Onyx Lodestone

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Onyx Lodestone.png

Onyx Lodestone

Item type
Crafting material
Material type
Rare material
Mat. storage
Advanced Crafting Materials
Disciplines used by
Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png 400
Artificer tango icon 20px.png 400
Handiworker tango icon 20px.png 225
Huntsman tango icon 20px.png 400
Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png 400
Scribe tango icon 20px.png 300
Tailor tango icon 20px.png 400
Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png 400
63 Copper coin
Game link
Trading post
External links


Gathered from[edit]

Dropped by[edit]

Contained in[edit]

Salvaged from[edit]

Map Bonus Reward[edit]

It is currently Week 1.


Onyx Lodestone
Mystic Forge
Output qty.
Onyx Lodestone
Mystic Forge
Output qty.

Used in[edit]

Mystic Forge

Item Rarity Ingredients
Cragstone.png Cragstone Exotic
Dreadwing.png Dreadwing Exotic

Multiple disciplines

Item Rarity Discipline(s) Rating Ingredients
Prismatic Lodestone.png Prismatic Lodestone
(Learned from: multiple recipes)
Exotic ArtificerArtificer tango icon 20px.pngHuntsmanHuntsman tango icon 20px.pngWeaponsmithWeaponsmith tango icon 20px.png 400
Heat Stone.png Heat Stone
(Learned from: Recipe: Heat Stone)
Ascended ArmorsmithArmorsmith tango icon 20px.pngLeatherworkerLeatherworker tango icon 20px.pngTailorTailor tango icon 20px.png 500

Armorsmith tango icon 20px.png Armorsmith

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Gift of Darkness.png Gift of Darkness
(Learned from: Recipe: Gift of Darkness)
Legendary 400
Superior Rune of the Earth.png Superior Rune of the Earth Exotic 400

Artificer tango icon 20px.png Artificer

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Superior Sigil of Impact.png Superior Sigil of Impact Exotic 400

Handiworker tango icon 20px.png Handiworker

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Block Topiary.png Block Topiary
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 2)
Basic 225
Bronze Triple Trouble Trophy.png Bronze Triple Trouble Trophy
(Learned from: Recipe: Bronze Triple Trouble Trophy)
Basic 225
Body Topiary.png Body Topiary
(Learned from: Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 3)
Basic 300
Silver Triple Trouble Trophy.png Silver Triple Trouble Trophy
(Learned from: Recipe: Silver Triple Trouble Trophy)
Basic 300

Huntsman tango icon 20px.png Huntsman

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Superior Sigil of Paralyzation.png Superior Sigil of Paralyzation Exotic 400

Leatherworker tango icon 20px.png Leatherworker

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Gift of Stealth.png Gift of Stealth
(Learned from: Recipe: Gift of Stealth)
Legendary 400
Superior Rune of the Ogre.png Superior Rune of the Ogre Exotic 400

Scribe tango icon 20px.png Scribe

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Large Block of the Solid Ocean.png Large Block of the Solid Ocean Basic 300
Slab of the Solid Ocean.png Slab of the Solid Ocean Basic 400
Woodfire Grill.png Woodfire Grill Basic 400

Tailor tango icon 20px.png Tailor

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Gift of History.png Gift of History
(Learned from: Recipe: Gift of History)
Legendary 400

Weaponsmith tango icon 20px.png Weaponsmith

Item Rarity Rating Ingredients
Gloominator.png Gloominator
(Learned from: Recipe: Gloominator)
Exotic 400
Superior Sigil of Strength.png Superior Sigil of Strength Exotic 400
Colossus Statue.png Colossus Statue
(Learned from: Box of Recipes: The Colossus)
Exotic 500

Guild upgrades[edit]

Upgrade Guild Level AetheriumAetherium FavorFavor Materials
Objective Aura 6: Toughness Objective Aura 6: Toughness 29 5,000 200
Scribing: Guild Trebuchet Scribing: Guild Trebuchet 30 5,000 500
Scribing: Invincible Dolyak Scribing: Invincible Dolyak 11 2,000 300
Scribing: Invulnerable Fortifications Scribing: Invulnerable Fortifications 28 5,000 300