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Help the Priory expedition team gather supplies and reach their new research site

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Help the Priory expedition team gather supplies and reach their new research site

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help the Priory expedition team gather supplies and reach their new research site is an event to secure the Northwatch Descent outpost.


  • Priory researchers alive: x/4
  • Revive fallen researchers.
  • Supplies Gathered
  • Event bar empty2.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





At event start
Magister Laella: Expedition team, gather around.
Magister Laella: The outpost is secure. Now we do what comes next: evaluate the area.
Explorer Byronn: With what? We have no provisions. Our equipment was stolen.
Scholar Morrat: And all of our friends...
Magister Laella: Mariette will learn what she can from our glowing associate. We'll establish a research camp.
Magister Laella: We will make this jungle work for us. Now, recover the supplies, and head for high ground. Any questions?
Sage Zende: I will accompany you. We have a mutual goal.
Magister Laella: Very well. Move out.
Magister Laella: Forward!
Upon reaching some supplies
Magister Laella: There's the supplies. Grab everything, and let's and go!
Sage Zende: Watch out. Mordrem are upon us.
Magister Laella: Hurry. We're sitting ducks here.
Sage Zende: More incoming!
Magister Laella: Move out!
Scholar Morrat: Argh. Tendrils have covered the road.
Upon event completion
Magister Laella: We're almost there. Watch out.
Magister Laella: This will be sufficient. My glowing friend. What will you do now?
Sage Zende: It is too dangerous to continue right now.