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Necromancer Morga

Minion Master[edit]

Skill Description
Summon Blood Fiend.png Summon Blood Fiend Minion. Summon a blood fiend that transfers health to you on each attack.
Summon Bone Fiend.png Summon Bone Fiend Minion. Summon a bone fiend that attacks foes at range. Delivers a crippling attack once every ten seconds.
Summon Shadow Fiend.png Summon Shadow Fiend Minion. Summon a shadow fiend to attack foes.
Summon Bone Minions.png Summon Bone Minions Minion. Summon two bone minions.
Summon Flesh Golem.png Summon Flesh Golem Minion. Summon a flesh golem to attack foes with crippling claws.

Axe + Focus

Necromancer icon small.png Spite 20

Necromancer icon small.png Death Magic 30

Necromancer icon small.png Blood Magic 20

Well Marked[edit]

Skill Description
Well of Blood.png Well of Blood Well. Conjure a well of blood to heal allies.
Well of Power.png Well of Power Well. Target area pulses, converting conditions on allies into boons and granting might.
Well of Darkness.png Well of Darkness Well. Target area pulses, blinding foes with each pulse.
Well of Corruption.png Well of Corruption Well. Target area pulses, converting boons on foes into conditions.
Lich Form.png Lich Form Spectral. Assume the form of a lich for a brief time, improving your precision and vitality. Gain life force when this skill ends. Entering this form removes other spectral effects.

Necromancer icon small.png Spite 20

Necromancer icon small.png Death Magic 30

Necromancer icon small.png Blood Magic 20