Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content


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We are all godspawn, but I am Ura. And I am far stronger than my stock.


Ura is a titan godspawn who is respected by both Decima, the Stormsinger and Greer, the Blightbringer. She claims to be far stronger than her stock. She is willing to reason with her enemies and is able to command her weaker godspawn brethren to obey her. Ura has the power to manipulate the environment in Janthir Syntri, raising a steam wall to prevent the Pact Commander's party from finishing off Decima and Greer while offering the Commander's party a truce in exchange for them backing down.

Story involvement[edit]

Janthir Wilds story[edit]


  • Ura is voiced by Courtenay Taylor.
  • Ura may be inspired by Urash, the Mesopotamian goddess regarded as the personification of the earth who was the mother of many other Mesopotamian deities.
  • Ura may also be inspired by Uranus, the primordial deity who fathered the Titans in ancient Greek mythology.