Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Titans and Environment—Observation and Speculation

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Titans and Environment—Observation and Speculation

Titans and Environment—Observation and Speculation is a book found at the Durmand Priory during Trial and Error.

Story involvement[edit]

Janthir Wilds story[edit]


Sleeping Area—The southern room.
Titans and Environment—Observation and Speculation

Greer—Bionomic Influence: Swamp
Called the "rot bringer" by locals familiar with his putrid air, Greer's form has taken on characteristics of swampy regions of the Slithering Outskirts. Lowland kodan Rainless Meadow, stationed near Old Gavril Plaza, succinctly described the titan as "swampy and gross." She recalled, "The smell curled the fur on my nose."

An account taken by the alliance from the sylvari Caithe summarized Greer's presence as follows: "I sensed sickness the moment I set foot in the area. You don't have to be a sylvari to tell the environment's ailing. One whiff is proof enough. But to also feel the misery of those innocents... The plagued plants, the poisoned waters...the leaves curled by death... The mere memory makes me sick. Being there was nearly more than I could bear."

Decima—Bionomic Influence: Storm
While not as offputting to the senses, Decima's intrusion upon the Stricken Plains ecosystem has proved equally detrimental. The Stricken Plains, as their name suggests, are known for frequent lightning strikes. Decima's presence appears to have increased this frequency exponentially.

Research conducted by Tyrian Alliance and Astral Ward members indicates a near-constant risk of wildfires. This burn risk poses a major threat to the safety of individuals, wildlife, and vegetation in the area. Lowlanders report a dramatic drop in the season's crop yield, fearing food shortages for the coming winter.

Ura—Bionomic Influence: Unknown
Due to her discovery being so recent, Ura's exact bionomic influence is yet to be determined. According to alliance accounts from the former Pact commander and allies, Ura used explosive steam walls to deter combatants. Based on what we know of Greer and Decima, this manner of attack is no accident. It may also be a key to discovering the geographical region of her hiding place. The use of steam may suggest geyser influence, which Janthir's northern isles are known for.

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