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Lily of the Elon

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Lily of the Elon

Lily of the Elon map.jpg
Map of Lily of the Elon


Lily of the Elon.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Rub elbows with Amnoon's elite with an exclusive pass to a luxury riverboat casino notorious for serving both the nobility and criminal underground. This decadent den of iniquity offers convenience and comfort to those in the know, with access to vendors, banking, the Black Lion Trading Company, and more.

— Official site

The Lily of the Elon is a lounge located on an artificial island within the Bay of Elon, south of the Free City of Amnoon. Owned by the wealthy businessman and socialite Zalambur, it is frequented by privileged guests ranging from nobles to members of the criminal underground.

Getting there[edit]





Reinforce Armor (map icon).png Anvil [Reinforce Armor]
Bank (map icon).png Adak [Bank]
Gathering Merchant (map icon).png Ahman [Gathering Merchant]
Activity (map icon).png Baasim [<Current Activity>]
Black Lion Chest Merchant.png Black Lion Chest Merchant
Guild Trader (map icon).png Black Lion Exchange Specialist
Ectoplasm vendor.png Dealer [Merchant]
Merchant (vendor icon).png Ihsan [Merchant]
Makeover Preview (map icon).png Ihsan [Makeover Preview]
Laurel Merchant (map icon).png Jale
Weaponsmith (map icon).png Kameela, Black Lion Trader [Weaponsmith]
Merchant (vendor icon).png Mehmet [Merchant]
Mystic Forge.png Mystic Forge Attendant
Bounty Board (map icon).png Order of Shadows Agent [Bounty Hunter]
Trading Post (map icon).png Rahma [Trading Post]
Asura gate (map icon).png Rifaah
Merchant (vendor icon).png Jade Bot


Cooking Station (map icon).png Cemil [Master Chef]
Tailoring Station (map icon).png Duman [Master Tailor]
Artificing Station (map icon).png Eren [Master Artificer]
Jeweling Station (map icon).png Fatih [Master Jeweler]
Huntsman's Station (map icon).png Hakki [Master Huntsman]
Leatherworking Station (map icon).png Mada [Master Leatherworker]
Weaponsmithing Station (map icon).png Rauf [Master Weaponsmith]
Armorsmithing Station (map icon).png Tahiya [Master Armorsmith]

Guild services[edit]

Guild Banker (map icon).png Najwa [Guild Bank]
Guild Commendation Trainer (map icon).png Yucel [Guild Commendation Trader]

Ambient dialogue[edit]

Order of Shadows Agent: Wicked, ley-enhanced creatures are roaming the desert. What are you going to do about it?


Crafting Stations


Appearance of the Lily of the Elon during the demo.
  • During the demo, the Lily of the Elon consisted of two boats next to each other with wood floors instead of tiles, and had much less decoration.
    • A similar boat can still be found in the game, complete with Patrons enjoying drinks, to the northwest of the Lily.
  • The water pond in the centre has a circular current while submerged.