Utility item

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the type of consumable. For for the slot skill type, see utility skill.

Utility consumables are items that increase specific combat abilities. Double-click utility consumables to use them.

— Level 32 rewards.

Utility items are consumables that grant a utility enhancement effect when consumed. Only one utility item enhancement and one food nourishment can be active at a time.

Utility items are divided into the following categories:

This article sorts all utility items by effect.


  • The following table gives an overview of the most common utility items usable by level 80 characters.
Converts from Converts to
Attribute 1 Power Condition damage Concentration Healing
to Others
Attribute 2 Power Expertise Ferocity Concentration Condition damage Concentration Expertise Concentration Expertise Healing power
Power Precision Toxic Tuning Crystal.pngToxic Potent Lucent Oil.pngPotent Lucent

Condition damage

Toxic Maintenance Oil.pngToxic
Condition damage Expertise Toxic Sharpening Stone.pngToxic

Precision Enhanced Lucent Oil.pngEnhanced Lucent
Healing Power Concentration Superior Sharpening Stone.pngBountiful

Master Tuning Crystal.pngBountiful Master Maintenance Oil.pngBountiful
Precision Precision

Superior Sharpening Stone.pngFurious Master Tuning Crystal.pngFurious Master Maintenance Oil.pngFurious
Ferocity Superior Sharpening Stone.pngSuperior (Potent)
Tin of Fruitcake.pngTin of Fruitcake
Healing Power Master Maintenance Oil.pngMaster (Potent)
Peppermint Oil.pngPeppermint
Expertise Master Tuning Crystal.pngMaster (Potent)
Tuning Icicle.pngTuning Icicle
Toughness Toughness

Corsair Sharpening Stone.pngCorsair Corsair Tuning Crystal.pngCorsair Magnanimous Maintenance Oil.pngCorsair
Vitality Toughness Magnanimous Sharpening Stone.pngMagnanimous
Compact Hardened Sharpening Stone.pngCompact (2%)
Magnanimous Tuning Crystal.pngMagnanimous
Compact Quality Tuning Crystal.pngCompact (2%)
Magnanimous Maintenance Oil.pngMagnanimous
Compact Quality Maintenance Oil.pngCompact (2%)
Concentration Precision

Holographic Super Cheese.pngHolographic Holographic Super Apple.pngHolographic Holographic Super Drumstick.pngHolographic
Type Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Sharpening Stone Artificer tango icon 20px.png Tuning Crystal Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Maintenance Oil

Conversion ratio[edit]

Attribute points are converted in the following ratios:

For example, a Superior Sharpening Stone will convert 3% of your precision and 6% of your Ferocity into Power. Utility items that convert Power, Precision, Toughness and/or Vitality will always give a minimum of 30 points to the attribute they are being converted to.

Basic utility items[edit]


Level Duration Item Effect
0 30m Rough Sharpening Stone.pngRough Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 1% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills
15 30m Simple Sharpening Stone.pngSimple Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 2% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills
30 30m Standard Sharpening Stone.pngStandard Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 1% of Your Precision
Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Ferocity
+10% Experience from Kills
45 30m Quality Sharpening Stone.pngQuality Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 2% of Your Precision
Gain Power Equal to 2% of Your Ferocity
+10% Experience from Kills
60 30m Hardened Sharpening Stone.pngHardened Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 2% of Your Precision
Gain Power Equal to 4% of Your Ferocity
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Superior Sharpening Stone.pngSuperior Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Power Equal to 6% of Your Ferocity
+10% Experience from Kills


Level Duration Item Effect
0 30m Apprentice Maintenance Oil.pngApprentice Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 1% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills
15 30m Journeyman Maintenance Oil.pngJourneyman Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 2% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills
30 30m Standard Maintenance Oil.pngStandard Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 1% of Your Precision
Gain Concentration Equal to 2% of Your Healing Power
+10% Experience from Kills
45 30m Artisan Maintenance Oil.pngArtisan Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 2% of Your Precision
Gain Concentration Equal to 2% of Your Healing Power
+10% Experience from Kills
60 30m Quality Maintenance Oil.pngQuality Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 2% of Your Precision
Gain Concentration Equal to 4% of Your Healing Power
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Master Maintenance Oil.pngMaster Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Concentration Equal to 6% of Your Healing Power
+10% Experience from Kills

