Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Juvenile Spinegazer

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Juvenile Spinegazer.png

Juvenile Spinegazer


Horn of Maguuma
Deadly (Archetype).png Deadly: Condition Damage.pngPrecision.png

If you've explored the Realm of Dreams, you've likely experienced the terror of the spinegazer's stare; not only can it launch a barrage of ranged physical attacks, it also wages psychological warfare by planting tormenting visions in the minds of its enemies.


Juvenile Spinegazers are animal companions that can be charmed by rangers.

Pet skills and attributes[edit]

Spinegazer pets use the following skills.

Juvenile Spinegazer skills
Skill type Key Skill Description
Demon AI skills Evil Eye.png Evil Eye Send distressing thoughts to your enemy to torment them.
Staring Void.png Staring Void Blast demonic energy in front of you, inflicting conditions on enemies it hits.
Tormenting Visions.png Tormenting Visions Send distressing thoughts to your enemy to torment them.
Pet skill F2 Panopticon.png Panopticon Beast. Fire malignant magic at nearby enemies, corrupting boons on enemies it hits.
Soulbeast icon white.png
Soulbeast merged skills
F1 Staring Void.png Staring Void Blast demonic energy in front of you, inflicting conditions on enemies it hits.
F2 Tormenting Visions.png Tormenting Visions Send distressing thoughts to your enemy to torment them.
F3 Primal Cry.png Primal Cry Beast. Tap into your primal essence and unleash a debilitating roar.

At level 80, juvenile spinegazer pets have the following default attributes:

Attribute Value
Power.png Power 1,868
Precision.png Precision 1,524
Toughness.png Toughness 2,898
Vitality.png Vitality 2,211
Condition Damage.png Condition Damage 1,000
Ferocity.png Ferocity 0
Healing Power.png Healing Power 0


Horn of Maguuma

Interactive map[edit]


Unleashed appearance