Capture point

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Capture points, or control points, are locations which players must stand in for a period of time to claim for their team. Capture points appear in PvE, WvW, and sPvP. They are signified by a transparent circle or square on the ground.



To capture a point your team must remain in the area. An unclaimed capture point will be colored white. In order to successfully capture a point, the following steps must be fulfilled:

  • If the point has already been claimed by the enemy team, you must neutralize it before it can be captured.
  • There must be no members of the opposing team in the area.
  • The time it takes to capture a point is not influenced by the number of people in the area.
  • Once captured the point may change to your team's color, or be removed if in a PvE environment.
  • Capture point contribution is prevented while using skills that grant any form of invulnerability (see below). In addition, points cannot be captured while stealthed.


A capture point is contested when both teams have players in the area. While contested, the capture point will not move toward neutralization or capture.


A capture point which is not owned by either team is neutral. The time to neutralize a point is much quicker than the time to capture it. Neutral control points are always shown in white.

Related skills[edit]

Weapon skills that prevent capture point contribution

Bundle skills that prevent capture point contribution

Utility skills that prevent capture point contribution

Elite skills that prevent capture point contribution

Profession mechanic skills that prevent capture point contribution

Racial skills that prevent capture point contribution