Condition Damage[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
0 30m Apprentice Tuning Crystal.pngApprentice Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 1% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills
15 30m Journeyman Tuning Crystal.pngJourneyman Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 2% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills
30 30m Standard Tuning Crystal.pngStandard Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 1% of Your Precision
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 2% of Your Expertise
+10% Experience from Kills
45 30m Artisan Tuning Crystal.pngArtisan Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 2% of Your Precision
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Expertise
+10% Experience from Kills
60 30m Quality Tuning Crystal.pngQuality Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 2% of Your Precision
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 5% of Your Expertise
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Master Tuning Crystal.pngMaster Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 8% of Your Expertise
+10% Experience from Kills

Special utility items[edit]

  • Special utitilty items have been introduced during several Game updates providing either enhanced effects compared to Basic utility items or completely different stats bonuses. Nevertheless the trinity Sharpening stone, Maintenance oils and Tuning crystals is maintained.


Level Duration Item Effect
70 30m Compact Hardened Sharpening Stone.pngCompact Hardened Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 2% of Your Vitality
Gain Power Equal to 2% of Your Toughness
80 30m Superior Sharpening Stone.pngMist-Infused Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Power Equal to 6% of Your Ferocity
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Tin of Fruitcake.pngTin of Fruitcake Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Power Equal to 6% of Your Ferocity
+10% Experience from Kills
+10% Karma Bonus
80 45m Superior Sharpening Stone.pngOgre Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Power Equal to 6% of Your Ferocity
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Superior Sharpening Stone.pngPotent Superior Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Power Equal to 6% of Your Ferocity
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Superior Sharpening Stone.pngBountiful Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 6% of Your Healing Power
Gain Power Equal to 8% of Your Concentration
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Toxic Sharpening Stone.pngToxic Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 6% of Your Condition Damage
Gain Power Equal to 8% of Your Expertise
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Magnanimous Sharpening Stone.pngMagnanimous Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Vitality
Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
+10% Experience from Kills

Power and Expertise[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
80 30m Corsair Sharpening Stone.pngCorsair Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
Gain Expertise Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
+10% Experience from Kills

Power and Ferocity[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
80 30m Superior Sharpening Stone.pngFurious Sharpening Stone Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Ferocity Equal to 3% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills

Power and Concentration[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
80 30m Holographic Super Cheese.pngHolographic Super Cheese Gain Power Equal to 8% of Your Concentration
Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills


Level Duration Item Effect
70 30m Compact Quality Maintenance Oil.pngCompact Quality Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 2% of Your Vitality
Gain Concentration Equal to 2% of Your Toughness
80 30m Peppermint Oil.pngPeppermint Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Concentration Equal to 6% of Your Healing Power
+10% Experience from Kills
+10% Karma Bonus
80 45m Master Maintenance Oil.pngHylek Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Concentration Equal to 6% of Your Healing Power
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Master Maintenance Oil.pngPotent Master Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Concentration Equal to 6% of Your Healing Power
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Toxic Maintenance Oil.pngToxic Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Power
Gain Concentration Equal to 6% of Your Condition Damage
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Magnanimous Maintenance Oil.pngMagnanimous Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Vitality
Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Enhanced Lucent Oil.pngEnhanced Lucent Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 6% of Your Condition Damage
Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Potent Lucent Oil.pngPotent Lucent Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Power
Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills

Concentration and Expertise[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
80 30m Magnanimous Maintenance Oil.pngCorsair Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
Gain Expertise Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
+10% Experience from Kills

Concentration and Healing Power[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
80 30m Master Maintenance Oil.pngFurious Maintenance Oil Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Healing Power Equal to 3% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills

Healing Power and Concentration[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
80 30m Holographic Super Drumstick.pngHolographic Super Drumstick Gain Healing Power Equal to 8% of Your Concentration
Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills

Outgoing Healing[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
80 30m Master Maintenance Oil.pngBountiful Maintenance Oil Gain 0.6% Increased Healing Increase for Every 100 Healing Power
Gain 0.8% Increased Healing Increase for Every 100 Concentration
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Master Maintenance Oil.pngMist-Infused Maintenance Oil Gain 0.6% Increased Healing Increase for Every 100 Healing Power
Gain 0.8% Increased Healing Increase for Every 100 Concentration
+10% Experience from Kills

