Capture point
Capture points, or control points, are locations which players must stand in for a period of time to claim for their team. Capture points appear in PvE, WvW, and sPvP. They are signified by a transparent circle or square on the ground.
To capture a point your team must remain in the area. An unclaimed capture point will be colored white. In order to successfully capture a point, the following steps must be fulfilled:
- If the point has already been claimed by the enemy team, you must neutralize it before it can be captured.
- There must be no members of the opposing team in the area.
- The time it takes to capture a point is not influenced by the number of people in the area.
- Once captured the point may change to your team's color, or be removed if in a PvE environment.
- Capture point contribution is prevented while using skills that grant any form of invulnerability (see below). In addition, points cannot be captured while stealthed.
A capture point is contested when both teams have players in the area. While contested, the capture point will not move toward neutralization or capture.
A capture point which is not owned by either team is neutral. The time to neutralize a point is much quicker than the time to capture it. Neutral control points are always shown in white.
Related skills[edit]
Weapon skills that prevent capture point contribution
Obsidian Flesh — Focus, when attuned to earth