Escort the southern invasion Pact squad to the Pact rally point at Triumph Plaza

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Escort the southern invasion Pact squad to the Pact rally point at Triumph Plaza

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort the southern invasion Pact squad to the Pact rally point at Triumph Plaza is a level 75 event that starts in Squall Cusps and ends in Triumph Plaza and is part of the Southern Invasion of Orr meta event.


  • Pact members alive: x/7
  • Revive the fallen Pact members


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 14,333 Experience.png 356 Karma 83 Copper coin
Silver 12,183 Experience.png 303 Karma 70 Copper coin
Bronze 10,750 Experience.png 267 Karma 62 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 75 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event starts
Agent Arwyna: Our landing has been secured. We'll leave the rest up to you.
Warmaster Urho: You all fought well to make it here. Keep up the fight and hold the landing for us.
Warmaster Urho: The rest of you, follow me. We must press onward!
Risen spawning in Blighted Battleground
Warmaster Urho: Behind me!
Warmaster Urho: Cut them down and keep on the move.
Vigil Crusader: There's more Risen here!
Priory Explorer: Drive them back into the earth!
Vigil Crusader: We have more Risen coming our way.
Entering Hunter's Table
Warmaster Urho: Stay alert and keep your wits about you.
Risen spawning in Hunter's Table
Whispers Agent: Release them from their torment.
Priory Scholar: Destroy those things.
Priory Scholar: Exterminate them.
Nearing Pact Rally Point
Warmaster Urho: There's only a few of them. They're no match for us.
Event completed
Whispers Recruit: Friends! Here. They're here! Welcome.
Warmaster Urho: Thank you. We needed a safe place to prepare for the battle ahead.