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Living World Season 4 content

Metal Shipment

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Metal Shipment.png

Metal Shipment

Item type
Account Bound
32 Copper coin
Game link

Open to receive an assortment of metal.

— In-game description


Sold by[edit]

Vendor Area Zone Cost Notes
Alaleh Alaleh Chalon Docks Domain of Istan 250 Volatile Magic + Gold coin
Ethall Ethall Atholma Sandswept Isles 250 Volatile Magic + Gold coin
Gharr Leadclaw/Weekly, Map Currency, Essence & Bulk Exchanges Gharr Leadclaw Hall of Monuments
Pact Base Camp
Outer Ring
Eye of the North
Dragon's Stand
The Wizard's Tower
Gold coin + 50 Rare Rift Essence
Guest Elder (Research Merchant) Guest Elder   Thousand Seas Pavilion 600 Jade Sliver
Jade Servitor (merchant) Jade Servitor Xunlai Jade Junkyard
The Echovald Wilds
600 Jade Sliver
Karnn Fallenskull Karnn Fallenskull Hall of Monuments Eye of the North 250 Volatile Magic + Gold coin
Kynon Kynon The Forge Thunderhead Peaks 250 Volatile Magic + Gold coin
Mist Warden Quartermaster Mist Warden Quartermaster Pact Command Dragonfall 250 Volatile Magic + Gold coin Requires the achievement Cutting Weeds.
Nalar Nalar Allied Encampment Domain of Kourna 250 Volatile Magic + Gold coin
Portable Wizard's Tower Exchange/Weekly, Map Currency, Essence & Bulk Exchanges Portable Wizard's Tower Exchange Gold coin + 50 Rare Rift Essence
Quartermaster Zineb Quartermaster Zineb The Astralarium Domain of Istan 60 Kralkatite Ore + Gold coin
Quartermaster Zineb Quartermaster Zineb The Astralarium Domain of Istan 100 Powdered Rose Quartz + Gold coin
Rally Provisioner Rally Provisioner Lower Blood Keep
The Ooze Pit
Grothmar Valley
Grothmar Valley
250 Volatile Magic + Gold coin
Repurposed Jade Servitor (Research Merchant) Repurposed Jade Servitor Echovald Fringe Dragon's End 600 Jade Sliver
Trader Hyacinth Trader Hyacinth Yatendi Village Jahai Bluffs 250 Volatile Magic + Gold coin
Xunlai Jade Sales Associate Xunlai Jade Sales Associate Shing Jea Monastery
Mori Village
Cobble Ward
Garden Heights
Daigo Ward
Lutgardis Plaza
Seitung Harbor
Xunlai Jade Quarry
Southern Bluff
Seitung Province
The Echovald Wilds
New Kaineng City
New Kaineng City
Seitung Province
New Kaineng City
Seitung Province
Dragon's End
Dragon's End
600 Jade Sliver

Reward tracks[edit]

  • Tier 7,
1st reward. 31st of 40.
  • Tier 6,
5th reward. 30th of 40.
  • Tier 6,
5th reward. 30th of 40.
  • Tier 6,
5th reward. 30th of 40.
  • Tier 7,
1st reward. 31st of 40. (1) – PvP only.
  • Tier 6,
5th reward. 30th of 40.
  • Tier 6,
5th reward. 30th of 40.
  • Tier 7,
1st reward. 31st of 40. (1) – PvP only.
  • Tier 6,
5th reward. 30th of 40.



  • Metal Shipment has a higher chance to drop Mithril Ore than any other metal ore.
  • Based on the drop rate research, a Metal Shipment is currently worth (TP buy price) and (TP sell price).Disclaimer
Item Average number of item received per container opened
Mithril Ore.pngMithril Ore 58.995
Iron Ore.pngIron Ore 16.515
Platinum Ore.pngPlatinum Ore 8.305
Orichalcum Ore.pngOrichalcum Ore 8.195
Copper Ore.pngCopper Ore 7.991

See also[edit]