Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Decima, the Stormsinger

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Decima, the Stormsinger

Decima, the Stormsinger is a powerful titan who, along with Greer, the Blightbringer, intends to drain the magic of bloodstones located on Janthir Syntri.



Story involvement[edit]

Janthir Wilds story[edit]

Event involvement[edit]

Red Boss2.png [Group Event] Stop Decima from draining the bloodstone (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Summons Conduits
  • Arcane Beams

DefianceLocked defiance bar

  • Charging Energies (attack effect).png Empowered - Each awakened conduit increases Decima's outgoing damage. Stacking intensity.
  • Violent Currents.png Charged - The conduit has become charged after absorbing arcane flux energy from its attacks or an attack form another ally.  Conduits can use this charge to empower themselves or their allies to use powerful skills.
  • Reinforced Armor (Amnytas).png Hardened Titan Armor (at 75% and 25% health) - The titan has hardened its armor, reducing all damage to zero and preventing conditions from applying.
  • Ley Energy Shield.png Flux Shield (at 75% and 25% health) - Prevents all health damage while active. Allows Decima to consume linked conduits to refill her defiance.
  • Exposed.png Exposed (when all Flux Shield stacks are down) - Takes additional damage.
  • Craghammer - Channel a slam that inflicts massive damage upon impact followed by a shockwave of arcane energy.
  • Deadly Fluxlance - Charge a deadly arcane beam towards a conduit, inflicting massive damage to all foes standing on the red arrow marked by red X's.
  • Earthrend - Leap up and slam the ground, causing shards to erupt from the ground in a circular pattern at a distance. Inflicts heavy damage and Knockdown.png Knockdown (?s)
  • Flux Nova - Wave of electric energy that deals massive damage if not all Ley Energy Shield.png Flux Shield were taken down.
  • Fulgent Fluxlance - Charge an arcane beam towards a conduit, inflicting massive damage to all foes standing on the green arrow marked by green X's. Damage is distributed among all foes standing within.
  • Fulminating Aura - Overwhelm foes standing underneath with an aura that inflicts heavy damage every second.
  • Overcharged Conduit Blast - Release a blast of energy from an overcharged awakened conduit.
  • Seismic Crash -
Stolen skills
