fascinating insights.
- Sounds like interesting work.
- Undersea caving is filled with rich sensation. So deep beneath any visible surface, you become weightless and unrooted.
- Be careful down there.
Fireheart Rise[edit]
- At Mangonel Bivouac, charr scholar
- Exhilarating, isn't it? The dwarves are a fascinating race. Were, I should say, since they're all but extinct now. Their lands have been overrun by creatures of a terrible demeanor. Pay attention as you roam this area.
- If we're lucky, we'll find some old dwarven weapons. You'd be surprised at how well they survive the years. Dwarven workmanship is unparalleled.
- Good luck.
What do you hope to find here?
- Wonderful! I'll get to it then.
- Bye.
I'll protect you if you want to go look now.
- Bye.
- At Mangonel Bivouac, sylvari scholar
- I've never come across anything dwarven related that wasn't in an area of extreme hazard. The dwarves were nothing if not bold. Their loss was a great wound on the world. I'd be careful around here, if I were you.
- It's difficult to say. I have high hopes that we'll find dwarven weapons nearby, anything that will help us fight the Flame Legion.
- Good luck.
What are you hoping to find?
- Excellent. I'll start off now.
- Bye.
I'll protect you if you want to go look now.
- Bye.
Lion's Arch[edit]
- Inside Lion's Arch Aerodrome
- Glenna mentioned that you might need a lift. She's apparently discoevered something.
- Just through the door and up the starts to the waiting airship. It'll take you to the same destination that the Bloodstone Fen portal leads to.
- Thanks!
So where do I go?
- Maybe later.
Lornar's Pass[edit]
- At the Durmand Priory headquarters
- Ah, another brisk day in the mountains.
- Well, it may be a tough chilly. You clearly haven't spent enough time in the mountains. It's almost temperate by our standards. It may make me a little sleepy, but I can handle some cold.
- Sleepy, sure. Hey, that fire looks nice.
You're not cold at all?
- Yeah, brisk. Oh, look, a cozy fire.
- I'm lucky I've been stationed at Priory headquarters. The air is thick with knowledge. I can almost feel it.
- Sounds like moldering paper to me.
- At Durmand Priory during Defeat Reidarr Rockcrusher to calm him down
- I can't believe that blasted norn is back. He's so disruptive!
- That Reidarr fellow. He comes around every now and then and hollers for a challenger. Poor lout's probably had one too many drinks.
- Yes, and he'll continue to shout for a challenger until someone agrees to fight him. I'd do it myself, but he'd throttle me. I've seen him take on five men at once!
- Be careful, he's a big fellow. And if his bite's as bad as his bark, he could be trouble. Good luck.
- Thanks.
I'll have to see how tough this Reidarr really is.
- I'll let someone else handle it.
- I'll go see how tough he really is. (Same as above.)
- Someone else will take care of him.
What norn?
- He's noisy, but he's not hurting anyone.
- During Defend Cascade Bridge from pirate bombers
- Pirates are bombing the bridge! Somebody has to stop them!
- Thank you! The bridge is southeast of here. Take down any bombers you find on your way. Their explosives would make short work of that bridge.
- On my way.
Where is it? I'll gladly help!
- Thank you! The bridge is southeast of here. Take down any bombers you find on your way. Their explosives would make short work of that bridge.
- The bridge is the only safe trade route south. Destroying the bridge will sever our supply lines. Maybe they want to ambush caravans or weaken the Lionguard, but either way, they have to be stopped!
- Point the way. I'll try to help. same as "Where is it? I'll gladly help!"
- Sounds tough, but I don't have time.
Why would pirates bomb a bridge?
- I was told to recruit help. Why else would I be here instead of fighting pirates?
- Thank you! The bridge is southeast of here. Take down any bombers you find on your way. Their explosives would make short work on that bridge.
- On my way.
Point taken. I'll help. same as "Where is it? I'll gladly help!"
- Not interested. Find someone else.
Why don't you help?
- I'm too busy right now.
- During Protect the workers repairing Cascade Bridge
- Cascade Bridge has been destroyed by pirates! All trade south has been completely blocked. I'm here to find recruits to help defend the repair workers.
- The bridge is southeast of here. Repairs are underway, but the workers won't be able to finish the job without protection.
- On my way.
I think I could help with that.
- I'm busy.
Mount Maelstrom[edit]
- On a cliff in Murkvale, sylvari scholar
- The minions of Zhaitan mar all they touch. To the unseeing eye, they appear disorganized, but beneath Mount Maelstrom the minions act with purpose.
- It's foolish to assume that Zhaitan's minions lack intelligence. Should we rush into battle unprepared, our warriors will be crushed by waves of darkness.
- I'll be careful as I decimate Zhaitan's forces.
What does that tell us?
- Better to kill them here than on the home front.
- At Rata Pten, only with Secrets Obscured active, before receiving an Ancient Astral Ward Manual
- I've been working for weeks on these scrolls, but I must be getting close. Once I crack the cipher they used, I'll be able to write a dozen papers about early asuran society.
- What? How dare you! You can't put a price on knowledge like this. Go away; you're distracting me!
- Leave.
How much for the scrolls?
- Ha! This is my entire field of study, and you think you're going to crack it instead? Stop wasting my time; I'm very busy here.
- Leave.
Can I borrow them? Maybe I can figure it out.
- What are you talking about? Who tricked me?
- Oh, come on, that's not it? Although... I did find it odd that I couldn't crack this cipher yet, despite my expertise in the field...
- Fine, whatever. Dammit! All this wasted time. Make them pay for this, all right? I need a drink...
- Farewell.
If you let me borrow them, maybe I can prove it.
A rival research group planted fake artifacts here to waste your time.
Oh no, those jerks really tricked you, didn't they?
- Primary article: Durmand Priory#Greetings
Appearance in the Grand Piazza.