Condition Damage[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
70 30m Compact Quality Tuning Crystal.pngCompact Quality Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 2% of Your Vitality
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 2% of Your Toughness
80 30m Tuning Icicle.pngTuning Icicle Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 8% of Your Expertise
+10% Experience from Kills
+10% Karma Bonus
80 45m Master Tuning Crystal.pngKrait Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 8% of Your Expertise
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Master Tuning Crystal.pngPotent Master Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 8% of Your Expertise
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Master Tuning Crystal.pngBountiful Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 6% of Your Healing Power
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 8% of Your Concentration
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Toxic Tuning Crystal.pngToxic Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Power
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Magnanimous Tuning Crystal.pngMagnanimous Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Vitality
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
+10% Experience from Kills

Condition Damage and Expertise[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
80 30m Master Tuning Crystal.pngFurious Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Expertise Equal to 3% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Corsair Tuning Crystal.pngCorsair Tuning Crystal Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
Gain Expertise Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
+10% Experience from Kills

Condition Damage and Concentration[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
80 30m Holographic Super Apple.pngHolographic Super Apple Gain Condition Damage Equal to 8% of Your Concentration
Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills

Magic Find[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
80 30m Sharpening Skull.pngSharpening Skull Reviving an ally grants Feline Fury to both you and your revived ally.
Feline Fury increases all attributes by a small amount.
+10% Experience from Kills
+30% Magic Find
80 30m Flask of Pumpkin Oil.pngFlask of Pumpkin Oil Reviving an ally grants Pumpkin Prowess to both you and your revived ally.
Pumpkin Prowess increases power, toughness, and vitality.
+10% Experience from Kills
+30% Magic Find
80 30m Lump of Crystallized Nougat.pngLump of Crystallized Nougat Reviving an ally grants Ghoul's Grasp to both you and your revived ally.
Ghoul's Grasp increases condition damage, precision, and toughness.
+10% Experience from Kills
+30% Magic Find

Slayer potions[edit]

Writs and Theses[edit]

The texture for theses on the ground.
  • Writs and Theses can be crafted by the guild crafting discipline Scribe.
  • Theses work similar to feasts in where they create a book on the ground that grants players that interact with it their respective buff.


Level Duration Item Effect
0 30m Writ of Basic Strength.pngWrit of Basic Strength Gain 40 Power When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
0 60m Thesis on Basic Strength.pngThesis on Basic Strength Gain 40 Power When Health above 90%
+10 Experience from Kills
15 30m Writ of Strength.pngWrit of Strength Gain 60 Power When Health above 90%
+10 Experience from Kills
15 60m Thesis on Basic Strength.pngThesis on Strength Gain 60 Power When Health above 90%
+10 Experience from Kills
30 30m Writ of Studied Strength.pngWrit of Studied Strength Gain 100 Power When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
30 60m Thesis on Basic Strength.pngThesis on Studied Strength Gain 100 Power When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
45 30m Writ of Calculated Strength.pngWrit of Calculated Strength Gain 120 Power When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
45 60m Thesis on Basic Strength.pngThesis on Calculated Strength Gain 120 Power When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
60 30m Writ of Calculated Strength.pngWrit of Learned Strength Gain 160 Power When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
60 60m Thesis on Basic Strength.pngThesis on Learned Strength Gain 160 Power When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Writ of Masterful Strength.pngWrit of Masterful Strength Gain 200 Power When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Thesis on Basic Strength.pngThesis on Masterful Strength Gain 200 Power When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills


Level Duration Item Effect
0 30m Writ of Basic Accuracy.pngWrit of Basic Accuracy Gain 40 Precision When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
0 60m Thesis on Basic Accuracy.pngThesis on Basic Accuracy Gain 40 Precision When Health above 90%
+10 Experience from Kills
15 30m Writ of Accuracy.pngWrit of Accuracy Gain 60 Precision When Health above 90%
+10 Experience from Kills
15 60m Thesis on Basic Accuracy.pngThesis on Accuracy Gain 60 Precision When Health above 90%
+10 Experience from Kills
30 30m Writ of Studied Accuracy.pngWrit of Studied Accuracy Gain 100 Precision When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
30 60m Thesis on Basic Accuracy.pngThesis on Studied Accuracy Gain 100 Precision When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
45 30m Writ of Calculated Accuracy.pngWrit of Calculated Accuracy Gain 120 Precision When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
45 60m Thesis on Basic Accuracy.pngThesis on Calculated Accuracy Gain 120 Precision When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
60 30m Writ of Masterful Accuracy.pngWrit of Learned Accuracy Gain 160 Precision When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
60 60m Thesis on Basic Accuracy.pngThesis on Learned Accuracy Gain 160 Precision When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Writ of Masterful Accuracy.pngWrit of Masterful Accuracy Gain 200 Precision When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Thesis on Basic Accuracy.pngThesis on Masterful Accuracy Gain 200 Precision When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills

Condition Damage[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
0 30m Writ of Basic Malice.pngWrit of Basic Malice Gain 40 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
0 60m Thesis on Basic Malice.pngThesis on Basic Malice Gain 40 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10 Experience from Kills
15 30m Writ of Malice.pngWrit of Malice Gain 60 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10 Experience from Kills
15 60m Thesis on Basic Malice.pngThesis on Malice Gain 60 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
30 30m Writ of Studied Malice.pngWrit of Studied Malice Gain 100 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
30 60m Thesis on Basic Malice.pngThesis on Studied Malice Gain 100 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
45 30m Writ of Calculated Malice.pngWrit of Calculated Malice Gain 120 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
45 60m Thesis on Basic Malice.pngThesis on Calculated Malice Gain 120 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
60 30m Writ of Learned Malice.pngWrit of Learned Malice Gain 160 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
60 60m Thesis on Basic Malice.pngThesis on Learned Malice Gain 160 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
80 30m Writ of Masterful Malice.pngWrit of Masterful Malice Gain 200 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Thesis on Basic Malice.pngThesis on Masterful Malice Gain 200 Condition Damage When Health above 90%
+10% Experience from Kills

Movement Speed[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect
15 30m Writ of Basic Speed.pngWrit of Basic Speed 10% Movement speed.
+10% Experience from kills
15 60m Thesis on Basic Speed.pngThesis on Basic Speed 10% Movement speed.
+10% Experience from kills
60 30m Recipe sheet fine boots.pngWrit of Studied Speed 15% Movement speed.
+10% Experience from kills
60 60m Thesis on Basic Speed.pngThesis on Speed 15% Movement speed.
+10% Experience from kills
80 30m Recipe sheet masterwork boots.pngWrit of Masterful Speed 25% Movement speed.
+10% Experience from kills
80 60m Thesis on Basic Speed.pngThesis on Studied Speed 25% Movement speed.
+10% Experience from kills

Utility stations[edit]

  • Utility stations are dropped on the ground for multiple players to click, granting a utility effect.
Level Duration Item Effect
80 60m Sharpening Stone Station.pngSharpening Stone Station Gain Power Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Power Equal to 6% of Your Ferocity
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Sharpening Stone Station.pngDemon-Slaying Station +10% Damage vs. Demons, Kryptis, and Titanspawn
-10% Damage from Demons, Kryptis, and Titanspawn
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Sharpening Stone Station.pngKarka Toughness Station +150 toughness
80 60m Maintenance Oil Station.pngMaintenance Oil Station Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Concentration Equal to 6% of Your Healing Power
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Maintenance Oil Station.pngBountiful Maintenance Oil Station Gain 0.6% Increased Healing to Other Allies for Every 100 Healing Power
Gain 0.8% Increased Healing to Other Allies for Every 100 Concentration
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Maintenance Oil Station.pngMagnanimous Maintenance Oil Station Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Vitality
Gain Concentration Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Tuning Crystal Station.pngTuning Crystal Station Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Precision
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 8% of Your Expertise
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Tuning Crystal Station.pngToxic Tuning Crystal Station Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Power
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Precision
+10% Experience from Kills
80 60m Tuning Crystal Station.pngMagnanimous Tuning Crystal Station Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Vitality
Gain Condition Damage Equal to 3% of Your Toughness
+10% Experience from Kills
80 2h Decade Enhancement Station.pngDecade Enhancement Station +3% to All Attributes
+10% Magic Find
+10% Gold from Monsters
+10% Karma
+10% Experience from Kills

Other utility items[edit]

Level Duration Item Effect Acquisition
80 60m Powerful Potion of Inquest Slaying.pngPotion Of Karka Toughness +150 Toughness Southsun Economist
0 10m Weak Potion of Nightmare Court Slaying.pngSkale Venom You have a 10% chance to inflict weakness and vulnerability for 5 seconds when you hit a foe. Rexavian Redfoot
15 30m Swift Moa Feather.pngSwift Moa Feather Movement speed increased by 10%. Tigg (Currently Not Available)


Related achievements[edit]


  • Utility items convert stats gained from food as well as those from all kinds of equipment, but do not convert stats gained from temporary trait/skill buffs or boons.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]